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Re: My test result and my NHS consultant has give me armour erfa

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If you are on too high a dose , you will start to feel the

symptoms of hyPERthyroidism. You will probably start to get palpitations,

feeling 'spaced out' rather agitated and hyperactive etc. When this happens,

and it usually happens straight after an increase in your dose a couple of

hours after starting it, then don't take any more that day, and the following

day, go back onto the dose you were taking before that increase. This is

usually the dose that your body needs.

However, we always recommend checking up that you are not

suffering with adrenal fatigue, have systemic candidiasis, are suffering with no

ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper or zinc. Your GP

should test the latter, and once you get the results, post them here on the

forum together with the reference range and we will help with their

interpretation. Do the questionnaires in the FOLDER 'Medical Questionnaires' in

the FILES section that you can access from the Home Page of the forum web site.

Luv - Sheila


I went to my consultant on Wednesday and had my recent test which were tsh 0.02

free t4 18 range is 10 to 22 and t3 1.3 range 0.9 to 2.5 I am on 162 of t4 and

30mg of t3

After much discussion he has agreed to irder this for me when I have ran out of

what I ordered online he has told ne to take 120 of armour in the am and the

same in the pm I have worked this out and thIs is equivalent to 144 t4 and 32

of t3 so a pretty good match the question is when will I start to feel

different my pupils look dilated and not to sure if thus is connected. Dies

anyone know what the signs are for being under or over medicated. I asked him

weather I should start of ob a lower dies sndhw saidno asmist people who are

not on t3 do but I amalready on a high dose so il be ok

Can anyone help with my questions


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, can you write to me privately please and give me the

name and hospital address of the endocrinologist who prescribes you Armour ?

Luv - Sheila

I went to my consultant on Wednesday and had my recent test which were tsh 0.02

free t4 18 range is 10 to 22 and t3 1.3 range 0.9 to 2.5 I am on 162 of t4 and

30mg of t3

After much discussion he has agreed to irder this for me when I have ran out of

what I ordered online he has told ne to take 120 of armour in the am and the

same in the pm

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Gee thats a turn up for the books, my endo told me no endocrinologist in the uk

would give armour, how wrong she has been. What area are you from , if you

dont mind me asking


> , can you write to me privately please and give me the name and

> hospital address of the endocrinologist who prescribes you Armour ?


> Luv - Sheila



> I went to my consultant on Wednesday and had my recent test which were tsh

>> the same in the pm


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There are a LOT of GP's and endocrinologists (NHS) and private,

who will recommend and/or prescribe natural thyroid extract. Your endocrinologist

should get his head out of the sand and get up to date with what is actually

happening out here. For over 50 years, natural thyroid extract was the ONLY

medication given to ALL sufferers of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, long

before synthetic levothyroxine was manufactured. There were NEVER the problems

there are today for such sufferers.

Luv - Sheila

Gee thats a turn up for the books, my endo told me no

endocrinologist in the uk would give armour, how wrong she has been. What area

are you from , if you dont mind me asking


> , can you write to me privately please and give me the name and

> hospital address of the endocrinologist who prescribes you Armour ?



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