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Dr skinner And blood test and adrenal

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Hi everyone

I seem to be reading and reading and nothing is going inor making sence, so can

anyone HELP please

I can't find Dr skinners address or phone number

I rang Genova to ask if they can do blood test. They said not privately !

And Adrenals which I think I suffer badly with I can't make head nor tail of

what to do for the best.

I'm in such a mess, so so tiered. Sleeping all the time. Weakness Pain In

legs and arms, Ringing in ears and pain Headaches, No energy what so ever

anxiety , weight gain. Temps Up and down (taken with a digital thermometer)

taken under arm gets no higher then 96.6f

I actually feel like I'm shutting down and getting worse everyday

Very scared

Thank you


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We all feel for you

, having gone through such problems ourselves, believe me, as time goes

on, things start slotting into place and everything becomes much more clear. You

will learn a lot on this forum and get lots of help and support so ask as many

questions as you wish. I remember when I would read a sentence over and over

again, and still have to re-read it because I had forgotten what I had just

read and therefore, nothing made any sense. Now - I am brilliant with not a

care in the world

I can't find Dr skinners address or phone number

I will send you my

list of 'good' doctors recommended by the members of this forum privately, you

will see Dr Skinner's details in there

I rang

Genova to ask if they can do blood test. They said not privately !

That's correct they don't do tests for individuals - they only

do tests for patients who have been recommended by their doctors. Go to the

FILES section of this forum. You will find this in the Menu on the Home Page of

this forum thyroid treatment

.. Open that, and on that page listing lots of different folders, scroll down to

'Discounts on Tests and Supplements'. Open that and then click on 'Genova

Diagnostics'. Follow the instructions there for ordering the tests you need,

but you MUST write 'Thyroid Patient Advocacy' as your Practitioner. Don't

worry, the results will be sent direct to you, but doing it through TPA will

entitle you to a generous discount on all the tests there. You can telephone

your order through and they will send the kits out to you, and you pay when you

return your samples

And Adrenals which I think I suffer badly with

I can't make head nor tail of what to do for the best.

First, to establish that you DO have low adrenal reserve, order

the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile (costs about £64 to TPA members I believe).

They will send you the kit where you have to spit down a straw into a little

test tube at 8.00a.m., 12 noon, 4.00p.m. and again at midnight. You send the

sample back and within about 10 days they will send the result to you. At that

time, post the numbers to the forum and we will help with their interpretation,

and if you need to supplement your adrenals to boost them, we will tell you

what most people take. You can get your adrenal supplements from Nutri Ltd

(again in the 'Discounts' folder where you will see TPA members can get 33%

discount on supplements.

I'm in such a mess, so so tiered. Sleeping all

the time. Weakness Pain In legs and arms, Ringing in ears and pain Headaches,

No energy what so ever anxiety , weight gain. Temps Up and down (taken with a

digital thermometer) taken under arm gets no higher then 96.6f

Best to take temperature under tongue to get a truer reading of

what is happening. Try taking B12 1000mgs daily (under the tongue) as this

often helps with ringing in the ears.

I actually feel like I'm shutting down and

getting worse everyday

Very scared

Where in the UK do you live. Check out my 'good' doctors and see

if you can get in to see one as a matter of urgency. Can you tell us exactly

all the medications you are taking and do you have any thyroid function test

results. Get these from your doctor if you don't together with the reference

range for each of the tests done and post them here. Also ask your GP to test y

our levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and

zinc. If any are low in the range, no amount of either YOUFR thyroid hormone or

supplemented thyroid hormone can be fully utilised at the cellular level.

There is light at the end of the tunnel , we will try to

get you there.

Luv - Sheila

Thank you


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Hello Sheila,

Thank you so much for getting back to me i really need help as all my tests

are coming back NORMAL ( Doctor Just phoned) and the way i am it's all to much

at the moment to understand what i want/need to do...

The tests i had done are ;-




Cortisol [Time 9 am]

Gynea Hormone Profile [H1]

Haemantinics Profile + iron. [HH] = ALL NORMAL

Serum Folate [sF1]

Thyroid function test [T2]

Serum ( brown cal) [sERUMV]

thyroid peroxidase [TPO]

where do i go from here any ideas ?

Thank you for your help


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Hi , could you have adrenal problems. why I ask is because if you don`t have enough adrenaline this could make things worst. i would get a 24 hour salivery test done just might be the answer.Angel.

