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Re: intolerance to levothroxine with partial thyroidectomy

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i'm not 100% but thinking that these are the people who provide purified



might be worth a call ?


> i have searched the net but am unavailable to find any details of

'martindales' either generally or in the NHS list of prescrible medicines- so

that i can give the details to my Doctor(s)where is it listed so that they know

it is prescrible as they dont seem to know about it?

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I recently went to a talk at the U3A given by a chemist.At one point he told us about tablets and people needing the liquid form.    He said that tablets which cost a few pound, when made into liquid medicine (as it is usually made specifically for an individual) can cost hundreds of pounds (I cannot remember whether he said £600 or £800 as I was too shocked).    Obviously the reason doctors would be very reluctant to give it to you unless, not only is there no other option, but it will probably have to save your life, not just make you 'feel' better :(


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recently she went to the GP, with knee problems and the GP, as she had been his

patient for some 10 years without her needing to even seeing him (pretty fit),

ran some blod tests,and we had an urgent phone call from him because he throid

levels were drastically low

the GP put her on a low dose of levothyroxine, 25mg to start.

she suffered intolerance to the drug straight away - more lethargy/weight gain

dry skin and irritability

Do you know whether your wife suffers intolerance to lactose,

maize. Did the GP test to see whether she had antibodies to her thyroid. She

needs to be tested for TPO and TgAB.

we went back to the GP who referred us to a Consultant


some 2.1/2 months later we finally got to see him last week ( in the mean while

she struggled through increasing the dosage to 50mg, still feeling unwell)

The consultant (an arrogant son of a *****) said there were no alternatives and

that we should try T3 & T4 but if that did not help then she would have to

persevere and put up with the intolerance.

Guess he is out to get a position on the British Thyroid

Association Committee of idiots. Next time he says this, tell him that for over

50 years, the ONLY thyroid hormone replacement for ALL sufferers of the

symptoms of hypothyroidism was natural desiccated porcine thyroid extract, that

contains T3, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin for the bones, and that in all that

time, there were NEVER any of the problems that people have to suffer since the

synthetic thyroxine was manufactured and came into full use in the middle of

the 1970's. This is still the best medication for the majority of sufferers One

can only hope and pray (norty) that this plonker one day gets hypothyroidism

and like so many, will be intolerant to T4-only, or intolerant to the fillers

in T3.

i then asked him about dessicated porcine throid gland such as 'Armour'

he really got on his 'high horse' and said that he was not a herbalist and that

he would never prescribe it.

Doesn't that just show what an ignorant Endoprat he is. Does he

really believe that desiccated pigs thyroid extract is a HERB???

i then said i had found other Doctors on the net that

prescibe it

( we live on the isle of wight and no doctors were listed anywhere near us)to

which he replied that doctors interested in homeopathy or herbalism might

prescribe it but that no 'Endocrinologist' would do so

Tell him that Thyroid Patient Advocacy has a long, long list of NHS

endocrinologists who are prescribing it, and many GP's who prescribe it too,

and that the owner/founder of TPA also has NDT recomme3nded by her NHS endo.

and prescribed by her GP. These are the rare 'good' doctors who have done their

homework and research to find the reasons why some of their patients didn't

regain their normal health on levothyroxine-only. They actually CARE about

their patients, unlike this doctor.

we returned to our GP (awaiting a letter back from the

consultant) who said that he would not prescribe 'armour' or anything like it

because he did not know it or dosage or how to monitor it, and that his

insurance would not cover him and he could be liable if it ever went to court.

he was amiable to us if we wanted to 'self-medicate' as i had found Nutri-Meds

Thyroid which was available without a prescription- though he told her to stop

taking the levothroxine in case there was any conflict

my wife is currently trying one Nutri-Meds thyroid tablet with an intention to

increase slowly if there are no ill effects

NUTRI-MEDS PORCINE or BOVINE, a non-prescription brand of natural desiccated thyroid. Patients

report that over-the-counter thyroid products, including Nutri-meds, are far

weaker than all the brand names, so they have to take quite a lot. Not

sure about long term support, though some like them. However, it would be

better to start using either Erfa 'Thyroid', Nature Throid, Westhroid or Armour

Thyroid as these contain standard amounts of thyroxine (T4) and

Triiodothyronine (T3) plus unspecified amounts of T2, T1 and Calcitonin.

