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In a message dated 05/12/2005 18:48:39 GMT Standard Time, CarolineTraa@... writes:

Would it be possible to email everyone individually and just ask for their vote then put a closing date on it for as soon as possible. Since I have computer-phobia almost, I dont know if this is possible just a suggestion....

>>>Everybody who is a member here can already vote - only about 32 out of 240 have so far so I am guesing most aren't even really interested :(

Nobody knows what anybody votes, not even me as group owner so nobody should be worried about anything - JUST VOTE PEOPLE!!

The assumption that speakers won't come outside of London was an idea, but not bourne out by my contacts so far so. So I don't want people thinking we'll a have a less than awesome set of speakers because of that.

They are all very excited so far that we have anything planned in the UK and the Scotland experience gave several of the top flyers a taste of how far behind are here. They want to help us and know we are eager beavers and can do with all the help we can get. Which is kind of an understatement if you don't have the dosh to fly stateside and you are waiting on UK appointments.

Anybody sitting on the fence about DAN here in UK should book up quick with Muscroft IMHO, a great lady, one of us parents, and getting very booked up now. What will we do when both and Heard are booked up for 12 months? Glad I am already in :)

I can't send emails to everybody without risking a total B***s up with the folks on no mail. They are set that way for a reason. I did spend 3 hours mailing all the no mail peeps last week to let them know we changed the name because we don't want to loose anybody in cyber space.

Shall we say Friday for close of business on the poll - that gives the folks who don't come on at weekends a chance to catch up? And in case u forgot LOL - you are on the conference committee LOL - you make me chuckle every day !!!

L:uv and flowers back to Aberdeen :)

Mandi in BOURNEMOUTH - well Poole but its only just down the road :) I don't hink we have any members that live actually live in Bournemouth LOL

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Well I'm wondering where Mandi from Dorset disappeared to, or even that other nice person Mandi in the U.K. failing that Mandi in Poole is pretty nice too coz that Mandi in BOURNEMOUTH is like a flippin travelog.




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  • 4 months later...
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Hi Sharon,

I am planning to attend the conference. I am exhibiting there and speaking. I

am planning 2 workshops. One is on the myths and facts of mosaic Down syndrome

and the other is positive behavior support. ( I am waiting on confirmation for

the behavior workshop)

Please be sure to come by our IMDSA booth. I will have lots of information on

MDS and possibly an autographed baseball from Clemmens for a silent

auction. (waiting on confirmation on that too)

I look forward to seeing you there!

Kristy Colvin

IMDSA President


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:14:51 -0400

From: " Sharon " <huie@...>

Subject: conference

Just booked our hotel room for the NDSC conference. The hotel is sold

out for rooms on the 19th and 20th, at this time I was only able to get

a room for the 21st and 22nd. They said to keep checking back to see

if there are any cancellations. I hope so, as I really want to go to

one of the precons.

Anyone else planning on attending the conference?

Sharon H.

Mom to , (14, DS) and , (10)

South Carolina

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Ginny,

This was posted a week or so ago re: the conference:

The brochure is available for the upcoming OC Foundation annual

conference in


Georgia, July 20 - 23/06 www.ocfoundation.org

I highly recommend attendance and know you will find it not only


but an

extremely supportive environment. All ages are welcome since the

workshops are


to different ages and issues. Some families pay for their professional

to go and


their skills.

See you there!!

, in canada



> Hi All




> I would like to know where and when is this year Conference held. I

think I

> read last year was in California if I recall correct.




> Thanks,


> Ginny





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Thanks ,


Re: conference

Hi Ginny,

This was posted a week or so ago re: the conference:

The brochure is available for the upcoming OC Foundation annual

conference in


Georgia, July 20 - 23/06 www.ocfoundation.org

I highly recommend attendance and know you will find it not only


but an

extremely supportive environment. All ages are welcome since the

workshops are


to different ages and issues. Some families pay for their professional

to go and


their skills.

See you there!!

, in canada



> Hi All




> I would like to know where and when is this year Conference held. I

think I

> read last year was in California if I recall correct.




> Thanks,


> Ginny





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  • 8 months later...

As we cannot come to the conference I was wondering is anyone going to be taking a video to be sold after or can we see the slides on the TA site? We would have love to come but dont think my parents would survive a weekend of babysitting let alone suppliments, creams and think my Dad would pass out at the thought of giving an MB12 jab!!!!

