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Re: Anxiety and Hashi's

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, the problem might lie with you’re adrenals. You

could be suffering with low adrenal reserve 9adrenal fatigue) without realising

it. This can happen if you have emotional or physical stress. I would get the

24 hour salivary adrenal profile done to check out the amount of cortisol and

DHEA that you are secreting at four specific times during the day. Go to the

Home Page of this forum web site and in the Menu, click on FILES and on the

page that opens, scroll down the FOLDERS to the one entitled 'Discounts on

Tests and Supplements' and then click on 'Genova Diagnostics'. To get your

discount through being a TPA member, remember to tell them that 'Thyroid

Patient Advocate' is your practitioner. Genova will send the results direct to

you, and not to me. If your results show that you do have adrenal fatigue, you need

to start supplementing with Nutri Adrenal Extra which should help enormously.

I am so sorry to hear you failed your test again and hope you

will be successful next time. I have not driven for over 25 years, after a bad

accident where I turned my car on to it's roof on black ice, but last week, my

husband had a heart attack and ended up in hospital where he had a stent

inserted into one of his arteries. He has been told he must not drive for at

least four weeks, so I have decided to take matters into my own hands and get

driving again. I arranged two lessons last Monday and am due another one

tomorrow morning. I was absolutely fine and felt very proud of myself. I took

off (with sitting in the passenger seat yesterday afternoon on a trip to

Asda - and again, I was absolutely fine and patted myself on the back.

However, today, we went out for lunch to a pub, I parked the car

up splendidly, went in and had a wonderful meal, came out, sat in the car, and

it seemed everybody sitting in the garden eating their lunch and drinking

decided they were going to watch me. I put the car in first gear, took off the

hand brake, and started rolling back for some reason. Tried again, feeling

really stupid and annoyed that everybody was staring at me…same thing

happened…started rolling back. I realised that I was actually parked on a

bit of a hill, and that's why it was rolling back, so eventually gave it a bit

more 'welly' and got going. More and more I was becoming stressed but managed

to get the car out of the car park onto the road - but boy, then it ALL started

happening. I fluffed my gears, over revved the car, got confused when I was on

the trunk road after getting into the right lane in order to turn right, when

an ambulance started screaming out loud on its way to the hospital. It raced up

behind me and I had nowhere to go but onto the central reservation. I then lost

it completely, got out of the car and made get in and drive it off home,

even though he wasn't supposed to.

I just sat there in the passenger seat shaking like a leaf, very

white and shaken and started to cry, quite uncontrollably. I couldn't

understand why this happened or why I felt the way that I did, but now back at

home safe and sound and putting two and two together, I think all the strain I

had being going through lately with and his heart attack and coping on

my own just hit me out of the blue - and I was not taking any adrenal support.

I am NOW - this was the first thing I did when I got home.

I am due for another lesson tomorrow but that is to concentrate

on reversing and parallel parking, but I think I will need another one after

that just to get back my confidence again - so dear - you are not alone.

However, you must find the reason why you still have some

symptoms of hypothyroidism, and go through everything as a process of

elimination. Any chance you could have systemic candidiasis or mercury

poisoning caused through amalgam fillings….or have I asked you that


Luv - Sheila

Hello everyone,

I am looking for some advice.

I have for the 3rd time this morning, just failed my driving test.

I'm gutted to say the least.

The reason I think I keep on failing them is down to my nerves, and the anxiety

I have in the week coming up to it, Last night I had no sleep, and in the

morning It felt like I was going to have a full blown panic attack!

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Wow, that's quite a story, Shelia. I'm glad is OK and riding around in

the car with you. That's a good sign. :0)

I'd check into your B12 and all the B vitamins because they often are lacking

when panic attacks and general anxiety appear. And of course the adrenals need

to be supported.

Have you thought about taking some lithium orotate before the test or driving

instruction? It will just take the edge off and won't interfere with your mental

capacity, but it will make you more comfortable. At very low doses, it really

does just kill the anxiety so you can function with less fear.





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Hi and Sheila,

Sorry to hear that things have been tough for you both at the moment. I send you

both my best regards.