Whole Desiccated Thyroid Glandular

Concentrate – Porcine

Raw Porcine Thyroid Tissue 130 mg.

Dicalcium Phosphate

Magnesium Sterate (Natural Tableting


The bovine version (as of 2011) contains:

Whole Desiccated Thyroid Glandular

Concentrate – Bovine

Rice Powder

Magnesium Stearate

Gelatin (from free range sources)

Other comments from the Nutri-Meds website: “Our glandulars are imported

from New Zealand and Argentina, countries with long histories of

grass-pasturing their animals, using no hormones or antibiotics, and have no

proximity to countries with BSE. The gelatin we use for our capsules are

from the same sources. We do not use USDA gelatin. We consider it way below

par. "

that was as far as we had got, until i found this Group

i came across Sheilas message of 13 may 2011, regarding dales Purified


i have searched this site but cannot find enough information on it

Sheilas message stated that if you have been diagnosed with hypthyroidism and

are intolerant doctors cannot leave you unmedicated and must treat you have i got the following right- 'armour and the

like are unlicensed and therefore do not

have to be prescibed

This part of the message you have picked up wrong . Armour

Thyroid, Westhroid, Nature Throid and Erfa 'Thyroid' remain unlicensed in the

UK but they can still be prescribed (according to the Medicines and Health Care

Regulatory Agency (MHRA) if a patient does not do well on levothyroxine alone.

However, it is up to a doctor whether or not he will prescribe it or not

BECAUSE IT REMAINS UNLICENSED and if a doctor prescribes it, and something goes

wrong and the patient wants to sue the doctor, then s/he has to take full

responsibility for this, because his/her medical insurance does not cover him. Check

out the link towards the end of this message regarding the information you need

about dale's.

martindales purified thyroxine is licensed and can be prescribed

by a Doctor

does this mean it can be prescribed by a GP?

Many doctors will give a prescription for the Pure Form of

Thyroxine if you are intolerant to the fillers. However, are you 100% positive

that it is the fillers that are upsetting her. She may not be able to tolerate

ANY form of thyroid hormone replacement right now because she could be

suffering one of the many associated conditions that go along with being

hypothyroid. She needs to get the following checked out (some you have to get

done privately and others you can get on the NHS). If is shown that she is

suffering with any of these, the thyroid hormone cannot be fully utilised at

the cellular level, so she will get toxic symptoms with the thyroid hormone

until she has rectified what needs to be rectified. Please check out the

attached document and go through each one carefully. Her GP should check her

blood levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3 magnesium, folate, copper and

zinc. If your GP tries to tell you there is no connection, then show him the

attached document where I have cited references to the scientific research to

show of the connection. Check also the other conditions in the attached

document also.

if you have been referred to a Consultant, as we have, does

he have to prescribe it (even though he said there no alternatives)

Sadly NO. Even more sad is that the RCP and the BTA have made a

statement to say that doctors should treat using levothyroxine only as this

works for almost everybody, and because doctors have been reported to the GMC

for daring to diagnose and prescribe outside of the BTA 'guidance/statement'

doctors are reluctant to mucky the water and are afraid they may lose their

livelihood and career - and no doctor wants to run the risk. We have to stay

calm and quiet, listen to the statements our doctors are making, find the

research to show they are wrong, print it off and take it with you and make the

doctor read it. This is the way I got my endocrinologist to listen.

Sheilas referred to message said 'they have to give you a

trial' -does this mean it only available on a trial basis?

