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Re: Recipes for anti-candida diet

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Miriam, have a look at the information in our CANDIDA folder

which you will find in the Files section of this forum. Here is just one

document that might be useful that wrote about. See towards the end

with her recommendations and some foods she suggests for breakfast, dinner etc.

Luv - Sheila

Candida – what’s good and what’s not.



I have got leaky

gut syndrome myself and in my case it was caused by severe Candida Albicans

overgrowth in my intestines over the course of decades. Because of the nature

of this condition I can't imagine that anything other than Candida overgrowth

in the gut would cause leaky gut, but I can't be absolutely certain of that. My

Candida antibody count 4 years ago was >150 (ref range <10), and I

think it's safe to assume that anybody who is at the leaky gut stage has got it

bad. I feel much better now, but I do not consider myself cured

from leaky gut nor Candida – probably never will be able to. There is no

shortage of powders and potions out there that promise to heal the gut (Biocare

do one that is excellent), and no doubt, some of them are very good, but IMO it

only works when you eliminate the cause of the problem by simultaneously not

only by having a `good' diet, but (as much as humanly possible) a

sugar free one, and by that I mean to cut out all refined sugars in any shape

or form for a long, long time – years, rather than months. Since

this is not very realistic, personally I have (after an initial superhuman

effort for one year) opted for the next best thing – moderation. To

my mind it stands to reason that in order to heal the leaky gut you first have

to eliminate its cause.

I've learned the

hard way that there are no `short cuts'. If anybody promises you gain without

the pain, don't believe it. You put sugar in at one end, and you get

trouble the other end.... simple as that. A high price to pay for a short lived

pleasure. A bloated stomach and horrible wind are usually the first

symptoms, brain fog, muscle and joint pains are to follow suit. Sugar feeds the

yeast in the intestines and the bad bacteria multiplies at the speed of

lightening. For years I have stuck my head into the sand rather than face up to

the facts, but since I have seen my Candida antibody result, it has finally

sunk in.... it is up to me to help myself, because nobody else will

waive the magic wand, and if I cheat, I am only cheating myself.

To follow Dr.

Peatfield's protocol to kill off Candida with Fluconazole is a start. Yes, I

know, Fluconazole is hard on the liver and the thyroid, but to do a course as

Dr. P. recommends, is IMO the lesser of two evils. Fluco will kill off

the Candida overgrowth all right when you follow the protocol, but it is not a

wonder drug. It only works if you stop eating (and drinking) sugar. Fluco

will kill off the yeast, but it will not keep it down.... you eat sugar, the

whole process starts again. I would never go to the extremes that

are recommended on some American sites and take mega doses – to my mind

this is asking for liver damage. The key to permanently reducing the

Candida albicans bacteria (which, I understand, lives in us all) to normal

levels is a diet free of excessive refined sugar.

But whilst avoiding

sugar as much as possible to my mind is the be-all and end-all when dealing

with Candida overgrowth, it is equally important to support the body by

supplying it daily with the best probiotic you can afford. It makes sense

– it's warfare down there.... yeast overgrowth is bad bacteria, so you

balance it with good bacteria in order to prevent the bad guys from taking over

the gut. Both, Biocare and Lamberts, offer some excellent products. I

take plenty of probiotics daily without fail. I addition I use natural

antifungals in my diet like garlic and olive oil. I have also recently started to

take wild Oregano oil caps, as recommended by JOT. I feel they help.

There is something

else which I find helps a great deal and speeds up the process to good health.

It's not everybody's cup of tea, but I was desperate enough to try it and am

glad I did .... Colon lavage. Before going down that route, you

need to do your home work. You need to find a good and registered Hydro

therapist and preferably take a look at the clinic where it is done before

committing yourself. The idea is to wash out the yeast overgrowth from your

colon and that may take perhaps 2-3 sessions in monthly intervals. Each time

the water seems to go a little further up the colon, and washes out all those

impacted faeces that have been festering in there for years. After the

initial few session it may only be necessary to repeat the treatment once every

3-6 months or so, as the case may be. It is a lot less scary than it sounds. If

you wanted a recommendation – I know a very good and gentle soul (Hydro

therapist) who works in a private clinic in Guildford (Surrey). She charges £

65 per session, if I recall correctly. Before I forget to mention – this

treatment is not suitable for anyone with Colitis.

