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Hi :

You can register on line at the OCF web site. This is how I did it and it

worked fine. I also did this for Steve's therapist - who doesn't have a

computer yet - and it worked fine for her. You can also fax your

registration over to the OCF in CT.

If I remember right I registered all four of us on the same form. I

registered Steve's therapist separately at a later time. There is a

section on the form where you can write special instructions. The costs

depend on whether you are a member, how many days you are attending and

whether you are a consumer or a professional. Hope this helps. You can

email the OCF at info@.... I usually communicate

electronically or in writing via fax with the OCF, don't think I ever

telephone them (too much difference in the time zones!) Hope this helps


There are only a couple of sessions over the three days that kids can go to

alone. At other times I am keeping my kids with me, and expecting Steve to

come along to the sessions so they do not get up to any monkey business

alone. Remember LA!?!

There is a sub list of the OCD-L made up of people going to the conference

but I have never joined it. I imagine there will be a get together of

listers on the Saturday night - that is what happened at St. Louis. There

is a presentation by the docs and Vertullo at the conference and I am

sure you can find out there what is planned. You can join the sub list at

the same place as this list, i.e. onelist.com.

Looking forward to seeing you and Tom again soon and to meeting Ziv.

Wishing you a safe and speedy trip, take care, aloha, Kathy (Ha)


At 10:19 PM 7/5/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: W.Birk <wb4@...>




> I have found someone to replace me at work and will be attending the

>conference in Washington with Tom (16) and Ziv (10). Its a 9 hour drive, but

>we'll divide it to two.


> I am having difficulties understanding how to register with multiple

>names in different programs. Did most people register everyone seperatly??

> I also feel stupid about the costs, but they also dont make sense to me.

>Can anyone help??

> I did call the OCF but havent heard back from them.

> Since it is so late, I may hold registration until we arrive at the



> I am also very confused about what to do with our younger kids during the

>day when there are no activities. Ziv can hang around with me, but I wish

>there was something for her to do - or did I miss that too!!!!


> Are there planned meetings with the people from the lists??


> Can't wait to meet many of you - wendy in canada

> (normally I am not this confused!!)



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Hi Kathy & ,

Since it's very close to the conference date, they prefer fax and has to be

done by 4pm (Eastern time) today (July 7). After that, all should be on site

registration. I just fax in mine, that's how I know.

My son, made a joke about the conference: The session host would always

announce , " Ok, starting from now, you have about one hour to leave " . Then,

all forty or fifty people get out of the room and come back in to check. Then,

they all go out and come back in...

One concern I have about the conference is that: Would the OCDers lean from each

other the new ways to perform the rituals or to obsess about and complicate the

alreadly complicated case?


Kathy Hammes <kathyh@...> on 07/06/99 11:11:32 AM

Please respond to onelist


cc: (bcc: Tse Chao/JerseyCity/iNautix)

Subject: Re: conference

From: Kathy Hammes <kathyh@...>

Hi :

You can register on line at the OCF web site. This is how I did it and it

worked fine. I also did this for Steve's therapist - who doesn't have a

computer yet - and it worked fine for her. You can also fax your

registration over to the OCF in CT.

If I remember right I registered all four of us on the same form. I

registered Steve's therapist separately at a later time. There is a

section on the form where you can write special instructions. The costs

depend on whether you are a member, how many days you are attending and

whether you are a consumer or a professional. Hope this helps. You can

email the OCF at info@.... I usually communicate

electronically or in writing via fax with the OCF, don't think I ever

telephone them (too much difference in the time zones!) Hope this helps


There are only a couple of sessions over the three days that kids can go to

alone. At other times I am keeping my kids with me, and expecting Steve to

come along to the sessions so they do not get up to any monkey business

alone. Remember LA!?!

There is a sub list of the OCD-L made up of people going to the conference

but I have never joined it. I imagine there will be a get together of

listers on the Saturday night - that is what happened at St. Louis. There

is a presentation by the docs and Vertullo at the conference and I am

sure you can find out there what is planned. You can join the sub list at

the same place as this list, i.e. onelist.com.

