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> Thanks Tina for all the information hoping they still have place

> available.


> Is there anyone flying on 15th early morning to conference? also


> hotel every one is staying?See you all in scotland!


> Seema


I will be flying from B'ham to get to Edinburgh for 7.50 am on the

15th. never been to Edinburgh but will be bringing a brolley!!


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Baz which airline are you taking all i have is BA which arrives at

8.20, 7.50 looks good but I will be coming from heathrow still trying

other airlines...


> >

> >

> > Thanks Tina for all the information hoping they still have place

> > available.

> >

> > Is there anyone flying on 15th early morning to conference? also

> which

> > hotel every one is staying?See you all in scotland!

> >

> > Seema

> >

> I will be flying from B'ham to get to Edinburgh for 7.50 am on the

> 15th. never been to Edinburgh but will be bringing a brolley!!

> Baz


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as another who has always managed to go to these sort of groundbreaking

events, but can't this time cos all the dosh is now gone and being borrowed

from grandparents to pay for all the supplements and Dr H and his tests


hope all of you have a fantastically inspiring time - do your best to fill

endless notepads and overwhelm us with files full of the highlights

afterwards. Lorene deserves serious honours for organising it.

Lets hope some journalists and media get informed and those secret powers

that we all suspect are out there don't snuffle the coverage it deserves.

A mad late night crazy thought - has anyone thought of contacting

Cameron's office - his big thing that he first started getting noticed for

is special needs (campaigning to keep special schools open and there was

some fuss that he had some sort of interest in autism ???maybe it was all


Not my political choice, but he seems pretty desperate for max coverage at

the moment ???? maybe he's got too serious now that he wouldn't risk it ,

but ... its a late night barmy thought..

On a more on topic front for a positive update.

Isadora's been doing the TDDMPS since Jan. with EDTA suppositories since


I've mentioned before that in the spring she suddenly learnt to ride her

bike and tie her shoelaces... in September she suddenly conquered what I

think was a big tactile and balance issue and started diving underwater to

pick up hoops in a pool - now you can hardly keep her on the surface she

wants to do it all the time and loves swimming under everyone's legs - 2

weeks ago I saw her float on her back - I've been all round the houses of

retained foetal reflexes and wonky vestibular systems trying to work out how

to help her be able to put her head back - even in fresh air let alone the

water - nothing could sort it and now its gone...mind you the tips about the

chlorine might explain the overexcited giggly creature we have to drag out

of the pool!)

and I've bought her a groovy pair of pale pink hiking-style boot with hooks

to lace up thinking that they would at least be quick release and she was

not at all phased at trying to learn how to cross and hook cross and hook

etc - last year it would have been difficult to get her to consistently look

at what you were trying to show her and she would have dropped one lace

whilst hooking the other etc..

also a good kick in the face to the treacherous LEA SLT who wrote reports

full of rubbish when she was at school and getting minimal help and the EP

who said she had minimal ability to stay on task for testing. (although I

still think attention gets difficult when the metals are moving).. she went

for an assessment with the SLT because the LEA are trying to say she is

suffering from not being left in the corner of a classroom or in the medical

cupboard when she had to do one-to-one at school ... Isadora sat down and

stormed through some language assessments - right through to the end ...

then I showed her Isadora's reordered sentences written out in joined up

handwriting .. a year and a half ago the SLT had watched as Izz had lost

track trying to remember sentences so that she could reorder chopped up

versions and asking her to write was always greeted by MAX objection...

SLT sat there and said she had only seen as much improvement in a child who

had been going to DDATT for 2 years (??that space age balance /

co-ordination analysis place)

- so my theory is dyspraxia fades as the metals go and the language starts

to be a bit less difficult... but I thinks it like the homoepaths say layers

of an onion... you have to let each one peel away (and we probably go

through a lot of tears in the process...

now you can tell its nearly 2 am

have fun , lots of love to you all


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Ann and June

include me in. am there with a colleague Lynne for Thursday and Friday. I will

be contactable via the CPHVA Research Stand.


Research Fellow

Department of Child Health, Community Section

Cardiff University, Wales College of Medicine

First Floor, Academic Centre

Llandough Hospital

Cardiff CF64 2XX


Direct line/message service 02920 715479

Secretary 02920 716932/33/34

Fax 02920 350140

>>> junet579@... 10/18/05 8:35 am >>>

Ann, I am going too, and I know others are. Perhaps nearer the time we can

all arrange a time and a place to meet up.


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I know everyone sounds fed up about CPHVA but I am going to Bournemouth on my own because I am doing a poster presentation of my research and would love to meet up with anyone going .. otherwise i shall be drinking alone! And it would be good to have some debate and chat too


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Thank you I will .. & come and look at my poster!!


I know everyone sounds fed up about CPHVA but I am going to Bournemouth on my own because I am doing a poster presentation of my research and would love to meet up with anyone going .. otherwise i shall be drinking alone! And it would be good to have some debate and chat too


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I know everyone sounds fed up about CPHVA but I am going to Bournemouth on my own because I am doing a poster presentation of my research and would love to meet up with anyone going .. otherwise i shall be drinking alone! And it would be good to have some debate and chat too


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Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?

best wishes

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Thanks for reminding me . It was a good gathering.

Thursday is best for me as I return on Friday late afternoon.


Research Fellow

Department of Child Health, Community Section

Cardiff University, Wales College of Medicine

First Floor, Academic Centre

Llandough Hospital

Cardiff CF64 2XX


Direct line/message service 02920 715479

Secretary 02920 716932/33/34

Fax 02920 350140

>>> sarah@... 10/29/05 11:13 AM >>>

Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?

best wishes

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Thursday evening would be lovely .. won't be there friday


Re: Fw: Conference

> Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

> evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

> year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?


