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Systemic candida

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Wes, amazing you should ask as my very next question for this group was

going to be if taking too much probiotics could cause a serious systemic

acid problem. I am takeing QUITE a lot. Many many different kinds

in very large doses. One day I took an entire half a bottle of around

100 of inner garden flora. I did not have any trouble that day or the

next day. HOWEVER, yesterday I purchased a $2.00 bottle of acidopholus

culture (liquid) made from milk. I am suspecting the lactic acid in

that. I do have a very bad problem with dairy products so I quit taking

it. The probiotic capsules I am taking might also be causing me a

problem but I don't know. I only know that it helps the fungus a tiny

bit on my tongue if I take lots of it every two or three hours or so.

It isn't actually killing, eating, or taking up enough space to do

anything at all to the candida.

I definately am having a serious acid problem though and cannot get at

the bottom of it. It is making my life very painful and sick, with

vomiting in order to slow my heart rate and colonics in order to be able

to function without severe pain. Today the colonic did not even help

which is a first. So I suspect the acidopholus culture.

Hubby is home from the hospital after they gave him 4 units of blood.

Of course he feels good now, but in a few weeks it will be the same

thing all over again. i did purchase the peppermint oil but don't

know if he will take it or not.

I will order some iodine and try that in small amounts to start out with

and see what happens. Steph

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Simon, to take out the arsenic I am using fulvic minerals and NCDs.

I have mercury fillings in my mouth and so have to be careful what I

take for the arsenic so I don't leach the fillings more. Any

suggestions on this would be welcome as well. Steph

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Did you ever get a chance to do ozone rectal and vaginal insufflations? Rectal


will help get ozone to your liver. You can also funnel over the liver and the

intestines. I bet

the problem (cause) is there in the liver, more so than in your intestines. If

the juices from

the liver and pancrease and stomach are not right then the intestines suffer.

When I get a colonic I take my ozone machine with me. I can connect it to the


machine for ozonated water. Its also a good time to do rectal insufflation, when

the colonic is done.

I would also reconsider the iodine. I use lugols. I've been taking it for about

2 years now

with very good results. Thyroid cyst and fibrocystic breast disease is gone but

it can do so

much more. My MD approves of its use also. Currently I only take 2 drops 3 or 4

times a

week, but much more in the beginning.

You might also want to look into the use of tumeric and quercetin as an


for the tissues of the bowel. One small but convincing study shows that it can


polyps over time which you sound to be at high risk for. Apple juice, organic,

is also good

for the bowel. Look into apple pectin.




Also digestive enzymes. Lots of them. Start with enzymes and gradually add HCL

as you can tolerate it with your meals. Be sure to keep your baking soda away

from your

meals. You need an acid environment in the stomach for better digestion.

You might want to look into MMS sodium chlorite . Do a search on it. you will

find lots of



In oxyplus , ectopistes@... wrote:


> No Wes, I have never had my stomach acid tested. There are no

> competent physicians or alternative health care practitioners withint

> 100 miles of where I live. I cannot escape for the amount of time it

> would take to go farther to find one because of my situation. I have

> low stomach acid, but if I eat wrong or take the wrong thing I have a

> bad acid bile attack that does me in big time. It is a VERY good thing

> for me right now that I do have low stomach acid because of another

> problem I am having which I cannot seem to solve because I don't know

> what it is, if that makes any sense. I only know that the slightest

> excess acid makes my heart race out of control and irregular. I don't

> know if it is because of acid over load from acid PH, or if it is from

> too much amonia due to the candida or what?

> I know this, I can't WAIT to get this messages off and done this morning

> so I can go do a colonic and get some releif from this serious pain in

> my left arm where I had tendonitis which is now healing. When ever I

> get acid over load, or apparently from homozon as well, (odd but true),

> my left arm feels like someone is pinching every muscle in that arm.

> Also hot acid seems to seep from my intestines. Have NO IDEA what the

> cause is except that I MUST do a colonic every week or croak with painl.

> I get immediate relief from the colonic and by the end of the day, my

> arm does not hurt anymore. Using homozon makes the condition much

> worse, but if I don't use it I can go. I can't take laxatives without

> an acid attack. Such a miserable existence. I am drinking baking soda

> water now but it does not help a whole lot.