And there is

more.... Candida albicans thrives in moderately acidic conditions, but can't usually

survive strong stomach acids. It is an assumption, but I would guess that

people with severe Candida (and therefore leaky gut syndrome) have very

low stomach acid. I know that I have. I have tested myself, and I suffer from

hypochlorhydia which means I have hardly any stomach acid left. To make matters

worse, I used to have a mouth full of amalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings, which

are 50% mercury, surrounded by warm and moist saliva, create an acidic

environment in the mouth, which in turn provides the perfect breeding ground

for Candida. Usually this bacteria would get killed off in the

stomach by the strong acid, but only if you have strong acid levels. If you had

low stomach acid like me, then the bacteria will happily live and multiply all

the way through the intestinal tract and then go to work permeating the

intestinal walls. Paradoxically the symptoms for low stomach acid are the same

as for high stomach acid and instead of increasing stomach acid, most people

are told to take antacids, which makes the problem worse. I am eternally

grateful to Ian on this forum for having shown me the light.... since I now

take HCl my tummy feels a lot better [thanks, Ian ;o)] Please have

a read through this site http://howto.whnlive.com/Betaine/

Anti-Candida diet

It will be hard - no two ways about it. It will have to

become a way of life, as there is no quick fix nor will it be over in a couple

of months. Even if at first you succeed, the moment you go back to your

" normal " way of eating, the Candida will come back with a

vengeance. Been there several times, tried all the shortcuts - it’s a

waste of time. If you want this to work, the first thing you need to do is to

adjust your mind and from now on regard sugar in all shapes, forms and

disguises as your enemy No.1. Sugar is a poison and it is

everywhere! You won't be able to avoid it totally, but you need to avoid

any obvious and added sugars. Carbohydrates are a bit of a minefield

(a big part of carbs turns into sugar in your body).... but carbs in your

diet are necessary. So you need to be sensible. I am no nutritionist, and

apart from the obvious ones like grains etc, I don't always know what is what.

But generally speaking - if it tastes sweet, avoid it.

Bread is made from

grains - so you need to cut out as much as you can. Forget about white bread

altogether ... switch to Rye bread and/or Ryvita. If you need a slice of bread

every now and again, at least opt for wholemeal and limit yourself to maybe one

slice every 3 days. - General rule... the less refined the grain, the

harder it will be for your system to process the food and to access the

sugar in it... which is what you want to achieve.

Rice - switch to

brown rice. White rice is pure starch ... and starch turns to sugar. Brown rice

in small quantities is ok. It's the same principle as above. Brown

rice is less processed, and therefore the body will have to do the work

and it is harder to access the sugar in it.

Pasta - again... switch

to wholemeal pasta and only eat it in small quantities.

In my view -

because this has to become a way of life and not just a short lived diet, it

would be unrealistic to forbid absolutely everything. It will only lead to

failure. But it is equally dangerous to take this as an excuse for eating

forbidden fruits. I feel it is best to apply common sense, and re-educate

our taste buds. You don't need to starve yourself, because everything you

'want' is full of sugar, but instead substitute what you can't have with something

equally pleasurable. Also, you'd become a social bore if every time you go out

or are invited for a meal you keep saying; I can't eat this, that and the


Alcohol - really

sorry.... but that's a big No-No. Having said that - on very special occasions I

allow myself ONE (moderate) glass of wine or Champagne. But on the rare

occasion when I do, it has to be the very best of the best. I would not break

my rule for just any old bottle. I make it a special time and savour the


Beer - forget it.

I say this with a tear in my eye, as I love my lager or cider ... but beer

is particularly bad for Candida sufferers, so just forget it exists




- forget them too - they are full of sugar. Opting for the sugar

free version is no good either. They are full of aspartame (which is

part of rat poison btw) and that is carcogenic.