Life can be like that sometimes, can't it? The stress levels go through the roof

and the panics aren't far away. I've lived like this for a long time and have

found a couple of things that seem to help me.

I thought I would post - in case some of these things may be good for you too.

I have found L-Theanine to be really good. It can calm me down quite quickly,

even when I am in the throws of a panic. If I need it to work quickly, I open

the capsules and put the powder on my tongue. Even the taste is gentle.

Quiet Life tablets are good, too. They're similar to Kalms, but I find them much


A shiatsu practitioner told me once that if you shove a thumb into the centre of

your palm when you're anxious - this can immediately calm the nervous system.

I understand that there are issues needing to be addressed, in order to fully

recover from anxiety attacks - but, in the meantime, I hope these tips bring a

little relief.

Hope things will be easier soon,

Del Cardiff.


> , the problem might lie with you're adrenals. You could be suffering

> with low adrenal reserve 9adrenal fatigue) without realising it.

- so dear - you are not alone.


> Luv - Sheila





> Hello everyone,

> I am looking for some advice.

> I have for the 3rd time this morning, just failed my driving test.

> I'm gutted to say the least.

> The reason I think I keep on failing them is down to my nerves, and the

> anxiety I have in the week coming up to it, Last night I had no sleep, and

> in the morning It felt like I was going to have a full blown panic attack!


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It took me 3 goes to pass my test, and i was very nervous too. can you wait

until you are stabilised and feeling better physically?

could you try EFT to help you cope with your anxiety? (obviously not whilst

taking test!)

Opiates suppress cortisol levels?maybe that's causing your greater anxiety?

cortisol is the hormone that helps you cope with stress?

http://www.unit2unit.com/index.cgi?number_input=3 & action=mass & initial_unit=1.000\

0000000E-06 & final_unit=1.0000000000E-09



> Hello everyone,

> I am looking for some advice.

> I have for the 3rd time this morning, just failed my driving test.

> I'm gutted to say the least.

> The reason I think I keep on failing them is down to my nerves, and the

anxiety I have in the week comming up to it, Last night I had no sleep, and in

the morning It felt like I was going to have a full blown panic attack!

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Hi Sheila

I am sorry to read about having a heart attack.

What adrenal support are you on? I hope that it helps you.

I don't know what else to say - I am crap at this kind of thing - but I hope

recovers soon.


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Thanks for these tips Del and I will certainly give them a try.

Luv - Sheila

I have found L-Theanine to be really good. It can calm me down quite quickly,

even when I am in the throws of a panic. If I need it to work quickly, I open

the capsules and put the powder on my tongue. Even the taste is gentle.

Quiet Life tablets are good, too. They're similar to Kalms, but I find them

much better.

A shiatsu practitioner told me once that if you shove a thumb into the centre

of your palm when you're anxious - this can immediately calm the nervous



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Hi what I forgot to mention was that at the same time

was admitted to hospital, my elder sister was also admitted after having

a massive stroke. They found a clot on the left side of her brain " the

size of a tomato " . She is in a very bad state and we have no idea what is

likely to happen to her, but the doctors said it is going to be a very long

road to go down and will take months, rather than weeks. She is the only sister

I have left, and lives near to London and I am unable to get down to see her

because I need to be looking after , but she is not aware of anything

around her, is unable to speak, they are not even sure whether she can see as

her eyes are not following lights or other movements and she is paralysed down

one side. Last night apparently, she pulled out her feeding tube and she can't

swallow (or won't) to get it back in place and she is refusing any food from a

spoon, she won't (or can't) swallow it, so they may have to put a tube into her

tummy. If she is aware of what has happened, I doubt she could stand it.

I have Nutri Adrenal Extra in. I took 2 tablets today and will

start on 3 tomorrow. I have been off NAE for some time now, but know they will

put me right.

Yes, it is very difficult knowing what to say in such a

situation - I too am pretty hopeless as I speak with her daughters every night

and there seems very little that I can say to them either.

is fine, but a little tired today, but then after having

a heart attack, that is understandable.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila

I am sorry to read about having a heart attack.

What adrenal support are you on? I hope that it helps you.

I don't know what else to say - I am crap at this kind of thing - but I hope

recovers soon.


