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Systemic candida

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Andre, I am told by my health care worker that hydrogen peroxide in the

veins will fix this candida, but I fear both the peroxide in my veins

and the serious die off it might produce. I also don't feel I have

gotton at the bottom of the CAUSE of this bad candida condition.

Anyway, you might want to try the peroxide which is less drastic I would

think (but don't know for sure) and very easy to get at any good

alternative health care facility. Steph

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Dear Steph,

Actually, IV hydrogen peroxide is MORE drastic than IV ozone. The peroxide

has to be a very, very low concentration in order not to burn the vein

(phlebitis). Ozone can be much stronger and not cause problems.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

Re: Systemic Candida

> Andre, I am told by my health care worker that hydrogen peroxide in the

> veins will fix this candida, but I fear both the peroxide in my veins

> and the serious die off it might produce. I also don't feel I have

> gotton at the bottom of the CAUSE of this bad candida condition.

> Anyway, you might want to try the peroxide which is less drastic I would

> think (but don't know for sure) and very easy to get at any good

> alternative health care facility. Steph



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> I also don't feel I have

> gotton at the bottom of the CAUSE of this bad candida condition.

Yeah, the CAUSE is what we all want to know. I have been searching for

it for a long time and I have tried several diets, many supplement

based programs and several cleansing programs. I know that a sort of

fungal problem runs in the family and my sister has been sick for 10

years with Candida, food intolerances, etc.

Besides genetic factors, I think that in many cases there is

some 'vicious cycle' which must be broken. If the body cannot detox

itself properly, the liver will be weak, the hormones abnormal and the

digestion improperly. Maybe some drastic measures are necessary to

escape from the vicious cycle. I am not sure of course, but maybe when

the body can get rid of toxins, it will heal iself more properly...

A few weeks ago I finally got an IgG food intolerance test. I do not

have the results yet. My plan is to do a Candida diet or SCDiet minus

the IgG intolerant foods for a while and doing a lot of ozone at the

same time and other cleansing like liver cleanses. When I feel it is

necessary I will also try ozone Direct IV.

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I have never been too concerned about this stuff and I never had a problem

with it to my knowledge.

>> At 07:45 AM 9/23/2007, you wrote:

So many are talking about it, and so many have a problem, I decided I best

learn how to spell it and the definition at least. Maybe a little

more........... <grin>

Now, my two bits with very little knowledge.

> > I also don't feel I have gotton at the bottom of the CAUSE of this bad

> candida condition.

>Yeah, the CAUSE is what we all want to know. I have been searching for

>it for a long time and I have tried several diets

So, you think it cannot be corrected without knowing the cause?

With little or no knowledge, I can likely state the cause as well as you

can after years of study.

>, many supplement based programs and several cleansing programs. I know

>that a sort of fungal problem runs in the family and my sister has been

>sick for 10

>years with Candida, food intolerances, etc.

Easy now....... you think you people have developed your own species ?

I think there are 14 different species. Have you identified yours or given

it a new name.

If it runs in the family, you need to think of that differently. You all

have a genetic defect, all have the same body malfunction, all eat some

bad food, bad water, or something about the environment is bad for you. Or

all have a digestion system problem. Few have a strong and perfect

digestion system.

I don't believe there is some magic inheridited factor relative to the


>Besides genetic factors, I think that in many cases there is

>some 'vicious cycle' which must be broken. If the body cannot detox

>itself properly, the liver will be weak, the hormones abnormal and the

>digestion improperly. Maybe some drastic measures are necessary to

>escape from the vicious cycle. I am not sure of course, but maybe when

>the body can get rid of toxins, it will heal iself more properly...

I don't disagree with your statements, but everyone seems to make the

problem too complicated. And overlook the simple solution.

>>>> it will heal iself more properly

I don't think that is an applicable term. How can it " Heal itself " when

it is an

environmental condition ? Not outside the body, inside the body.

>A few weeks ago I finally got an IgG food intolerance test.

>My plan is to do a Candida diet or SCDiet minus the IgG intolerant foods

>for a while and doing a lot of ozone at the same time and other cleansing

>like liver cleanses. When I feel it is necessary I will also try ozone

>Direct IV.

