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Re: Selenium & Synthroid

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that rush is probably your poor old adrenals managing to stir into action,

having been asleep all day.

Selenium is thought to be essential for helping you convert the t4 into t3.

If your endo thinks that is a bunch of bunk, there are plenty of references

arond to show he is wrong.... what is he doing to make you better then?

One thing to say the conversion thing is wrong, but how is he helping?

My tsh has been 0.01 for about the past 7 years, once it got up to 0.1 but I

felt dreadful and put on weight.... I have no hyper signs and do not have

thinning bones....

The hair loss may be related to lack of iron. How are your ferritin, folate

and B12 levels?


> just wondering if anyone knows whether or not adding selenium can cause

problems if you are already taking synthroid. I think that I have problems

converting T4 to T3 (although my endo says that's a bunch of bunk)

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Dear Sharon

You should take 200mcgs Selenium daily to help with the

conversion of the mainly INACTIVE thyroid hormone T4 into the ACTIVE thyroid

hormone T3. I would be inclined to leave such an EndoPrat and find one who

knows how the greater thyroid system works, as this one will cause you more

problems. What thyroid hormone replacement are you taking and what dose and

when was it last increased.

Hair loss can be due to several things going on, and one is low

ferritin levels. Get your GP to test your levels of ferritin, vitamin B12,

vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc. Get the results together with

the reference range and post them on the forum. A doctor cannot withhold such

information from you. If your GP tells you that you need to ask your present

EndoPrat to get these tested, and the EndoPrat tells you there is no connection

between low levels of these and peripheral thyroid hormone reception and that

again, " it's all bunk " , copy off the attached document to show him

just how very wrong he is and how he should update his knowledge.

knows whether or not adding selenium can cause

problems if you are already taking synthroid. I think that I have problems

converting T4 to T3 (although my endo says that's a bunch of bunk) so I decided

to add selenium to aid with this problem. Because my TSH is already at 0.17 or

lower, I don't want to mess around and become super hyper. Added the selenium

as my hair is falling out like crazy on the left side of my head and also

eyebrow on that side is very thin at the corner. The last couple of days I've

been feeling a little rush toward the end of the day and wonder if it can be related.

1 of 1 File(s)


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my TSH is 0.09 / FT3 - 4.6 and FT4 19 (lab range TSH .35-5.0/FT3 2.6-5.7/FT4

12-22). was on .115 synthroid and endo reduced it to .1 - very shortly

thereafter my hair started falling out on the left side only.

Am waiting for an appt with another endo specialist in Toronto LMC Endocrinology

Centres and hope that they are more current with their views. If this fails, I

will be seeing Dr. D** (from topdocs list) in August as he prescribes

armour/thyroid. have heard that people with hair problems found that hair loss

subsided/reversed once they began t3/t4 therapy. was a little worried about

taking the selenium as found a post on the internet (not this site) where a

woman said that she went hyper once taking selenium and had to reduce the

synthroid dosage. also don't want to mess with the labs until I see a proper

specialist. very insulting when the endo I was seeing sits right in front of me

telling me that free t3/free t3 and reverse t3 tests are useless and unnecessary

(she only did them at my insistence and to appease me). It is not all in my

head that the hair started falling almost immediately after having my dose

reduced (imagine this reduced the free t3 level too which I'm convinced is the

culprit in the hair loss issue). as well, I've gained a ton of weight, moods

out of whack and all of these things combined are not helping my self esteem. I

have printed off both docs you recommended to bring to LMC and am hopeful that

they will be open to prescribing options that will benefit me instead of

insisting that I stay on synthroid which clearly is not working for me despite

being in what are considered somewhat normal levels (endo says I'm hyper now).

is 0.09 too hyper?


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The hair loss seems like a lack of iron and iodine.

Have you had your ferritin and iron labs done?

Usually people feel best with a TSH at 1.0

Your TSH seems very low which means you are overdosed.

What is your blood pressure and what are your temperatures throughout the day?



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I'm going to get all the proper mineral testing done early next month. both my

blood pressure and temperature tend to be on the low side. took my temperature

last week and it tends to be around 95 or a bit higher. endo just reduced my

synthroid and hair started falling so think that I'm not converting T3 from T4

thus looking hyper even though still have hypo symptoms




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Oh, I see. For some reason I thought you were on ERFA. In the meantime, I'd get

the trace minerals into your system, either by trace mineral drops, celtic sea

salt or himalayan rock salt....these nutrients and trace minerals do a world of

good for our systems ......

Your temps are low....which would suggest adrenal / thyroid troubles. This is

the chart we look to to see what's going on:

You can determine your thyroid and adrenal status by following Dr. Rind with a

temperature graph. You simply take your temp 3 times a day, starting three hours

after you wake up, and every three hours after that, to equal three temps. (If

you have eaten or exercised right before it's time to take your temp, wait 20

more minutes.) Then average them for that day. Do this for AT LEAST 5 days. If

your averaged temp is fluctuating from day to day more than .2 to .3, you need

adrenal support. If it is fluctuating but overall low, you need more adrenal

support and thyroid. If it is fluctuating but averaging 98.6, you just need

adrenal support. If it is steady but low, you need more thyroid and adrenals are

likely fine.

I think you're probably deficient in iron/ferritin. Do you supplement with iron?

When you start on that we like the iron in the form of ferrous

bisglycinate...this form is more easily dissolved in the system which means it

will get into your blood better. We also like this because your body will not

absorb more iron than you need.

Good luck with your future tests !



> I'm going to get all the proper mineral testing done early next month. both

my blood pressure and temperature tend to be on the low side. took my

temperature last week and it tends to be around 95 or a bit higher. endo just

reduced my synthroid and hair started falling so think that I'm not converting

T3 from T4 thus looking hyper even though still have hypo symptoms

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