Looking forward to seeing you and Tom again soon and to meeting Ziv.

Wishing you a safe and speedy trip, take care, aloha, Kathy (Ha)


At 10:19 PM 7/5/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: W.Birk <wb4@...>




> I have found someone to replace me at work and will be attending the

>conference in Washington with Tom (16) and Ziv (10). Its a 9 hour drive, but

>we'll divide it to two.


> I am having difficulties understanding how to register with multiple

>names in different programs. Did most people register everyone seperatly??

> I also feel stupid about the costs, but they also dont make sense to me.

>Can anyone help??

> I did call the OCF but havent heard back from them.

> Since it is so late, I may hold registration until we arrive at the



> I am also very confused about what to do with our younger kids during the

>day when there are no activities. Ziv can hang around with me, but I wish

>there was something for her to do - or did I miss that too!!!!


> Are there planned meetings with the people from the lists??


> Can't wait to meet many of you - wendy in canada

> (normally I am not this confused!!)




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Hi TC:

Thanks for the joke about checking the time at conference sessions.

What you wrote about OCDers learning new symptoms from each other is a

concern that the first OCDer I met (other than my son) expressed to me.

She was worried he would pick up symptoms from her (and vice versa) - that

has not happened.

What I have noticed as my son has met more OCDers is that they often seem

to think that symptoms others have that they don't are really hard to

understand. They seem as bemused by them as non-OCDers are. Once our

OCDers have the tools to cope and boss back their OCD, their symptoms

diminish no matter how many different ones they observe in others, hear

about or read about.

Looking forward to meeting you soon, take care, aloha, kathy (Ha)


At 03:09 PM 7/7/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: tchao@...





>Hi Kathy & ,


>Since it's very close to the conference date, they prefer fax and has to be

>done by 4pm (Eastern time) today (July 7). After that, all should be on site

>registration. I just fax in mine, that's how I know.


>My son, made a joke about the conference: The session host would


>announce , " Ok, starting from now, you have about one hour to leave " . Then,

>all forty or fifty people get out of the room and come back in to check.


>they all go out and come back in...


>One concern I have about the conference is that: Would the OCDers lean

from each

>other the new ways to perform the rituals or to obsess about and

complicate the

>alreadly complicated case?







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  • 8 months later...
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I finally heard back from NDSS and I thought I'd pass on the info for anyone

else who is interested.

Mom of Bill(DS), and Alec age 5 and Hunter age 2

Shellhutch@... wrote:

> I wrote you a few weeks ago and have not heard back form you. I am checking

> back to see if there are going to be any scholarships for the conference. I

> live near DC and would love to go but I have triplets (one with DS) plus

> another child. So the cost is to much for me. Please let me know if there is

> any scholarships I can apply for. Thank you. Hutchison

> shellhutch@...


Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS).

A limited number of scholarships to attend the conference will be available. To

apply, please send a letter with your name, address, daytime phone and e-mail,

with your specific request for funding (i.e.

registration fee, travel, hotel) to NDSS, 666 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Please note: scholarships will not be awarded until May.

In addition, scholarship money to attend conferences is often available through

the State Developmental Disability Council. To find the number of your state's

Developmental Disability Council, visit the Web Links section of our site at

http://www.ndss.org, you find a link to State Resource Directories, through

NICHCY listed under the topic of Disability: Government Agencies. The state

Developmental Disability Council should be listed on this directory.

I hope this information is helpful. Thank you for your interest in our national



April Tallant

Information and Referral Specialist

The National Down Syndrome Society

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Kathy:

The first OCF conference we went to, I took Steve with me to sessions when

there weren't any for his age. Steve was pretty stoned on his meds and

would sleep on my shoulder through multiple sessions. A bigger problem was

what to do with his older non-OCD sibling and we luckily had friends who

took him to a ball game and he spent a whole day with them. Otherwise we

bought in-room movies for him to watch and stay in the room.

At the last one the kids went to just a few sessions and spent most of the

time hanging out at the pool under the lifeguard's supervision, or in the

hotel room watching movies or kicking back.