>>No video being shot as far as we know right now, may get somethign orgainsed but Puzzled Media not able to come. We ar ehoping to do sound recording to go with Poweprpoints.

Can't one of you come and leave the other with the kids? thats what most folks are doing

Mandi x

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Hi Mandi

Would love to but Mark is away in Portugal with work untill very late Saturday night.


> Message Received: Jan 29 2007, 10:17 PM> Autism Treatment > Cc: > Subject: Re: Conference> >


In a message dated 29/01/2007 21:24:13 GMT Standard Time, markchildschelsea87 (DOT) freeserve.co.uk writes:

> As we cannot come to the conference I was wondering is anyone going to be taking a video to be sold after or can we see the slides on the TA site? We would have love to come but dont think my parents would survive a weekend of babysitting let alone suppliments, creams and think my Dad would pass out at the thought of giving an MB12 jab!!!!

>>No video being shot as far as we know right now, may get somethign orgainsed but Puzzled Media not able to come. We ar ehoping to do sound recording to go with Poweprpoints.

Can't one of you come and leave the other with the kids? thats what most folks are doing

Mandi x

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Sara - an excellent conference with a great line up of speakers. The photos of the children at the start were incredibly moving (brought tears to my eyes too).Has anyone succeeded in E-mailing Wakefield's son? The address I used didn't work. According to my notes the address is:s_w_hotmail I must have copied it incorrectly.

>>I didn't write it down by but I think there was a _ at the beginning of the addy

If that doesn;t work I'l mail Andy and get the right one but he is off to another conference so unlikely to answer for a few days yet

Mandi x

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Failing that we could write c/o Thoughtfulhouse, I'm sure it would get thro'

>>Why don't you send them all to me and I will colate and send via Andy - I'd like him to read them too, he made me cry, I do same back LOL

Photo's would be good too

Mail them to

TreatingAutism @ aol.com without the gaps

Mandi x

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I agree with Sara - an excellent conference with a great line up of

speakers. The photos of the children at the start were incredibly

moving (brought tears to my eyes too).

Has anyone succeeded in E-mailing Wakefield's son? The

address I used didn't work. According to my notes the address is:

s_w_@... I must have copied it incorrectly.

Grandfather of Luke


> Dear Mandi and the team


> I was absolutely blown away by the conference. It was first class -


> notch speakers and everything was utterly polished and


> Everyone was caring and friendly - it was perfect! The evening do


> amazing too. I loved the fact that you started with the photos and


> with the stories of amazing Darryl and amazing . I spent most

of my time

> in tears but I'm really really grateful to you all. (the tv news

was an

> incredible achievement too - well done!)


> Thanks,


> SARA x


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Hi ,

The address is s_w_@... and his name is Corin. –

I don’t think you put the underscore bit in!

From: Autism Treatment [mailto:Autism Treatment ] On Behalf Of walescrimson

Sent: 11 February 2007 12:14

Autism Treatment


Re: conference

I agree with Sara - an excellent conference with a

great line up of

speakers. The photos of the children at the start were incredibly

moving (brought tears to my eyes too).

Has anyone succeeded in E-mailing Wakefield's son? The

address I used didn't work. According to my notes the address is:

s_w_hotmail I must have

copied it incorrectly.

Grandfather of Luke


> Dear Mandi and the team


> I was absolutely blown away by the conference. It was first class -


> notch speakers and everything was utterly polished and


> Everyone was caring and friendly - it was perfect! The evening do


> amazing too. I loved the fact that you started with the photos and


> with the stories of amazing Darryl and amazing . I spent most

of my time

> in tears but I'm really really grateful to you all. (the tv news

was an

> incredible achievement too - well done!)


> Thanks,


> SARA x


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Failing that we could write c/o Thoughtfulhouse, I'm sure it would

get thro'



> In a message dated 11/02/2007 12:17:32 GMT Standard Time,

> michael.williams15@... writes:


> I agree with Sara - an excellent conference with a great line up


> speakers. The photos of the children at the start were incredibly

> moving (brought tears to my eyes too).

> Has anyone succeeded in E-mailing Wakefield's son? The

> address I used didn't work. According to my notes the address is:

> _s_w_@..._w_ (mailto:s_w_@...) I must have copied it

> incorrectly.