Sounds like an attack plan, but the target may be wrong.

Certainly you may be able to kill the critter, but how long before it

comes back?

Sounds like you may have listening to doctor over the years, and they took

you around in circles, ....... never ending circles.

No matter what ails the human body, if the gut and digestion system is not

working right, your health is doomed. Fix that first or work on it,

........... 24 hours per day.

I have read that 60 % of the immune system function comes from the gut.

What about the brain in the gut whereas the gut sends 30 times the data to

the brain that the brain sends to the gut ?

When the gut is so our of whack, it cannot tell the brain what to do, what

all do you think will work right ? Not much of anything.

I guess you have had an HCL test and maybe used HCL. In the 40's and 50's

it was prescribed by doctors, until the AMA took over and started

controlling doctors.

I had an aunt that had the worst diet in the world. She drank cokes all

the time and did many things wrong. She lived to be near 90 years of

age. She took the HCL daily every time I ever visited her.

I don't have a clue how to fix the Candida problem.

Fix the digestion system if it is out of order or impaired.

Course I am not supposed to know. I am just a country boy who has never

been to school.



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What is HCL? Wayne, you are correct about fixing the gut to help

candida. Most of my severe problems and bad reactions (and most

allergies)come from intestinal disbiosis which I have not been able to

repair. Not digesting, constipation etc... but I think once candida

sets in really bad, one problem feeds the other like a catch-22, you

can't cure the fungus since you can't cure the gut and you can't cure

the gut because you can't get rid of the candida. Steph

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> So, you think it cannot be corrected without knowing the cause?

> With little or no knowledge, I can likely state the cause as well

> as you can after years of study.

Don't really know what you mean by this... I have lived quite healthy

all my life...

> If it runs in the family, you need to think of that differently.

> You all have a genetic defect, all have the same body malfunction,

> all eat some bad food, bad water, or something about the

> environment is bad for you.

> I don't believe there is some magic inheridited factor relative to

> the overgrowth.

That is exactly how I think about it. I did not mean that my family

has a genetic disorder that codes for candida, but somehow the

environmental-genetic combination does result in problems.

> Sounds like an attack plan, but the target may be wrong.

> Certainly you may be able to kill the critter, but how long before

it comes back?

Yes, it sounds like an attack plan, but who can tell me what to do

else? I have tried quite a broad spectrum of things: diet, water,

cleansing and much more... Can you tell me what to do instead? If

this plan will do something, it would be worth a lot for me. I am

losing my job as my fatigue, foggy brain etc is turning me down...

> Fix the digestion system if it is out of order or impaired.

Yes, but can you tell me how? I have spend thousands of dollars on

health foods, supplements, different machines, probiotics and much


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> So, you think it cannot be corrected without knowing the cause?

> With little or no knowledge, I can likely state the cause as well

> as you can after years of study.

Don't really know what you mean by this... I have lived quite healthy

all my life...

> If it runs in the family, you need to think of that differently.

> You all have a genetic defect, all have the same body malfunction,

> all eat some bad food, bad water, or something about the

> environment is bad for you.

> I don't believe there is some magic inheridited factor relative to

> the overgrowth.

That is exactly how I think about it. I did not mean that my family

has a genetic disorder that codes for candida, but somehow the

environmental-genetic combination does result in problems.

> Sounds like an attack plan, but the target may be wrong.

> Certainly you may be able to kill the critter, but how long before

it comes back?

Yes, it sounds like an attack plan, but who can tell me what to do

else? I have tried quite a broad spectrum of things: diet, water,

cleansing and much more... Can you tell me what to do instead? If

this plan will do something, it would be worth a lot for me. I am

losing my job as my fatigue, foggy brain etc is turning me down...

> Fix the digestion system if it is out of order or impaired.

Yes, but can you tell me how? I have spend thousands of dollars on

health foods, supplements, different machines, probiotics and much


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> What is HCL? Wayne, you are correct about fixing the gut to help

> candida. Most of my severe problems and bad reactions (and most

> allergies)come from intestinal disbiosis which I have not been able to

> repair. Not digesting, constipation etc... but I think once candida

> sets in really bad, one problem feeds the other like a catch-22, you

> can't cure the fungus since you can't cure the gut and you can't cure

> the gut because you can't get rid of the candida. Steph


Steph, are you doing something special to fix your gut?

