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Help with changing from T4 to NDT please

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I'm new posting to this group, although I've been reading for a couple of months, and it's been really helpful. I wondered if anyone would be able to help me with something please.

My mother has Hashimoto's and is currently on 100mcg of Levothyroxine. However she wasn't feeling completely well on it and so we started researching dessicated thyroid. Her doctor wouldn't prescribe it, and so after a long battle, she changed doctors, but her new one wouldn't prescribe it either. So, we decided to order some privately through an online pharmacy.

I've just been reading in the files section about switching from Levo to NDT. In this it says that the conversion charts for NDT are very inaccurate, but doesn't explain why. Could someone explain this to me please? In what way are they inaccurate?

In this article (it's called 'How to Treat with Natural Thyroid Extract') there are instructions for those changing to NDT from T4. It advises to start off very slowly (with a quarter or half a grain) and build up. What I'd like to know is is this OK to do for someone with Hashi's? I.e. because they will presumably be on a lower dose than T4-only for quite a while?

Is an approach ever used where you gradually replace the T4 with NDT, for example, taking 75mcg Levo and 1/4 grain NDT, then 50mcg Levo and 1/2 grain NDT, and so on and so on?

I'd be extremely grateful if anyone could help me :).

Thank you,

Best wishes,


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