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sleep problem - help!!!

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It's 2.40 am and I cannot get to sleep because every time I start to drift off,

I get this weird shudder or jolting sensation and it wakes me up!

I am exhausted. It has been happening more and more often and is now at the

point where I can't get off to sleep at all.

Can anyone shed any light on this? I am taking a lot of supplements, including

magnesium, b12, selenium, vit c, chromium, liquorice, ginseng, milk thistle and

I have just started NAX. Currently taking 1/2 grain NDT in the morning and am

building up slowly.

Any ideas, suggestions, advice would be gratefully recieved! I need my sleep!


Georgie :)

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Oh dear Georgie, I hope you finally got to sleep. It might help

once you start to increase your Nutri Adrenal Extra as 'internal shuddering' is

a symptom of low adrenal reserve, but as for the jolts - these are very common,

and almost always are nothing to worry about. However, the fact that these are

keeping you awake is worrying, as you do need your sleep and I think you should

visit your GP and speak to him/her about it.

It is often the fear of what the jolt represents that keeps you

awake as it can be quite a frightening experience. Once you know they are common

and harmless, the fear disappears and you can fall asleep after one those jolts/jerks.

I have experienced these in the past but only occasionally, and always as I am

falling asleep. If you do a bit of research, you will find that these jolts are

actually small seizures but of a very harmless nature, just like a hiccup,

which is also a type of seizure and the jolts are in the same category as a

hiccup - and what I often get too, especially when I am tired, is a twitching

in my right eye, which I guess could be classed the same. The name for the

jolting is Myoclonic Seizure. See http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/medical/myoclonus.htm

These jolts can also be called a hypnic jerk. Your muscles relax as soon as the

dopamine sets in and your brain misinterprets it as your body falling or losing

balance so there's an involuntary nervous reaction

They are usually not to be worried about, but the more tired you

become, the more likely you will have them.

I wonder whether a course of Melatonin might help you. You take

it about half an hour before you go to bed and you start to feel sleepy and

very relaxed. It might be worth trying this out and you might find you get a

good nights sleep at last, but I have no knowledge about whether this would

work or not. If you do try Melatonin, make absolutely sure you have a fully

darkened room without any light getting in through the window..

Luv - Sheila

It's 2.40 am and I cannot get to sleep because

every time I start to drift off, I get this weird shudder or jolting sensation

and it wakes me up!

I am exhausted. It has been happening more and more often and is now at the

point where I can't get off to sleep at all.

Can anyone shed any light on this? I am taking a lot of supplements, including

magnesium, b12, selenium, vit c, chromium, liquorice, ginseng, milk thistle and

I have just started NAX. Currently taking 1/2 grain NDT in the morning and am

building up slowly.

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I'm taking a lot of vitamin C (about 4000 mg), but maybe could increase that. I

have been trying to call Dr Peatfield's number to arrange an appointment when he

comes to Malvern, but so far I just get the busy tone!

Maybe Isocort would be good for me... I really have a big mental block about

taking HC. I know it's probably the best thing. But something about it seems

really scary to me. I'm really hoping that the other stuff will be enough to

sort me out :)

Thanks Sheila. I bet you are even busier than usual, what with the conference

coming up. Hope it's all going okay and you and your family are all well.

Georgie :)


> Most definitely, this sounds to be adrenal related. Are you taking HIGH

> doses (to bowel tolerance) vitamin C? Have you considered a consultation

> with Dr Peatfield or a telephone consultation with him. He would help with

> HC recommendations, but you must remember, that when need to take ANY

> hormone replacement, all you are doing is replacing the hormone a particular

> gland is not producing, in the same way you take thyroid hormone for the

> hormone your thyroid is not producing, or is not being absorbed at the

> cellular level.

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From Monday, you will be unable to contact Dr P for a week as he

is staying at my cottage doing his Yorkshire clinic and then attending our TPA

Get Together on Saturday 11th. Send him a short letter explaining that you need

to arrange an appointment and Jo or Lynne will get back to you.

Luv - Sheila

I'm taking a lot of vitamin C (about 4000 mg), but maybe could increase

that. I have been trying to call Dr Peatfield's number to arrange an

appointment when he comes to Malvern, but so far I just get the busy tone!

Maybe Isocort would be good for me... I really have a big mental block about

taking HC. I know it's probably the best thing. But something about it seems

really scary to me. I'm really hoping that the other stuff will be enough to

sort me out :)

Thanks Sheila. I bet you are even busier than usual, what with the conference

coming up. Hope it's all going okay and you and your family are all well.

Georgie :)



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Thanks Sheila, I will do that.

Hope the clinic and get together all go well.

Georgie :)


> From Monday, you will be unable to contact Dr P for a week as he is staying

> at my cottage doing his Yorkshire clinic and then attending our TPA Get

> Together on Saturday 11th. Send him a short letter explaining that you need

> to arrange an appointment and Jo or Lynne will get back to you.


> Luv - Sheila


> I'm taking a lot of vitamin C (about 4000 mg), but maybe could increase

> that. I have been trying to call Dr Peatfield's number to arrange an

> appointment when he comes to Malvern, but so far I just get the busy tone!


> Maybe Isocort would be good for me... I really have a big mental block about

> taking HC. I know it's probably the best thing. But something about it seems

> really scary to me. I'm really hoping that the other stuff will be enough to

> sort me out :)


> Thanks Sheila. I bet you are even busier than usual, what with the

> conference coming up. Hope it's all going okay and you and your family are

> all well.


> Georgie :)


> ---


> ___


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Thanks Georgie. I also hope that everything goes well, but have

great faith. I am looking forward to both events, but it means that next week,

I will not be around on the forum as Dr P uses my office for his consultations

so I can't get to my computer, and quite probably, over the coming weekend,

there will be few moderators available to approve messages as most will be

attending the conference, so please everybody, if you find your message is

being held for some time before it is approved, be patient. Friday, some of the

moderators will be travelling, Saturday is the conference, and Sunday, after a

meeting of the Trustees and members of the TPA Working Party, they will be

travelling back, so it next weekend might feel like a very long weekend to some

of you.

Everything should be back to normal on Sunday night.

Luv - Sheila

From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of littleeggcups

Sent: 04 June 2011 13:25

thyroid treatment

Subject: Re: sleep problem - help!!!

Thanks Sheila, I will do that.

Hope the clinic and get together all go well.

Georgie :)


> From Monday, you will be unable to contact Dr P for a week as he is


> at my cottage doing his Yorkshire clinic and then attending our TPA Get

> Together on Saturday 11th. Send him a short letter explaining that you


> to arrange an appointment and Jo or Lynne will get back to you.


> Luv - Sheila


> I'm taking a lot of vitamin C (about 4000 mg), but maybe could increase

> that. I have been trying to call Dr Peatfield's number to arrange an

> appointment when he comes to Malvern, but so far I just get the busy tone!


> Maybe Isocort would be good for me... I really have a big mental block


> taking HC. I know it's probably the best thing. But something about it


> really scary to me. I'm really hoping that the other stuff will be enough


> sort me out :)


> Thanks Sheila. I bet you are even busier than usual, what with the

> conference coming up. Hope it's all going okay and you and your family are

> all well.


> Georgie :)


> ---


> ___


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