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Oh Sheila, I am so sorry to hear about and your sister – why is it that things always happen all at once? Please tell I wish him a really speedy recovery and likewise all my best wishes for your sister.

I can soo empathize with your driving experience. I used to love driving when I was living in Berlin, but when I moved over here 26 years ago, I didn't have a car nor the confidence to drive on the `wrong' side of the road.... and then I quickly lost confidence totally... little did I know back then that I was already programmed to become hypo with all that comes with it (like lack of confidence).... anyway – it took me 20 years to grasp the nettle and although I now drive again, the confidence I once had is lost forever and I still will not venture very far - weak adrenals have a lot to answer for L ... keep taking the NAX ....



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Sheila I would like to echo what thoughts.

Best wishes


Oh Sheila, I am so sorry to hear about and your sister – why is it that things always happen all at once? Please tell I wish him a really speedy recovery and likewise all my best wishes for your sister.

I can soo empathize with your driving experience. I used to love driving when I was living in Berlin, but when I moved over here 26 years ago, I didn't have a car nor the confidence to drive on the `wrong' side of the road.... and then I quickly lost confidence totally... little did I know back then that I was already programmed to become hypo with all that comes with it (like lack of confidence).... anyway – it took me 20 years to grasp the nettle and although I now drive again, the confidence I once had is lost forever and I still will not venture very far - weak adrenals have a lot to answer for L ... keep taking the NAX ....



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Hi Sheila

Sorry to hear of your husbands and sisters illness. So hard to cope with loved ones being ill. I am sure everyone on this site wishes them both a speedy recovery - especially after all the help you have given to people.

As for the driving, dont give up! I live in London and it is a constant nightmare. I still suffer terribly from brain fog, etc.etc. so I just "go with the flow" of all the other bad drivers here - leave a safe enough distance and its fine! Dont forget, there is ALWAYS people a lot worse than you - being confident is half the battle. You done it once, you can do it again and again - just take a breath and calm down. Good luck.

Best wishes


From: Jaki <jaki.y@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Wed, 4 May, 2011 22:12:16Subject: Re: Re: Anxiety and Hashi's

Sheila I would like to echo what thoughts.

Best wishes


Oh Sheila, I am so sorry to hear about and your sister – why is it that things always happen all at once? Please tell I wish him a really speedy recovery and likewise all my best wishes for your sister.

I can soo empathize with your driving experience. I used to love driving when I was living in Berlin, but when I moved over here 26 years ago, I didn't have a car nor the confidence to drive on the `wrong' side of the road.... and then I quickly lost confidence totally... little did I know back then that I was already programmed to become hypo with all that comes with it (like lack of confidence).... anyway – it took me 20 years to grasp the nettle and although I now drive again, the confidence I once had is lost forever and I still will not

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Hi everyone, and thank you all for your kind messages.

I forgot to say that I am also taking 3 nutri adrenal tablets a day, maybe I

need more, I must say that life has been quite hectic at the moment, and when I

managed to get up to 3 nutri adrenal tablets, I stopped taking my temps, and

havent managed to get my dosage up to 4 yet, life just takes over some times

doesn't it? but I will get back on track!

Sheila, I have only worked out that I may have adrenal problems as well, so

thats why I started to take the Nutri adrenal.

Im so sorry to hear theat your Hubbie is unwell, I wish him a speedy recovery,

and Sheila, im sorry to hear that your driving went that way, I just seem to go

to pieces sometimes too, with me it's the fear of not knowing exactly whats

going to be asked of you on the day,

Yesterday, although I'm ashamed to say it, I didn't even get out the car park!!!

When I'd reverse parked my car in to a bay just before my test there was only

one space left for me to go, and it was pretty tight, because the learner parked

on my right hand side was pretty close to the white line of the bay, which meant

that I was pretty close to the car parked on my left.

Anyway after getting in to the car with the examiner, and getting my " show me

tell me " questions right, I started to pull out of the bay, and just as I was

nearly out of the bay I nudged the car next to me slightly, no damage done, but

hey guess who's car it was? yes thats right, It just happened to be the

examiners car! LOL, I couldnt have made more of an idiot of myself If I'd tried!