Water - learn to love

it :o))) You need lots of it - about 1 1/2 - 2 litres per



- that’s a difficult one. It would be best to avoid all fruit for

the first couple of months, and thereafter to add it into the diet in

moderation, avoiding tropical fruit (too sweet) and sticking to apples,

pears and the less sweet berries. For me... this is my weakness and a luxury I

allow myself. I can't live without fruit. So I am eating it. But I am sensible

about it and have reduced my fruit intake. When I need something sweet, I usually butter a

slice of Ryvita or two and thinly slice a small banana on top - not good, I know,

but this is part of being realistic to my mind. - Caution...

avoid dried fruits at all cost... they are pure sugar.

Everything you eat

should be as fresh as possible. Avoid take-aways and all ready-made meals -

both are full of sugar. Use fresh ingredients wherever you can. Make soups

yourself, so you'll know what's in them. - Have fresh salads for lunch... just

because you can't have sugar does not mean that you have to starve yourself. -

It's difficult to list every little thing you have to avoid, just use

common sense - cheeses, milk products (except for plain yoghurt),

pizza's, chocolates and alcohol are out, but there are good

tasting substitutes. Instead of milk you can use unsweetened rice

milk or unsweetened soya milk (although soya is not good for the thyroid).

For me a typical

daily menu looks like that:

Breakfast: 1 boiled

egg, 2 slices of ryvita with butter and a cup of herbal tea



bowl of (oats) porridge cooked with rice milk or soya milk and added fruit for


Snack: an apple or

a pear, a handful of fresh (unsalted) organic nuts (unshelled is

best...because of mould!)

Lunch: a bowl of

porridge or a fresh mixed salad or a homemade soup



a slice of buttered Ryvita with sliced banana and a cuppa

Supper: a normal

cooked meal, as usual. - sometimes I have " pudding "

;o) ... a bowl of plain yoghurt with fresh lemon juice and Stevia,

adding a few fresh or frozen berries

As you see... I do

not starve myself. I try to eat a bowl of porridge at some stage every day. It

fills me up, gives me energy, and because it is a cooked cereal, it

somehow is ok. My tongue does not fur up after eating that nor do my teeth -

and for me this is a good measure of how my system copes. - The good news is

that on this kind of " diet " I have lost quite a bit of weight without

even trying. Instead of having the gratification of instant pleasure from

eating chocolates, nowadays I have the lasting pleasure of rewarding myself

with a new piece of clothing very now and again when I have lost yet another

bit of excess weight. I have slowly regained (and am keeping) the

weight I had as a young woman... and I am not even trying ;o))

As Sheila says -

also read the excellent info in the files about Candida. Other than the

" diet " you will need to take fluconazole as outlined by Dr. P. (150

mg per week for 3 consecutive weeks) - and this may need to be repeated a few

times. *I* do 3 weeks " on " - 4-5 weeks " off "

fluconazole. You also need to take Bio-Acidophilus every day and use as many

natural 'antifungals' in your diet as possible.

I hope this helps -

and chin up ... I promise you, there is life after sugar :o))


From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of miriam_hinch

Sent: 29 March 2011 11:58

thyroid treatment

Subject: Recipes for anti-candida diet

Please can anyone recommend easy recipes for

someone doing an anti-candida diet who is not well enough to stand up cooking

in the kitchen. Are there any good recipe books which might take the low energy

problem into consideration? Someone has recommended an electric steamer as

being easy to use. Any other hints and tips please?


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Thanks, Sheila. I'll look through that and pick out things that dont' involve

much work in the kitchen.


> Miriam, have a look at the information in our CANDIDA folder which you will

find in the Files section of this forum. Here is just one document that might be

useful that wrote about. See towards the end with her recommendations

and some foods she suggests for breakfast, dinner etc.

> Luv - Sheila

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Hi Lilian,

I remember my dear Mother about 75 at the time said - isn't the Dr wonderful he is sending me to the Well Woman clinic - I said Oh Mum sorry to disappoint you but he is only doing that because he gets a cut from the government for doing so - she had never been asked to go to one before but now money was involved he was showing his concern. Makes me so angry it really does.

best wishes


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