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Dear Steph,

You are laboring under a bit of a misapprehension.

Candida albicans is a NORMAL inhabitant of the intestine. It is supposed to

be there, and it is supposed to be about 15% of the total inhabitation. You

are not trying to totally eradicate it, you are trying to get it back in

balance. If your acidophilus colony is under strength, or non-existent due

to antibiotics, the candida will grow out of control, and it can spread out

of the gut as well, and that is called systemic candidiasis.

But in the gut, in the proper amount, it is beneficial and necessary.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

Re: Re: Systemic Candida

> What is HCL? Wayne, you are correct about fixing the gut to help

> candida. Most of my severe problems and bad reactions (and most

> allergies)come from intestinal disbiosis which I have not been able to

> repair. Not digesting, constipation etc... but I think once candida

> sets in really bad, one problem feeds the other like a catch-22, you

> can't cure the fungus since you can't cure the gut and you can't cure

> the gut because you can't get rid of the candida. Steph



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Coconut oil and Palm Oil will cure the gut and help killing the candida.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----

Van: oxyplus [mailto:oxyplus ] Namens


Verzonden: Sunday 23 September 2007 18:09 PM

Aan: oxyplus

Onderwerp: Re: Systemic Candida


> What is HCL? Wayne, you are correct about fixing the gut to help

> candida. Most of my severe problems and bad reactions (and most

> allergies)come from intestinal disbiosis which I have not been able to

> repair. Not digesting, constipation etc... but I think once candida

> sets in really bad, one problem feeds the other like a catch-22, you

> can't cure the fungus since you can't cure the gut and you can't cure

> the gut because you can't get rid of the candida. Steph


Steph, are you doing something special to fix your gut?

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Dirk, I took coconut oil for a long time without results. In time it

turned out to be one of the things that was intolerably burning my

intestines. I took it for about six months without any results against

the candida, so for me at least, it did not work very well. It seems

that some people are able to cure their candida easily, others it takes

quite a lot of things and time, and still others can't seem to ever get

rid of it. I am thinking in severe cases it takes an EXCEEDINGLY

strict diet for a long time because it if cannot be killed it needs to

be starved off. I am not in a situation where I can juice constantly,

cook a lot, and get to the store often for fresh veggies etc....so that

is a disadvantage for some people as well. I hope to have the time

some day. However I am of the opinion that even if I starved it, which

I did do for about six months several years ago, the minute I starting

eating normally again it came right back within a few days worse than

ever. As I have said before, with stubborn candida, I beleive there

is another root cause, and I have yet to discover what that is in my

case. Steps to illliminate candida then would be to fix the cause (in

my case I am suspecting too much arsenic and too much stess), build up

the adrenals and immune system, take abundant minerals, electrolites and

whole food vitamins, do a good series of colonics, take tons of bacteria

and bacterial foods, and THEN do the diet for about six months. This

is all so much easier said then done. It also costs money and a lot of

peole don't have the funds for all the things they need. I have been

fortunate at least in that respect, but time and energy is something you

cannot buy which has been my weakness all along. The only rest I get

is just before bed while unwinding and trying to get to sleep, and when

I first get up at six AM and do my e=mails. Most of my e-mails during

the day are done in between running jobs. Also in my case, allergens

have to be removed so my body can fight the right thing, but I am unable

to move out of the climate that is helping to keep me sick. So all

this to say, we might know HOW to do most of the things that will make

us well or at least better, and really not be able to do them no matter

how much we want to either because of finances, or some other bad

situation that we are powerless to change. Steph

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Yes Saul, I have VERY bad systemic candida and am in pain from it and

very toxic. I am taking billions of bacteria daily. It would take

me too long this morning to look and type up how many and what kind, but

it is enough to know that I am taking about 10 billion of different

kinds daily. It is helping to keep me alive I suppose, but not doing

much towards a cure. I probably need yogurt and Keifer, but am

allergic to dairy and cannot digest the oils in soy so probably would

not do well with either one. No time to make the cabbage brew.