That was it, game over, My instructor drove me home, and I spent all day in

tears, because I'd told myself that " this was it I was going to pass today " hey

ho thats just life I suppose, everyone I have been out driving with has told me

my driving is good and I should be able to pass, its just my nerves on the

day.........oh well I'll be able to look back and laugh about this one day, im

still ashamed today though!..... :0( x

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Hi JOT, I would have serious concerns taking lithium if you have a thyroid disorder- it is a well known in having antithyroid effects and may thus cause more harm than good. > thyroid treatment > From: jitterjotter@...> Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 16:58:08 +0000> Subject: Re: Anxiety and Hashi's> > > Wow, that's quite a story, Shelia. I'm glad is OK and riding around in the car with you. That's a good sign. :0)> > I'd check into your B12 and all the B vitamins because they often are lacking when panic attacks and general anxiety appear. And of course the adrenals need to be supported.> > Have you thought about taking some lithium orotate before the test or driving instruction? It will just take the edge off and won't interfere with your mental capacity, but it will make you more comfortable. At very low doses, it really does just kill the anxiety so you can function with less fear.> > http://www.pureformulas.com/lithium-orotate-5-mg-90-vegetarian-capsules-by-pure-encapsulations.html> > Cheers,> JOT> > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Why is it all these bad things all come at

once :-(



> Hi what I forgot to mention was that at the same time was

> admitted to hospital, my elder sister was also admitted after having a

> massive stroke.

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Hi there, have you looked at your adrenals- both the thyroid and adrenals can have anxiety as a symptom. have you tried some sort of adrenal support. this may be the answer to why you have problems with the test. look up Http://www.seredyn.com.here is a remedie for anxiety it contains valerian, l-theantine and passion flower. you could try the valerian on its own. or look up other things for the anxiety.i came across this while looking for answers for my son. angel.

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I am sorry to hear the bad news that you are going through at the moment. I had

a feeling that something was wrong, as I had not seen responses from you on the

forums. I hope gets better and recovers from his heart attack.

Best wishes

From Kathleen


> Hi what I forgot to mention was that at the same time was

> admitted to hospital, my elder sister was also admitted after having a

> massive stroke. They found a clot on the left side of her brain " the size of

> a tomato " . She is in a very bad state and we have no idea what is likely to

> happen to her,

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Just a thought, but I found the NAE too stimulating in me, and found that a

cortex only product helped me. you can get these online from places like

mandimart, or iherb.

Some people - such as Ross, author of The Mood cure - say that the adrenal

glandulars contain too much adrenaline for already stressed people. That is my

experience too, but other people may find that their experiences differ....



> Hi everyone, and thank you all for your kind messages.

> I forgot to say that I am also taking 3 nutri adrenal tablets a day, maybe I

need more, I must say that life has been quite hectic at the moment, and when I

managed to get up to 3 nutri adrenal tablets, I stopped taking my temps, and

havent managed to get my dosage up to 4 yet, life just takes over some times

doesn't it? but I will get back on track!

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i'd like to add my best wishes for your husband and sister ...i am adding three

more candles to my big lantern...the third one is for you, i beleive in positive

vibes :)



> Hi what I forgot to mention was that at the same time was

> admitted to hospital, my elder sister was also admitted after having a

> massive stroke. They found a clot on the left side of her brain " the size of


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Hi :

Lithium orotate does more good than bad, thyroid or no thyroid. At 5 mgs a day

it has great health benefits as a mineral transporter. And if it takes the

stress off the adrenals and the thyroid enough to get you through a very

emotionally stressful moment, I'd suggest it. The orotates do good work, and

lithium orotate is also being considered as help for Alzheimer's and memory

problems. For that alone, I wish everyone would take 5 mgs a day because the

lack of memory and processing of thoughts in the average person has become a big

problem for the world. This link will provide you with more info:




> Hi JOT,

> I would have serious concerns taking lithium if you have a thyroid

disorder- it is a well known in having antithyroid effects and may thus cause

more harm than good.


> > Have you thought about taking some lithium orotate before the test or

driving instruction? It will just take the edge off and won't interfere with

your mental capacity, but it will make you more comfortable. At very low doses,

it really does just kill the anxiety so you can function with less fear.

> >

> >



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