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>> Can you have systemic candida and not know it?not have any thrush or skin problems?> .x

In a word, - Yes. Systemic Candida overgrowth starts with an intestinal overgrowth of the bad bacteria which then damages the gut walls and toxins filter through into the blood stream - it is the same strain of bacteria as the one causing thrush, I believe, but the yeast does not do the damage on the outside, but the inside of the body.... Please do read all the Candida info in our files.

Best wishes,

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Yes, you can, and this is why we recommend getting the test from

Genova to see if you have Candida Antibodies.

Luv - Sheila

Can you have systemic candida and not know

it?not have any thrush or skin problems?


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  • 3 weeks later...
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in case you get mixed up between the TPA web site and this forum web site, you

need to go here thyroid treatment

and on the Home Page, click on FILES in the Menu. On the Page that opens,

scroll down to the FOLDER entitled 'Candida' and read everything there. Ask as

many questions as you need and hopefully, somebody will be along to help you.


- Sheila


Subject: Candida

Now I know I have candida what do I do about it?


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A stone age diet would be (almost) perfect, , with the exception of not having oils – cold pressed olive oil for instance is a perfect antifungal and you can have as much as you like. Goitrogens, as mentioned below, eaten raw are not a good idea thyroid-wise, but can be eaten when cooked, as can beans and (fresh) nuts (not the processed variety in sealed bags). Alcohol and beverages should be excluded from the diet totally – alcohol because it's fermented (yeast) and other beverages because of the sugar. Grains should be avoided totally with the exception of (small portions of) brown rice occasionally – (white rice is pure starch = sugar) and potatoes (starch) should be eaten only rarely and choose the red variety (less starchy). Dairy and cheeses should be avoided, but real butter (not some spreads) is allowed. Add lots of natural antifungals to your diet, like fresh garlic etc. – But the be all and end all is to avoid processed sugar in any shape or form. The body does need sugar, but not in the refined form. It gets plenty of sugar from the carbohydrates in vegetables - and the body has to work to get at the sugars..... but that's the idea .


Food groups that advocates claim were rarely or never consumed by humans before the Neolithic (agricultural) revolution are excluded from the diet, mainly grains, legumes (e.g. beans and peanuts), dairy products, salt, refined sugar and processed oils,[1][3] although some advocates consider the use of oils with low omega-6/omega-3 ratios, such as olive oil and canola oil, to be healthy and advisable.[54] Practitioners are permitted to drink mainly water, and some advocates recommend tea as a healthy drink,[54] but alcoholic and fermented beverages are restricted from the diet.[3][54] Furthermore, eating a wide variety of plant foods is recommended to avoid high intakes of potentially harmful bioactive substances, such as goitrogens, which are present in certain roots, vegetables and seeds.[1][55][60] Unlike raw food diets, all foods may be cooked, without restrictions.[1][61] However, there are also raw, paleolithic dieters who believe that humans have not adapted to cooked foods, and so they eat only foods which are both raw and paleolithic.[62][63]

(avoid the foods marked in red)

Good luck J

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Thank you ,is the diet enough to do on it's own without the drugs?



> A stone age diet would be (almost) perfect, , with the exception of

> = - and the


_ dieters _diet#cite_note-62>


> (avoid the foods marked in red)


> Good luck J




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> Thank you ,is the diet enough to do on it's own without the drugs?

That depends on how bad your results were and whether the Candida is severe enough to interfere with the uptake of your thyroid meds. In theory you can get the yeast overgrowth under control with diet and natural antifungals alone, but you would have to be extremely strict and it would take longer. Following Dr. Peatfield's protocol, the Fluconazole will kill off the Candida quicker and that would be important for anybody with a thyroid condition, because Candida overgrowth will prevent optimal absorption of the meds.

But in any case you need to avoid all sugars for several months (the higher your results, the longer it takes - for a moderate 'case' you'd need to stay on the diet for at least 3 months), or the beast will come straight back. - Remember to take a good probiotic every day indefinitely - everyone with a Candida problem needs to take probiotics to balance the bad guys with the good ones.

Best wishes,

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my results were 189 and it should be less than 100is that a mild result?