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I have had the experience that candida can mutate to difficult forms. This is


in the fact that prescription drugs of various compounds and strengths are

required by

some women to cure a vaginal candida infection. The over the counters just don't

work. I

have also seen in my work topical candida infections highly resistent to the

powders and

creams that work for most people to repress it. I think that once you have this

kind your

health can be at greater risk. Dark field microscopy also shows that it can

travel in the

blood to various locations to reak havoc and where it will land will depend on

the strength

of your immune system in its defense mechinisms.


Have you been doing vaginal insuflations and rectal insuflations.? I would not


drinking ozone water to help much but I would not stop that. You need to get the


closer to the problem. This really helped me. Please note that with ozone

sometimes the

candida gets worse before better. This happended to me for a few days. Dr

Friebott says if

this starts to happen eliminate all carbs and sugar from the diet for a week or

two, except

the carbs in veggies, of course. It really was no signficant problem for me and

I just went

through it.

If it were me I would do the MMS also.


In oxyplus , " Saul Pressman " <saul@...> wrote:


> Dear Steph,


> You are laboring under a bit of a misapprehension.


> Candida albicans is a NORMAL inhabitant of the intestine. It is supposed to

> be there, and it is supposed to be about 15% of the total inhabitation. You

> are not trying to totally eradicate it, you are trying to get it back in

> balance. If your acidophilus colony is under strength, or non-existent due

> to antibiotics, the candida will grow out of control, and it can spread out

> of the gut as well, and that is called systemic candidiasis.

> But in the gut, in the proper amount, it is beneficial and necessary.


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman


> Re: Re: Systemic Candida



> > What is HCL? Wayne, you are correct about fixing the gut to help

> > candida. Most of my severe problems and bad reactions (and most

> > allergies)come from intestinal disbiosis which I have not been able to

> > repair. Not digesting, constipation etc... but I think once candida

> > sets in really bad, one problem feeds the other like a catch-22, you

> > can't cure the fungus since you can't cure the gut and you can't cure

> > the gut because you can't get rid of the candida. Steph

> >

> >


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Yes Arrow, this is exactly what has happened to me because I did not do

the strictest diet long enough which should have been one year with

rotating antifungals. Instead, because I did not know any better, I

did the diet for a couple months and went back to eating fruit (but no

sugar and low carbs.) and took one antifungal at a time, one after

another until I exhausted every anti-fungal on the market. Thus I

created a fungus monster and now nothing seems to touch it. I am in bad


I cannot afford the cost of the ozone devices right now and it will be

awhile as we are constantly in the financial hole from all the

suppliments I have to have to stay on my feet. I plan to do the MMS

if I can tolerate it, but I have to pick a special time to start, when I

am not so busy and can get some time off from taking care of my hubby in

case it puts me down. I am near that point now so it would not take

much and since I am so loaded with candida, the die off alone would be

unbearable~~~~that is if I was blessed enough to have any die off in the

first place. I wish something would cause it to die off!!! I am

also having severe intestinal issues that I have to deal with which has

been REALLY difficult because this condition cases me to have so many

bad and unexpected reactions sometimes to the slightest most seemingly

harmless things and foods.

After four years of thousands of dollars and taking everything I could

find, I am beginnning to feel there is little hope.


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hey steph, just wondering.. have you ever taken lugols iodine. it kills a

multitude off bad stuff and is pretty cheap... that is if you can still buy it.

also did you ever get your stomach acid tested.


----- Original Message ---

I exhausted every anti-fungal on the market. Thus I

created a fungus monster and now nothing seems to touch it. I am in bad



_._,_.___ .

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No Wes, I have never had my stomach acid tested. There are no

competent physicians or alternative health care practitioners withint

100 miles of where I live. I cannot escape for the amount of time it

would take to go farther to find one because of my situation. I have

low stomach acid, but if I eat wrong or take the wrong thing I have a

bad acid bile attack that does me in big time. It is a VERY good thing

for me right now that I do have low stomach acid because of another

problem I am having which I cannot seem to solve because I don't know

what it is, if that makes any sense. I only know that the slightest

excess acid makes my heart race out of control and irregular. I don't

know if it is because of acid over load from acid PH, or if it is from

too much amonia due to the candida or what?