This time we will encourage Steve to go to sessions but also to socialize

with the other OCD kids, in the pool, or wherever seems safe. I am not

sure how the conference hotel is set up for other activities. In DC they

were near an underground shopping center where they could buy food, browse

and check out the big city.

For a little one I think a backup care provider system would be very

helpful. The conference is not set up to take care of our kids while we

attend sessions :-((

I have not seen the final program for the conference yet. I expect that

there will be some separate sessions planned just for kids. Some parents

like to attend when their kids do and others like to drop them off and then

go to more adult oriented/parent-oriented sessions. Last time I had a lot

of flexibility as Steve could hang out with me, his dad, his CBT therapist,

his brother, or 's kids. It gave a lot of choices, generally he

seemed to like going swimming with 's daughter, Ziv.

Looking forward to meeting you in Illinois. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 11:25 PM 04/15/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi all, I've been very busy but reading right along. Those of you who have

>gone to a conference, what do you do with your kids all day? Especially

>younger ones, would I need to bring a sitter? Or is Kel too young (6) to

>get much from the conference? I know there are some events for kids, are

>these drop-off situations or do parents participate too?


>Kathy R. in Indiana

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  • 1 month later...
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Are you sure the conference is in California? 913 is an area code for

Kansas (also known as the Great Plains state)


former Kansan, now a Californian

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I was sure it was in California. Maybe Gt Plains is just setting it up

there. I threw all the info (my spouses scibbled phone message) after I

gave it to my researcher person at school.


At 10:20 PM 5/19/2000 -0700, you wrote:



>Are you sure the conference is in California? 913 is an area code for

>Kansas (also known as the Great Plains state)



>former Kansan, now a Californian




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Kathy,

Thanks for the advice. I think what you said about when you want Steve to

think about something, you have to back off for a while, is very true with

my son as well. I'll just mention some of the things you talked about like

the museums, meeting others kids and the POOL every so often, and I think

there still may be a chance he'll change his mind by August. I also think it

would be a very positive, powerful experience for him to go. Just to be

around all the people there, who are all there about OCD, I think might

somehow make him see himself as not so different and maybe de-demonize the

OCD. I know my son has sometimes felt that he is very alone with his OCD.

So I'll keep the propaganda going but in a subtle, non-nagging way and hope

for the best.


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  • 2 months later...
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Dear All--

Perhaps this is somewhat off topic, but I just have to say-- less than a week

to the conference-- I am so excited about this!

In sadder news, my husband and I have agreed to a temporary separation, the

psychiatrist and I agree that 's recent gains in her fight against OCD

will do a quick reversal if the fighting in our house continues in front of

her. She is back to sucking her thumb, at 12 a habit that had disappeared a

year or so ago, but is still gamely doing things in 3's, (her OCD counting

number is 2) to fight against " the jerk " --her new name for " the boss. " -- and

so much of a better name. Our hope is to work out our problems thru therapy,

but we can't seem to do this living together.

Question-- has anyone successfully reduced meds for their kids once their

kids seemed to have control over OCD? I am still not certain that the Luvox

has not added to her problem behaviors. I wouldn't cut out the Anafranil,

that seemed to be the med that turned the corner, but she is only on 75mg of

Luvox and 25mg of Anafranil.

Again, looking forward to seeing all of you-- wish there was room at the

hotel for me, but staying at the Marriott nearby!


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I know how hard this whole situation can be on a marriage. I hope that a

separation allows you both to see how much you really do need each other.

This is not going to be easy for any of you! There are times that jealousy

for attention, the housekeeping, wage earning, child care/carpooling, can

really get in the way of who you are as a person. Some time apart may help

you both to see that small issues are not worth dealing with when there are

so many more important things that need your attention.

About medications for , anafranil is an anti-ocd med. Luvox also

works for reducting O/C tendencies. If she is on Luvox, does this mean that

depression is also an issue, or perhaps its the stress? can easily

increase her anafranil, if that seems to be working, and decrease the Luvox

or stop taking it - BUT ONLY WITH THE DOCTORS INSTRUCTIONS. Go to our

webpage and look up the article by Dr. Jenike on Medications for

Children. and then . OR to

http://ocfoundation.org/ and look it up on the OCFoundation page. I wonder

if s P-doc is undermedicating her, which is common? The stress at

home will make things worse for her, the meds help her cope with it better.