> >>I didn't write it down by but I think there was a _ at the

beginning of

> the addy


> If that doesn;t work I'l mail Andy and get the right one but he is

off to

> another conference so unlikely to answer for a few days yet


> Mandi x


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I am really intrigued, why does everyone want to write to Wakefield's

son? Sue



> In a message dated 11/02/2007 15:30:36 GMT Standard Time,

> claire_downey@... writes:


> Failing that we could write c/o Thoughtfulhouse, I'm sure it would

> get thro'




> >>Why don't you send them all to me and I will colate and send via

Andy -

> I'd like him to read them too, he made me cry, I do same back LOL


> Photo's would be good too


> Mail them to


> TreatingAutism @ aol.com without the gaps


> Mandi x


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Quite hard to explain. gave a very powerful presentation and

at the close told everyone how his son hated being relocated to the US

.. It was to send a message of support to him. Sounds odd written

like that but trust me, it wasn't!

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 11/02/2007 15:30:36 GMT Standard Time,

> > claire_downey@ writes:

> >

> > Failing that we could write c/o Thoughtfulhouse, I'm sure it would

> > get thro'

> >

> >

> >

> > >>Why don't you send them all to me and I will colate and send via

> Andy -

> > I'd like him to read them too, he made me cry, I do same back LOL

> >

> > Photo's would be good too

> >

> > Mail them to

> >

> > TreatingAutism @ aol.com without the gaps

> >

> > Mandi x

> >


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Yes, make him cry! He ruined my mascara! Vengeance!



> In a message dated 11/02/2007 15:30:36 GMT Standard Time,

> claire_downey@... writes:


> Failing that we could write c/o Thoughtfulhouse, I'm sure it would

> get thro'




> >>Why don't you send them all to me and I will colate and send via

Andy -

> I'd like him to read them too, he made me cry, I do same back LOL


> Photo's would be good too


> Mail them to


> TreatingAutism @ aol.com without the gaps


> Mandi x


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

jdbcj2000 wrote:


Has anyone been to it

> before? Is it worth it? Would you recommend it?

Dear Janet,

I've been to the first 3 and they were fabulous. It's a great place to

get the basics and then to continue to attend in future years to catch

up on all the latest research -- but the best part is getting to meet

hundreds of other people with this diagnosis! Both parents and adult

patients. I think meeting the adult patients was probably the most

encouraging thing for me. Finding out that they are doctors and lawyers

and indian chiefs!!!!! There are some people there who are medically

incapacitated -- but they are few and far between. Most are successful

in their daily lives and coping with the same questions we are. And it

was incredible meeting other people that I " knew " from this site.

The past few years we have put green ribbons on our name tag to identify

us as Pedpid.com people. So, take some green ribbon to put around yours

and maybe everyone else will, too.

Katy was 17 when they held the first ever national conference. It was

life changing for her. She had never told anyone about her disease and

after meeting other kids with her diagnosis -- she " came out " and told

many of her friends, and even did an interview for the newspaper soon

after that protesting the movie " Bubbleboy " . She became empowered.

It helped me to put it all together and realize that this is a diagnosis

you can live with -- it takes major adjustments -- but it's do-able with

God's help.

I hope you'll be able to attend. Also, I understand that the cost of

your flight and registration are tax deductable as a medical expense --

but check with your tax advisor about that. But keep good records, just

in case!

May God bless you today,

In His service,


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If you can attend please try to do so. It is a wonderful experience. We have

been to 3 and each time I go I learn more and more and you meet some of the most

wonderful people! I felt like I was not alone anymore!! Everyone shares stories

and doctors from all over the US come and teach about the latest in immunology.

The event is through IDF. It will be in ST louis. MO this year. You can call

Gill at IDF if you have any questions. I would say don't miss it if at all


Hope to see you there!!!

Best wishes,

Towma Rastad

jdbcj2000 <janet_richards@...> wrote:


I started reading through past postings trying to catch up, and I

noticed people talking about a conference. I went back far enough in

the postings to find out who the conference was through, etc. I am so

facinated by this! This seems like a dream come true for us, since

is newly diagnosed and we're clueless. Has anyone been to it

before? Is it worth it? Would you recommend it? I know the deadline

for early registration is soon so we are trying to decide quickly if

we should go. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. I go

to things like this for work, but we've never gone to one as

the " patient. " Sounds amazing.



Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.

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I have never been - but I am planning on attending the conference in

tandem with Towma. I am excited to learn new things and meet people

from all around who share the same experiences/burdens that I do -

and I am looking forward to putting some faces with ID's too!!!!

I'd love to see you there!