If any patient is not doing well on the one and ONLY NHS

levothyroxine-only therapy, a doctor should give you a trial of the other

available, legal thyroid hormone Lyothyronine (T3). You should not be denied

this. Hypothyroidism, as far as I am aware is the ONLY disease where doctors

are refusing to give you a choice of treatment. We are told that if T4 is not

working for us, and our thyroid function tests are within the 'normal'

reference range, yet we still complain of symptoms, that we are " suffering

from a functional somatoform disorder " - meaning, it's all in our head.

This is what we are campaigning about and why we have a very difficult fight on

our hands. We need to get the FACTS and present them to the BTA, RCP et al and

MAKE them listen to us.

i have searched the net but am unavailable to find any

details of 'martindales' either generally or in the NHS list of prescrible

medicines- so that i can give the details to my Doctor(s)where is it listed so

that they know it is prescrible as they dont seem to know about it?

You can read about dale's Pharmacopoeia in Wikipedia here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dale:_The_complete_drug_reference

and the dale's web site is here http://www.martindalecenter.com/Pharmacy_6_HuD.html

Go here to our FILES section and open this FOLDER thyroid treatment/files/HYPOTHYROIDISM

- Scroll down to 'Pure Compounded T4 and T3' - this is the document that will

tell your GP how to write the prescription and what else to do to get it.

finally, if with only a partial thyroid and we wanted to try

T3 & T4 would it work with only a partial thyroid, what sort of dosage and

are any tests necessary before taking it?

Yes, either a synthetic combination of T4 and T3 in combination

should work, T3 alone, or natural thyroid extract that contains all the thyroid

hormones our body requires will work with a partial thyroid. As far as finding

out what dose she is likely to need depends on thyroid function test results

and the symptoms she is presenting with and the signs she is showing. Check out

the symptoms and signs list in our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk

under 'Hypothyroidism'. However, you would be best being guided by Dr Peatfield

one of our medical advisers who runs metabolic clinics throughout the UK. His

main clinic is based in Crawley, Kent and it really would be worth a visit,

though I guess it would involve an overnight stay. His fees are £150 for an

hour and a quarter first consultation. You may be able to arrange a telephone

consultation with him, but if you would like to go down this road, phone his

secretary, either Jo or Lynne on 01883 623 125. It might take you a while to

get through, as his line is often engaged, but keep persevering. The tests you

need are TSH, free T4, free T3 and tests to check to see if she has antibodies.

When you get these, be sure to get these with the reference range for each test

done. No doctor can withhold such test results from you.

i am sorry if this message is extensive but we are confused

and woulld be grateful for clarity and help

martin & janice

Well - it's even longer now. One bit of advice - don't run

before you can walk. Make sure you take baby steps at a time and ensure you

fully understand everything before going on to the next step. Read as much as

you can, ask as many questions as you need, but I can assure you that this is the

first day of your wife's new life, because there IS light at the end of the

tunnel, and we will do what we can to help you get there.

I have sent you my list of recommended 'good' doctors to you


Luv - Sheila

since then i have joined this group looking for help to find a Doctor who would

prescibe 'armour' or another of its ilk

if any one knows of a

2 of 2 File(s)


Why thyroid hormone stops working (2).doc

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This is absolute rubbish!! I don't know who the chemist was who did your talk

but he is WAY out of date. I talked to a local chemist and he said that the

liquid thyroxine was a lot cheaper these days and MOST chemists could get it

whereas it was only Boots that nade it 10 years ago.


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Hi , I have just reposted the message and attachments to

you. Look after it.

Luv - Sheila

hi sheila

sorry to bother you, but 2/3weeks ago you posted a message for me- with 3

attachments, icluding a list of doctors who will prescribe dessicated gland

old age and stupidity, i cannot find the message again and we are due to see

the GP next week- could you let me know how to find it again or resend.

many thaks , sorry to be a nuisance

marti and janice

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