I know this, I can't WAIT to get this messages off and done this morning

so I can go do a colonic and get some releif from this serious pain in

my left arm where I had tendonitis which is now healing. When ever I

get acid over load, or apparently from homozon as well, (odd but true),

my left arm feels like someone is pinching every muscle in that arm.

Also hot acid seems to seep from my intestines. Have NO IDEA what the

cause is except that I MUST do a colonic every week or croak with painl.

I get immediate relief from the colonic and by the end of the day, my

arm does not hurt anymore. Using homozon makes the condition much

worse, but if I don't use it I can go. I can't take laxatives without

an acid attack. Such a miserable existence. I am drinking baking soda

water now but it does not help a whole lot.

And no, I have never tried the iodine as I am a little afraid of that

for some odd reason. I bought some a couple years ago, took a couple

of sips and tossed it aside. I did not get sick from it, just did not

like the taste and the idea of it and did not get a good feeling about

doing this. Steph

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No Wes, I have never had my stomach acid tested. There are no

competent physicians or alternative health care practitioners withint

100 miles of where I live. I cannot escape for the amount of time it

would take to go farther to find one because of my situation. I have

low stomach acid, but if I eat wrong or take the wrong thing I have a

bad acid bile attack that does me in big time. It is a VERY good thing

for me right now that I do have low stomach acid because of another

problem I am having which I cannot seem to solve because I don't know

what it is, if that makes any sense. I only know that the slightest

excess acid makes my heart race out of control and irregular. I don't

know if it is because of acid over load from acid PH, or if it is from

too much amonia due to the candida or what?

I know this, I can't WAIT to get this messages off and done this morning

so I can go do a colonic and get some releif from this serious pain in

my left arm where I had tendonitis which is now healing. When ever I

get acid over load, or apparently from homozon as well, (odd but true),

my left arm feels like someone is pinching every muscle in that arm.

Also hot acid seems to seep from my intestines. Have NO IDEA what the

cause is except that I MUST do a colonic every week or croak with painl.

I get immediate relief from the colonic and by the end of the day, my

arm does not hurt anymore. Using homozon makes the condition much

worse, but if I don't use it I can go. I can't take laxatives without

an acid attack. Such a miserable existence. I am drinking baking soda

water now but it does not help a whole lot.

And no, I have never tried the iodine as I am a little afraid of that

for some odd reason. I bought some a couple years ago, took a couple

of sips and tossed it aside. I did not get sick from it, just did not

like the taste and the idea of it and did not get a good feeling about

doing this. Steph

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Yes Andre, and my PH is always 5.0 or below. Very acidic. On the

other hand, I have symptoms of alkalosis also and I read somewhere that

you can have both alkalosis and acidosis at the same time. Don't ask

me how because I don't know. Both acid and alkaline BURNS I found out.

I am also suspecting complications from arsenic (of which I have too

much in my system) and amonia from the candida which has become rampant

throughout my intestines. And yes, I am taking a few things to get

the arsenic out slowely. Steph

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you should read up on the lugols iodine. i learned of it thru hulda clark's

books. unless you are allergic to it there should be no reason for alarm.. i

simple skin test will show whether you are allergic or not. it kills all kinds

of bad bacteria and fungus. i take it due to a tired adrenal gland.. i get a

noticable energy boost. just a few drops in a glass of water and drink. the

stomach acid thing.... if it were me i'd have to know. surely one of the " local "

dr's can do that... it's a fairly easy proceedure from what i understand....

oh yea, i've been meaning to ask.. do you think the probiotics could be giving

you some of those acid problems. i know little about them but a couple of years

ago i bought some and had problems with heart burn... or what ever when ever i

would take what i considered a big dose ( i think you would consider a small

dose ) at the time... until i read how much you were taking. anyway food for


how's your husband doing?


Re: Re: Systemic Candida

No Wes, I have never had my stomach acid tested. . Steph

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