Take Care


> Hi-

> I started reading through past postings trying to catch up, and I

> noticed people talking about a conference. I went back far enough


> the postings to find out who the conference was through, etc. I am


> facinated by this! This seems like a dream come true for us, since

> is newly diagnosed and we're clueless. Has anyone been to it

> before? Is it worth it? Would you recommend it? I know the deadline

> for early registration is soon so we are trying to decide quickly


> we should go. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. I


> to things like this for work, but we've never gone to one as

> the " patient. " Sounds amazing.


> Janet







> ---------------------------------

> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.



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We're attending as well. I can't wait.

Sue in Phoenix

(Soon to be Long Island, New York!)

" Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. " --


picasso.moon wrote:


> I have never been - but I am planning on attending the conference in

> tandem with Towma. I am excited to learn new things and meet people

> from all around who share the same experiences/ burdens that I do -

> and I am looking forward to putting some faces with ID's too!!!!

> I'd love to see you there!

> Take Care

> Stef


> > Hi-

> > I started reading through past postings trying to catch up, and I

> > noticed people talking about a conference. I went back far enough

> in

> > the postings to find out who the conference was through, etc. I am

> so

> > facinated by this! This seems like a dream come true for us, since

> > is newly diagnosed and we're clueless. Has anyone been to it

> > before? Is it worth it? Would you recommend it? I know the deadline

> > for early registration is soon so we are trying to decide quickly

> if

> > we should go. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. I

> go

> > to things like this for work, but we've never gone to one as

> > the " patient. " Sounds amazing.

> >

> > Janet

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> > in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.

> >

> >

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We're attending as well....from North Dakota


Mom to , PID, NOS with NK cell defect, hypo gamm and selective antibody


Quoting Sue Clayton <sueclayton@...>:

> We're attending as well. I can't wait.


> Sue in Phoenix

> (Soon to be Long Island, New York!)



> " Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. " --

> Yeats




> picasso.moon wrote:

> >

> > I have never been - but I am planning on attending the conference in

> > tandem with Towma. I am excited to learn new things and meet people

> > from all around who share the same experiences/ burdens that I do -

> > and I am looking forward to putting some faces with ID's too!!!!

> > I'd love to see you there!

> > Take Care

> > Stef

> >

> > > Hi-

> > > I started reading through past postings trying to catch up, and I

> > > noticed people talking about a conference. I went back far enough

> > in

> > > the postings to find out who the conference was through, etc. I am

> > so

> > > facinated by this! This seems like a dream come true for us, since

> > > is newly diagnosed and we're clueless. Has anyone been to it

> > > before? Is it worth it? Would you recommend it? I know the deadline

> > > for early registration is soon so we are trying to decide quickly

> > if

> > > we should go. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. I

> > go

> > > to things like this for work, but we've never gone to one as

> > > the " patient. " Sounds amazing.

> > >

> > > Janet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> > > in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.

> > >

> > >

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  • 1 year later...
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You will be happy, it will be in Sacramento, July 31-August 2 :-)


Mom to Nick and Noah, both with Down Syndrome

On Jul 12, 2008, at 5:47 PM, Kelli wrote:

> Hello,


> I know some folks are attending the National conference this weekend.

> Look forward to hearing all about it.

> Have they said where it is going to be next year?

> Seems like it is long over due to be on the west coast. Keeping my

> fingers

> crossed.


> Thank you,

> Kelli mom to Austin DS 12 1/2 and 3 1/2







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check out www.barimd.com conferences in FL

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of sonSent: Friday, July 18, 2008 12:48 PM Subject: Conference

Does anyone know of a conference on Bariatric Nutrition that would be in the Alabama, Tenn, Miss, or Georgia area? I am looking for one to attend anytime this summer or fall to get updates on nutrition for the bariatric patient.

Beth son, RD, LD

Clinical Nutrition

DCH Regional Medical Center



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BariMD's next Bariatric Nutrition Training Course date is November 12-14. 2008

in Fort Lauderdale. The course information is located at

https://www.barimd.com/Register-Nutrition.php . Attendees experience

presentations, workshops, and expert as well as peer to peer interaction. The

3-day course includes online preworkshop courses. The course is approved by the

American Dietetic Association's Commission on Dietetic Registration.

Class size is kept small to maximize the educational experience and therefore,

if you need more information, please do not hesitate to phone.



Debbie Daley, RD LD/N


877.227.4038 ext 142


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