My daughter, adi, is med free since last october. we do ERP as a life

style. O's and C's are as common a part of our conversation as sports are to

other families. Keeping things out in the open helps all of us help each


Try and find, or order, some Turtle things for the conference. It will

make it much faster for everyone to identify each other. I am definatly

impatient for my turtle earings! I've picked up stickers and some other

stuff, just for fun.

Have a safe journey, wendy, in canada


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dana! This is Nikki! I have a question about Ava's correcting you! My 5 yr

old Kelsey who I am starting to think has ocd or gad not quite sure yet

anyway she is doing the same thing. She is very much a perfectionist and

corrects everything, hates to lose in games and trys to be the perfect child

(literally since birth she was the perfect child) but now I really see whats

going on. She is starting to withdraw from things that she loves like

gymnastics (she is extremley good, but I think its the fear of making a

mistake that is why she wants to quit) She started Kind yesterday and it was

an awful experience she got up before everyone else and was completley ready

with her bed made and everything before my alarm even went off. But this

perfectionism back fired as it usually does, she had all that time to sit and

think and worry she was so full of anxiety by the time we left that she was

crying and doing deep breathing to help herself. She made it through the day

but I know she wasnt happy because the school is in my backyard and I saw her

on the playground she did not look happy at all. She said after school it was

ok and then later even said she really liked school. Then last night at

bedtime she said she was sick with a soar throat and stomach ache. She had

this last week for 2days so I wanst quite sure if maybe it came back.. I gave

her some advil and she seemed to sleep well, but she was up early again

worrying and saying she didnt want to get the other kids sick (ocd maybe?)

she told her dad she wasnt going to school as she was sick. Later I asked her

if the advil helped and she said a little but she would really feel better if

we played " Go fish " (she one both games last night) I told her no that she

had to go get ready for school she then stormed off crying it was an awfull

morning she did not eat or drink anything and was very upset when we got to

school hanging on and crying, even asked me this morning if I

thought Kelsey has ocd because shes scared to get everyong sick (doctor Tiff)

but I truly am worried about her she picks her nails and has for about 2yrs

she has stomach aches all the time and thinks she always has to be the best

in the class (at moms day out or gymnastics, sunday school etc) Now this is

very different from the way s started so Im not realy familiar with

this side of the spectrum aTiff is more on the impulsivity side and this

seems more on the Compulsivity side. Let me know what you think and if you

sat in on the GAD talk if it sounds more like that. Thanks alot Nikki

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I am happy you are both home safe and sound. Thank you for sharing about the conference, and Ava's experience there. I don't know much about OCD yet, our son was just diagnosed at age 2, but I think Ava sounds like such a leader! The fact that she got out there and danced and tried to include others is so admirable. As far as her "missing a beat," who cares! Maybe everyone should do the slide Ava style....after all it "makes more sense" :) Her personality makes me laugh, I hope you are able to enjoy the humor in it in retrospect.

Sincerely, Joy (CA)

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In a message dated 8/15/00 9:07:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

clayvon@... writes:

<< All of the workshops were good. I didn't learn any new specific thing

but I did deepen my understanding of what ocd is and I feel more

confident about discerning ocd behavior from typical adolescent stuff.

So many of the moms in the support group spoke of their child's intense

relationship with them and how exhausting it can be. I think it will

help me to disengage from Ava's intensity towards me now that I see it

more clearly as ocd. >>

As those of you at the conference know, decided to spike 104 temp and

pneumonia the day after I left, but with encouragement, I stayed and left her

in her Dad's hands. First time has missed me in years. Something

you ought to think about Dana!! I'm so used to being the bad guy, as I know

you are, that hearing her complain about Dad was a great feeling.