> And no, I have never tried the iodine as I am a little afraid of that

> for some odd reason. I bought some a couple years ago, took a couple

> of sips and tossed it aside. I did not get sick from it, just did not

> like the taste and the idea of it and did not get a good feeling about

> doing this. Steph


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Thanks Arrow. This all is logical to me! I just ordered the idone

and I have a bottle of MMS setting on my book case just waiting for me

to get up the courage to take that first drop LOL.

Can't afford the ozone device now and nowhere to go within driving

distance to get it done. I do my own colonics as I could not afford to

pay to have as many done as I have needed to do quickly and in an


Beleive me, I am trying everything I can think of to get well. My bill

for alternative suppliments this month was right around $1,400. and

previous months have been little different. We did not always have the

income for me to be able to do this. It may be keeping me alive, but

there is no cure in sight that I can see except maybe the MMS, but it is

my strong feeling that I will have to get at the bottom of the acid

condition and fix that before I will be able to even tolerate the MMS or

anything else that may help me actually get well.


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> Thanks Arrow. This all is logical to me! I just ordered the idone

> and I have a bottle of MMS setting on my book case just waiting for me

> to get up the courage to take that first drop LOL.

Hopefully you ordered the magnascent iodine... much better than the


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> Can't afford the ozone device now


> My bill for alternative suppliments this month was right around

> $1,400.

Wanna get well? Skip two months of these supplements and BUY THE OZONE


You CAN afford it - you are simply making a choice... make a different

one - buy the machine.

You could also buy the Beta generator from Saul first, then trade up

once you have saved enough for the Alpha if you decide you want to do


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> Simon, to take out the arsenic I am using fulvic minerals

What brand? Makes all the difference, you know...

> and NCDs.

Some people believe this stuff works... I don't... I could be wrong...

> I have mercury fillings in my mouth and so have to be careful what I

> take for the arsenic so I don't leach the fillings more. Any

> suggestions on this would be welcome as well.

There have been enough testimonials from *some* people who have had very

serious health problems, like you are having, that had their problems

resolve themselves almost overnight, once they had their amalgams removed.

This is not always the case... some people have them removed and

experience no change in their health. I believe the difference is simple

- the people whose health is dramatically affected had LEAKY AMALGAMS -

they were off-gassing toxic mercury vapor constantly, poisoning them

slowly like the mad-hatters of old.

Steph - before I would buy the ozone machine, I would get the amalgams -

ALL of them - out of my mouth. It is *very* possible - even likely, the

more I think about it - that this is the source of your problems.

The thing to understand is - if it *is* the source of your problems,

then NOTHING you will do will have any chance of working until you get

rid of them. This would explain why you have not had any success despite

everything you have done. If you get rid of them, and it doesn't solve

your problem, I would not call it a failure, because you would have

eliminated one more huge potential source.

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Yes Simon, I have done a lot of thinking about this. The reason I have

not had the mercury fillings out is because it is EXPENSIVE and I have

many, also there is no place within driving distance of me that knows

HOW to remove them in proper order etc... Additionally, half of the

people I ask who are health care practitioners say that it will not make

any difference and the other half say that it will. So given the

extreme expense, the vast distance I would have to travel and cannot do

so at this time, combined with a fifty fifty chance scenerio, I have

just not had it done. There are many things I plan to do if my

husband passes away before i do, and one of them is get the fillings

removed. I would be free to travel then and also free to be bed ridden

for awhile where as now I do not have that luxury because my husband is

in on oxygen and totally dependent upon me being here daily. AND no,

there is no assistance to be found in our isolated area so that I can

escape. I have not been able to find one person to help in the last

five years so I can leave for even one full day. So I have to keep

working at staying alive under the current conditions. I do agree

though, I am going to have my fillings out as soon as I am able, if I

am. Steph

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Simon, I also have an 86 year old mother in poor health that depends on

the suppliments who would not be able to do the ozone, plus she lives a

long ways from me. I not only splend all that money on suppliments

for myself, but part of that expense is for her to stay alive as well

and my husband takes them also. Additionally, ozone will not give me

the vitamins and minerals I am so desperately low on which I need to

stay alive. I am taking a lot of whole food suppliments such as

occasional whey as I can tolerate, superiour reds, Dr. schults

superfood, lots of bacteria which is costly etc..etc... If i did not

do those things and dropped everything for two months for ozone, I would

be too weak to do the ozone and my mother and hubby might die because

they are in worse shape than I am. So again, you are mistaken and this

would not be a wise thing for me to do at this time even though I

understand your logic. I doubt whether I could manage the ozone by

myself anyway (getting it right and using it correctly, setting it up

and aquireing what I need etc...figureing out how to use it) Steph

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For what it is worth, I apparently have Candida in my digestive system,

because the first drop of MMS gave me four spells of diarrhea in the

following 3 hours. I'm up to 4 drops now, and only had that reaction

the first dose. Good luck.