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Hi , Unfortunately without the numbers- and range it's hard to help as you can feel awful at one end of the range and just fine at the other. rembering the TSH scale is logarithmic it is 27x more at one en of the scale to the other so a huge variation exists. > thyroid treatment > From: _ormrod@...> Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 09:26:17 +0000> Subject: Re: Dr skinner And blood test and adrenal> > > Hello Sheila,> Thank you so much for getting back to me i really need help as all my tests are coming back NORMAL ( Doctor Just phoned) and the way i am it's all to much at the moment to understand what i want/need to do... > > The tests i had done are ;-> > TSH > FreeT3 > FreeT4 > Cortisol [Time 9 am]> Gynea Hormone Profile [H1]> Haemantinics Profile + iron. [HH] = ALL NORMAL > Serum Folate [sF1]> Thyroid function test [T2]> Serum ( brown cal) [sERUMV]> thyroid peroxidase [TPO]> > where do i go from here any ideas ?> > Thank you for your help > > ormrod> > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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Hi , I can empathise 100%. My problems are exacerbated by epilepsy. Instead of doing the blood tests that Sheila and everybody else recommends my quack wants to refer me to the neurologist to control my seizures. I don't have any medical background, but everything's telling me that my high cortisol and weak adrenals are precipitating any fits.

Some GP'S aren't fit to practice, regardless what they were, or were not, taught at medical school. No one ever taught me at school how to stay alive. It's basic instinct and common sense.

As I've had a private chat with Sheila, over what has caused my problems, she's told me that nothing is too controversial to discuss.

Nearly six years ago I lost my partner after she elected to undergo day surgery for a biopsy and bronchoscopy for suspected cancer. She suffered respiratory collapse in the recovery room and was rushed to ITU following a tracheostomy. Eight days later the biopsy confirmed TONGUE cancer. A further 15 days later she passed away.

I initiated a complaint, after laying to rest, simply because family, friends and myself failed to comprehend that a patient can die within 3 weeks of being diagnosed with cancer, without any previous history. I was also concerned as to why the hospital refused to perform a post mortem when I was Next of Kin. At the same time I was told to collect her death certificate, I was also told that her death will be recorded as LUNG cancer because for registration purposes, the cause has to be from where the cancer had originated.

Two independent medical reports conclude that the CT scans and chest X-Rays show no definite evidence of LUNG cancer.

One expert report states, "at no time was the diagnosis of pulmonary emboli considered," This is now strongly supported by a report released 2 days ago Doctors failing to spot deadly blood clots have cost the NHS over £112m in legal claims since 2005, figures show

Sheila is aware of the NHS "vexatious complainant". Because I have relentlessly pursued this case the hospital have invoked the vexatious complainant policy on me. I've been subjected to adverse treatment.

Hence why I've had the need to sort my stress problems out by having to pay privately for Dr Peatfield.

Due to legal proceedings I can't divulge too many details.


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, you have listed the tests you have had done but not the

results. We NEED the results together with the reference range for each of

these and we will then be able to tell you whether they are 'normal' or not. Your

doctor cannot withhold your test results from you, so please give your surgery

a call and tell them you will call in at a specific time to pick these up -

then repost.

Luv - Sheila

Hello Sheila,

Thank you so much for getting back to me i really need help as all my tests are

coming back NORMAL ( Doctor Just phoned) and the way i am it's all to much at

the moment to understand what i want/need to do...

The tests i had done are ;-

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HI please do not worry,the fact that you have found this website,means that you are on the road to recovery.i saw dr skinner reg since 1999,and the armour thyroid he perscribed me put me right back on track,after more than 10 years of suffering,i was better with in a month,much better after 6 mnths and completely well with in a year!!!!!!!!!!!I FELT AND LOOKED BETTER THAN I HAD LOOKED IN ABOUT 10 YEARS,the only thing i would warn you about is to have your adrenals checked too.ithink thats the reason i have now(11 years later)gone back downhill(i am now as ill as i was before DTH.even though i am still taking armour at 10 grains per day!!!!!!!!!!!!!dr skinners address is ....22,alcester road,birmingham,west midlands,B13 8BE..and his number is 01214498895.i would like to wish you

a speedy recovery,and feel free to email me if you need a shoulder.kindest regards,donna..

From: <_ormrod@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Thu, 12 May, 2011 11:58:59Subject: Dr skinner And blood test and adrenal

Hi everyoneI seem to be reading and reading and nothing is going inor making sence, so can anyone HELP please I can't find Dr skinners address or phone number I rang Genova to ask if they can do blood test. They said not privately ! And Adrenals which I think I suffer badly with I can't make head nor tail of what to do for the best. I'm in such a mess, so so tiered. Sleeping all the time. Weakness Pain In legs and arms, Ringing in ears and pain Headaches, No energy what so ever anxiety , weight gain. Temps Up and down (taken with a digital thermometer) taken under arm gets no higher then 96.6f I actually feel like I'm shutting down and getting worse everyday Very scared Thank you ormrod

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You will like Dr S he is very kind and listens. I was in a real state some years ago, I couldn't even walk or keep awake but he sorted me out when NHS endos couldn't/wouldn't.

Kind regards


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