Nothing in particular learned at the conference, yet came home with the

overwhelming feeling of having a better handle on things. and I

share the intense relationship mentioned by Dana. I told her theory

of our kids being obsessed by us, and said she saw a light bulb go

off. She says this is why she could not lose alot of her compulsions until

she went away to camp-- not that I was pressuring her, but that her obsession

with me was pressuring her. She felt intensely better after realizing this.

I felt better after hearing one of the psychs, who has OCD himself, say that

OCD takes over the things you care about the most. So, between Dana's

obsession with Mom theory, and the knowledge that OCD affects what you care

about, I am feeling much better.

So much better that I stayed on my own in Chicago an additional 3 days, saw

all the sites, got to breathe just a little bit before coming back to all the

stress at home.


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I am SO happy to hear you stayed and did the tourist thing in Chicago. It is a

great city. And we are all guilty of NOT taking the time to do things for

ourselves that keep US from losing it. I am so proud of you. The battles will

be much easier after a little R & R.

Jule in Cleveland

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Hi Ellen:

I am so glad to hear you had some fun down time for yourself. Chicago is a

great city, I would love to go back there another summer.

It was great to meet you and learn how well you are facing the challenges

of OCD.

You bring up a very good point about mom being an obsession and how hard

that is to deal with. Certainly that has been the case in our family,

especially around death obsessions and harm obsessions, and then OCD

created this difficult dependency and a sort of love/hate relationship when

I tried to do CBT with Steve.

I set a goal of working towards greater independence on Steve's part and I

think those of you who met me at the conference probably never even saw us

together. Now he has changed to being more with dad, much more age

appropriate. My chance for cuddles does only come at bed time now.

Luckily we have some new babies in our office so I get lots of cuddles from


I hope is doing much better now with her pneumonia and with

understanding your role and her reliance on you. Also I hope things are

not too, too stressful at home. It was wonderful to meet you at the OCF

Conference. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


You wrote:

>As those of you at the conference know, decided to spike 104 temp


>pneumonia the day after I left, but with encouragement, I stayed and left


>in her Dad's hands. First time has missed me in years. Something

>you ought to think about Dana!! I'm so used to being the bad guy, as I know

>you are, that hearing her complain about Dad was a great feeling.


>Nothing in particular learned at the conference, yet came home with the

>overwhelming feeling of having a better handle on things. and I

>share the intense relationship mentioned by Dana. I told her theory

>of our kids being obsessed by us, and said she saw a light bulb go

>off. She says this is why she could not lose alot of her compulsions until

>she went away to camp-- not that I was pressuring her, but that her


>with me was pressuring her. She felt intensely better after realizing this.


>I felt better after hearing one of the psychs, who has OCD himself, say that

>OCD takes over the things you care about the most. So, between Dana's

>obsession with Mom theory, and the knowledge that OCD affects what you care

>about, I am feeling much better.


>So much better that I stayed on my own in Chicago an additional 3 days, saw

>all the sites, got to breathe just a little bit before coming back to all


>stress at home.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
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Hi, Everyone......Joan......I would like to send a photo of Gareth in case

you get time to do pictures of the kids. What address do I mail it to? I

don't have a scanner and can't send it over the computer.....gotta go with

the snail mail. Donna.....prayers for your SIL. It's got

to be scary for the whole family. Are there new meds that slow the progress

down any? Gail.....Elmira....the next time we do lunch, we

will have to invite Deb (Binghamton). Deb....I am from Sheldrake....north

of Ithaca. I go through Elmira to get to State College.

Take care, Everyone.


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In a message dated 4/25/01 9:06:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mfroof@...


<< Hi, Everyone......Joan......I would like to send a photo of Gareth in case

you get time to do pictures of the kids. What address do I mail it to? I

don't have a scanner and can't send it over the computer.....gotta go with

the snail mail. Donna.....prayers for your SIL. It's got

to be scary for the whole family. Are there new meds that slow the progress

down any? Gail.....Elmira....the next time we do lunch, we

will have to invite Deb (Binghamton). Deb....I am from Sheldrake....north

of Ithaca. I go through Elmira to get to State College.

Take care, Everyone.



Yes, definitely Margaret! We'll do that! How is Gareth doing?