> Thanks Arrow. This all is logical to me! I just ordered the idone

> and I have a bottle of MMS setting on my book case just waiting for me

> to get up the courage to take that first drop LOL.


> Can't afford the ozone device now and nowhere to go within driving

> distance to get it done. I do my own colonics as I could not afford to

> pay to have as many done as I have needed to do quickly and in an

> emergency.


> Beleive me, I am trying everything I can think of to get well. My bill

> for alternative suppliments this month was right around $1,400. and

> previous months have been little different. We did not always have the

> income for me to be able to do this. It may be keeping me alive, but

> there is no cure in sight that I can see except maybe the MMS, but it is

> my strong feeling that I will have to get at the bottom of the acid

> condition and fix that before I will be able to even tolerate the MMS or

> anything else that may help me actually get well.


> Steph




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On 10/1/2007, oxyplus (oxyplus ) wrote:

> So given the extreme expense, the vast distance I would have to

> travel and cannot do so at this time, combined with a fifty fifty

> chance scenerio, I have just not had it done.

I understand, I do... but...

The worst part is, *if* this is the root cause of your problem, then

nothing - repeat, *nothing* you are doing will every solve the problem,

and is all wasted time, effort and money.

Also - due to the extreme nature of your problems, and the fact that you

have been fighting this problem for so long with little to no results -

I think there is a much better than 50% chance that this is the cause...

But, its is for you to decide... I hope you do find the answer someday.

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Morning Simon,

>>At 06:10 AM 10/2/2007, you wrote:

>The worst part is, *if* this is the root cause of your problem, then

>nothing - repeat, *nothing* you are doing will every solve the problem,

>have been fighting this problem for so long with little to no results -

I never realized this would be a lifelong problem.

I wonder how many years these people have gone without eating enough

yogurt, buttermilk, raw fruit, raw vegetables, and carrots and beets right

our of the earth with dirt and soil particles on them. ( like I have, and

still do )

I pick up food off the floor and off the street and eat it.

I enjoy wasp, bees, and bumble bees stinging me and often watch them sting

as long as they want. Don't even kill them, just brush them off and say,

" Thanks " .

I do this to see the effect and test the immune system.

I realize that the systemic condition is a bad situation and develops from

a digestion disorder.

Still, I can't help but believe there are dozens of things one could dump

in the gut that would that would remove them. I agree they could come back.

I would think, and I would try, 1 table spoon of castor oil, two or three

times per day for a while, week or so.

I think all the good and bad bacteria would drown in the septic tank.

Nevertheless, just how long will someone put up with this stuff without

doing some drastic measures.

Going to the doctors are a waste or time and money, unless they are lucky

enough to find a good one.

Some people are supposed to be sick I suppose.



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Wayne, if you were within my reach right now I would strangulate you LOL

LOL LOL. If you think I haven't tried drastic measures you are

mistaken and have no clue!!! I probably got sick doing the very things

you say you do!!! I used to kiss my pigeons, get down in the dirt,

play with pet rats, a lot more than you mentioned. Now I sterilize my

hands everytime I go past the sink because I think that is part of how I

got this way~~~~once your immune system is messed up you can't do those

things anymore. Count your blessings.

This brings me to a question~~~~has anyone on this group BY CHANCE,

tried urine therapy or eating putrified meat for a cure? Now those

are the ONLY two drastic measures I have not yet taken, but I am

SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT IT LOL. 8:>O And make no mistake, I am

going to hit the MMS bottle one of these days soon, just waiting for

some time off where I can afford to be laid up for a few days if it

happens. Any other dares or " drastic " suggestions I " m ready for

them!! And never tell a chronically sick person that some people

are meant to be sick and that they havn't taken enough drastic

measures-----it puts them into attack mode!!! Steph

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Morning Steph,

>> At 09:54 AM 10/2/2007, you wrote:

>Wayne, if you were within my reach right now I would strangulate you LOL


I wanted to get your attention. Sorry I was too strong,

>If you think I haven't tried drastic measures you are

>mistaken and have no clue!!! I probably got sick doing the very things you

>say you do!!!