> best wishes








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Ann Girling wrote:

It looks as though three will be at CPHVA on Thursday. Anyone there on Friday? We could always meet up twice!

Thursday evening would be lovely .. won't be there friday


Re: Fw: Conference

Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?

best wishes

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It would be good to have the opportunity to meet up...I'll be there Thursday evening, probably 8.00ish, and all day Friday, and Sat morning.

Any good?


-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of CowleySent: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 08:29 Subject: Re: Fw: ConferenceAnn Girling wrote: It looks as though three will be at CPHVA on Thursday. Anyone there on Friday? We could always meet up twice!

Thursday evening would be lovely .. won't be there friday


Re: Fw: Conference

Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?

best wishes

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My poster will not be exhibited now as it was too late to include it.

I'll be doing concurrent session 8a on the Friday.


JoanneThe new version of Messenger is here - download MSN Messenger 7.5 today!

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It would be good to meet up for an early supper with other Senate

members, I am going to the comedy evening at 8.30pm but would be happy to


and eat before then

Best wishes


Re: Fw: Conference

> Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

> evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

> year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?


> best wishes








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I'm getting to the Marriott at around 7pm on the Thursday night. Either Thurs or Fri will be OK. I'm back to London Friday night, but no time restrictions on trains.

I'm so excited, I have to tell you all that I got my MSc, and a merit for my thesis. I can't believe it, brilliant!!!!

JoanneCan you solve the mystery of 'The Kitty Caper'?

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Sheelah, I would love to meet up. I got a good mark for my MSc thesis on PND and I would you to read it at some point. Do you have an email address I can send it to? I would appraciate the feedback, and also discuss the next steps.


Joanne Ashmore

Modern Matron (Health Visiting)

City & Hackney tPCT

joanne.ashmore@... Checking your Hotmail e-mail has never been so rewarding Click here to find out more

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Hi Joanne

Juat want to say across the airwaves - well done - I know it has been a tought year so all credit to you.

Lets catch up soon - I am not at conference


Re: Fw: Conference

I'm getting to the Marriott at around 7pm on the Thursday night. Either Thurs or Fri will be OK. I'm back to London Friday night, but no time restrictions on trains.

I'm so excited, I have to tell you all that I got my MSc, and a merit for my thesis. I can't believe it, brilliant!!!!


Can you solve the mystery of 'The Kitty Caper'?

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So would I


Re: Fw: Conference



>> Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

>> evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

>> year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?


>> best wishes








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Well done .. you can't beat that feeling!


Re: Fw: Conference

I'm getting to the Marriott at around 7pm on the Thursday night. Either Thurs or Fri will be OK. I'm back to London Friday night, but no time restrictions on trains.

I'm so excited, I have to tell you all that I got my MSc, and a merit for my thesis. I can't believe it, brilliant!!!!


Can you solve the mystery of 'The Kitty Caper'?

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Hi to all who would like to meet for supper Thursday evening, I don't have a

programme to hand but last year we met at the drinks reception early evening

after the last concurrent sessions -probably about 5.30-6.0pm and had a meal

early at the hotel, 7.0 ish I think. May I suggest we meet at this time at the

reception and see who wants to do what ? Or any other suggestions?


Research Fellow

Department of Child Health, Community Section

Cardiff University, Wales College of Medicine

First Floor, Academic Centre

Llandough Hospital

Cardiff CF64 2XX


Direct line/message service 02920 715479

Secretary 02920 716932/33/34

Fax 02920 350140

>>> ann.25@... 11/05/05 3:51 PM >>>

So would I


Re: Fw: Conference



>> Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

>> evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

>> year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?


>> best wishes








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That sounds good .. any particular place?


Re: Fw: Conference



>>> Last year, Senate members met and had a really good get-together early

>>> evening meal at CPHVA conference. Shall we plan to do that again this

>>> year? If so, are Thursday or Friday best?


>>> best wishes








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Congratulations Jo. I hope we can catch up at conference.

Joanne Ashmore wrote:

I'm getting to the Marriott at around 7pm on the Thursday night. Either

Thurs or Fri will be OK. I'm back to London Friday night, but no

time restrictions on trains.

I'm so excited, I have to tell you all that I got my MSc, and a

merit for my thesis. I can't believe it, brilliant!!!!


Can you solve the mystery of 'The

Kitty Caper'?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey Guys

Been reading the posts about the venue for the conference and just had to say something as I felt a little worried.... That this might get a bit personal and somewhat nasty..... One of the things that I love about this list is its warmth and friendliness, lets not EVER have another HBOT list, golly molly thats hard going with all the bickering. Its fine to express an opinion evryone should have that right in a public forum. Would it be possible to email everyone individually and just ask for their vote then put a closing date on it for as soon as possible. Since I have computer-phobia almost, I dont know if this is possible just a suggestion....

Soo, as I was saying we should all vote, get the message on that one, our opinions matter!

There are many for's and against's the different options for sure. I am probably one of the people travelling furthest here in the UK and really it doesnt matter to me where it is. I will be there.... If people are interested and want to go, they will go....

If Bournemouth turns out to be the preferred option, we have to stress that its 1 hour 50 mins from Central London by train, lets face it that can be quicker sometimes than getting into and out of London, whatever it won't affect speakers coming from abroad, many of whom probably had to fly into London and onto Edinburgh for the AAA conference in October. Chances are people combine this trip with something else so probably travel around a little anyway...

Its getting time to wind this up, so decide you committee bods, closing date?? Go for it so I can get back to my usual sunny self without all this seriousness, its just so not me.

Luv ya Guys

from Concentrating Caroline in Aberdeenshire


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