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In a message dated 4/26/01 11:44:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

skrapido@... writes:

<< Yes! Yes! Yes! Gail and Margaret!:)

Let's do that. How long must we wait? Hold me back!

Can a person be too excited? I hope not!

Deb >>

LOL Deb! It is exciting isn't it! I'm ready next time Margaret comes

through. :-) Do you ever come to the west of Binghamton Deb? Do you live

on the west side or east side? I mean, from Rt. 17. LOL


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In a message dated 4/26/01 7:09:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> Donna.....prayers for your SIL. It's got

> to be scary for the whole family. Are there new meds that slow the

> progress

> down any?

Thanks Margaret. From what I've been reading, there's lots of meds (with

side effects of course) and alternative stuff (just like anything I guess).

There's also a new procedure for those severely afflicted called plasma

something.....they drain your blood and give you new blood. Sounds like

vampire stuff, doesn't it?

My nephew (15 yo) is having a very tough time with this. Eileen told him

yesterday and he took it very badly. He's like one of my sons;

practically lives here. It broke my heart to see him this morning!!

Thanks for all the prayers everybody; keep em coming!!


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Yes! Yes! Yes! Gail and Margaret!:)

Let's do that. How long must we wait? Hold me back!

Can a person be too excited? I hope not!


--- smilinggail@... wrote:

> In a message dated 4/25/01 9:06:08 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time, mfroof@...

> writes:



> next time we do lunch, we

> will have to invite Deb (Binghamton). Deb....I am

> from Sheldrake....north

> of Ithaca. I go through Elmira to get to State

> College.


> Take care, Everyone.

> Margaret


> >>

> Yes, definitely Margaret! We'll do that! How is

> Gareth doing?

> Gail



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--- smilinggail@... wrote:

> In a message dated 4/26/01 11:44:07 AM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> skrapido@... writes:


> << Yes! Yes! Yes! Gail and Margaret!:)


> Let's do that. How long must we wait? Hold me

> back!

> Can a person be too excited? I hope not!


> Deb >>



> LOL Deb! It is exciting isn't it! I'm ready next

> time Margaret comes

> through. :-) Do you ever come to the west of

> Binghamton Deb? Do you live

> on the west side or east side? I mean, from Rt. 17.


> Gail



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In a message dated 4/26/01 3:04:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

skrapido@... writes:

<< Gail,


Deb >>

Oh Deb, you're only about 45 minutes from me! We go to Chuckie Cheese there

and the Indian Pow Wow! Oh, maybe that is Binghamton. LOL My mind is shot.

I can do this side if Binghamton anytime! LOL I get lost on the other side!

Can meet you any day, any time, any place! This is cool!


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Ooooooo! I am sooooooo excited :-)!!!!!! Chuckie is

only 10 or 15 min. from us, depending if the wind is

at our back or not, but I have never heard of Indian

Pow Wow. What is that? Let's make a plan. Next week

good for you?


--- smilinggail@... wrote:

> In a message dated 4/26/01 3:04:39 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> skrapido@... writes:


> << Gail,


> Endicott/Vestal


> Deb >>

> Oh Deb, you're only about 45 minutes from me! We go

> to Chuckie Cheese there

> and the Indian Pow Wow! Oh, maybe that is

> Binghamton. LOL My mind is shot.

> I can do this side if Binghamton anytime! LOL I

> get lost on the other side!

> Can meet you any day, any time, any place! This

> is cool!

> Gail



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In a message dated 4/27/01 7:23:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

skrapido@... writes:

<< Gail!

Ooooooo! I am sooooooo excited :-)!!!!!! Chuckie is

only 10 or 15 min. from us, depending if the wind is

at our back or not, but I have never heard of Indian

Pow Wow. What is that? Let's make a plan. Next week

good for you?

Deb >>


Next week is full with appointments and we are going to Newark on Friday and

Philly on Saturday. Can we make it the next week. We will be home the night

of the 9th, so anytime after that. The Pow -Wow is held every summer. Lot's

of Native American tribes are there and it's really cool for the kids. They

do music and dancing and have really good food...buffalo burgers, white bean

and corn wraps and stuff like that.


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