OK, I got the picture. Now I can think for a while.

Looks like you have thought of nearly everything.

What about intercellular communications ?



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On 10/2/2007 10:54:15 AM, ectopistes@... wrote:


> This brings me to a question~~~~has anyone on this group BY CHANCE,

> tried urine therapy or eating putrified meat for a cure? Now those

> are the ONLY two drastic measures I have not yet taken, but I am



Serious and knowledgeable discussions on urine therapy in this

group: urine_therapy


$6.26, the number of the beast after tax

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steph, just please take it slow when you " hit " the mms. i think you should start

immediatly. just go slow.. i don't think it's going to make you bed ridden

unless you get wild with it.


Re: Re: Systemic Candida

Wayne, if you were within my reach right now I would strangulate you LOL

LOL LOL. If you think I haven't tried drastic measures you are

mistaken and have no clue!!! I probably got sick doing the very things

you say you do!!! I used to kiss my pigeons, get down in the dirt,

play with pet rats, a lot more than you mentioned. Now I sterilize my

hands everytime I go past the sink because I think that is part of how I

got this way~~~~once your immune system is messed up you can't do those

things anymore. Count your blessings.

This brings me to a question~~~~has anyone on this group BY CHANCE,

tried urine therapy or eating putrified meat for a cure? Now those

are the ONLY two drastic measures I have not yet taken, but I am

SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT IT LOL. 8:>O And make no mistake, I am

going to hit the MMS bottle one of these days soon, just waiting for

some time off where I can afford to be laid up for a few days if it

happens. Any other dares or " drastic " suggestions I " m ready for

them!! And never tell a chronically sick person that some people

are meant to be sick and that they havn't taken enough drastic

measures-----it puts them into attack mode!!! Steph

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I know you live in an isolated area and money is tight. I can relate. But with

having to spend so much on supplements, have you thought of maybe seeking out a

reputable alternative oxygen therapy clinic where you could be cared for for a

few weeks? In the long run it may cost as much as you're now spending. I wonder

if the clinics allow people to pay off any incurred bills. There used to be a

few docs like Dr. Bormann on this and the old Dave Amadis list contributing and

Saul and others may know of reputable clinics that are still out there.

Best of health,

ectopistes@... wrote:

Thanks Arrow. This all is logical to me! I just ordered the idone

and I have a bottle of MMS setting on my book case just waiting for me

to get up the courage to take that first drop LOL.

Can't afford the ozone device now and nowhere to go within driving

distance to get it done. I do my own colonics as I could not afford to

pay to have as many done as I have needed to do quickly and in an


Beleive me, I am trying everything I can think of to get well. My bill

for alternative suppliments this month was right around $1,400. and

previous months have been little different. We did not always have the

income for me to be able to do this. It may be keeping me alive, but

there is no cure in sight that I can see except maybe the MMS, but it is

my strong feeling that I will have to get at the bottom of the acid

condition and fix that before I will be able to even tolerate the MMS or

anything else that may help me actually get well.



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, I would love to be able to go do some of those things but am too

far away from everything. The longest I can leave the house is for

about 8 hours and I have to be home. If I am gone even that long, I

have to run like a dog to catch up and give up sleep time. I can't

leave my husband alone that long as he is on oxygen and I have birds to

care for. The money isn't there either as I really cannot do without

a lot of the suppliments since my diet is so limited and the yeast is so

bad it eats up everything and I am too deficient. Before I started

taking the suppliments, I was in serious pain and could hardly walk

across the floor and that death feeling was all over me.

The bad thing is too, if my husband passes away before I do, my income

will go down to one third of what we have now and the bills stay pretty

much the same so I will be hard pressed to do the suppliments even

without extra expenses. One reason why I am in a panic now to try

everything I can to get better while the income is there to buy a few


But yes, I would love to be able to get out of here and go get some

help, get my mercury removed, do the oxygen therapy, and a few other

things as well. Moving out of this allergy climate would be a great

help to my health as well, but easier said than done. Just not

possible at this time. Steph

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On 10/2/2007, oxyplus (oxyplus ) wrote:

> This brings me to a question~~~~has anyone on this group BY CHANCE,

> tried urine therapy or eating putrified meat for a cure?

Highly recommended. Not a very popular topic, thats for sure. Definitely

can work for a lot of things... join the list, ask questions, give it a

try - its the cheapest medicine, thats for sure...

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