> > Thank you ,is the diet enough to do on it's own without the



> But in any case you need to avoid all sugars for several months (the

> higher your results, the longer it takes - for a moderate 'case' you'd

> need to stay on the diet for at least 3 months), or the beast will come

> straight back. - Remember to take a good probiotic every day

> indefinitely - everyone with a Candida problem needs to take probiotics

> to balance the bad guys with the good ones.


> Best wishes,




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Ok thank you,

So should I take the tablets as well as do the diet?

> > > my results were 189 and it should be less than 100 is that a mild

> result?

> > >



> Not in my book, - that is nearly 100% more than the highest

> tolerated level. A mild positive result would in my view be something

> just above 100. If the ref range goes up to 100, then a " good " level for

> the antibodies to be at would be up to say 50.


> Best wishes,




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> Ok thank you,> So should I take the tablets as well as do the diet?

If it were me, I would do the treatment with fluconazole as advised by Dr. Peatfield. But there is no point whatsoever in doing that unless you will stick with a sugarfree diet for at last 3 months as well. If you re-introduce sugar too early (or too much) you will be back to square one. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security - the Candida will come back unless you stick with mainly avoiding sugars even after having stopped them altogether for 3 months. Avoiding refined sugars will have to become a way of life rather than just a 3 months diet plan. I have been battling Candida now for the past 4 years in earnest and before that for about 10 years half-heartedly. If I slip up seriously and endulge, I pay for it straight after (bowel problems, muscle pains and joint pains in my case).

Oh, and please remember the probiotics- you will need those indefinitely to keep the status quo in the gut.

Good luck,

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What is the difference between the fluconazole,nystatin and caprilic acid?.I'm

reading and learning,slowly.

Are their any probiotics you'd recommend?



> Hi ,


> I know this is going to sound strange but I don't have symptoms that I

> can call

> candida just low thyroid.


> Candida symptoms are often the very same as thyroid symptoms, so you

> might not even realize what is what. Here is a list of symptoms...


> http://www.candidaexpert.com/Symptoms.htm

> <http://www.candidaexpert.com/Symptoms.htm> (please note, I am not

> promoting the products they sell. I do not know them. This is just to

> give you some idea about Candida symptoms). But it is your choice

> whether to take the fluconazole or not.




> also do you take the probiotics whilst taking the drugs or after? Wont

> the drugs just kill the good guys?


> I would recommend to take probiotics every day for the rest of your

> life. It does not really matter when. You would take the fluconazole

> only on 3 separate occasions in weekly intervals. Since it is an

> antifungal, I don't think they would destroy the good bacteria too,

> but in the scheme of things it does not really matter. You would take

> another probiotic 24 hours later anyway.




> Best wishes,




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> What is the difference between the fluconazole,nystatin and caprilic acid?.I'm reading and learning,slowly.> Are their any probiotics you'd recommend?

I don't really know, - they are all antifungals and I think the Fluconazole is the strongest - just google each one and see what you can find out.

As for probiotics - the best ones are those that have to be kept in the fridge. The more strains of Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium they contain, the better (and the more expensive). 'Lamberts' do a good one - Acedophilus Extra 10. I take those.

Best wishes,

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> is there anywhere that will tell me how to dose the tablets as im doing it alone,tanya.x

Here you go, - and good luck

Best wishes,

The Peatfield Clinic


When we talk about Candida, we think of rashes or thrush, athletes foot, or something of the sort. Yet these manifestations of Candida are the tip of an enormous iceberg getting larger and larger as the years go by. Candida may actually be present in any tissue or any gland of the body; it may arrive shortly after birth and remain with us throughout life. It may apparently not affect us very much, and we use some ointment for the odd rash, the ringworm, the athletes foot; yet it may be having a sinister and damaging effect on our health generally. Our mistake is to underestimate it.

What is Candida? - Candida is a fungus (or yeast). Of the very many species that exist the one that really targets us (and other animals) is Candida Albicans. It exists in two forms. It has a yeast form, which is a free form and exists in body fluids, waiting for a suitable opportunity to spread. Should it find such an opportunity, it develops root-like structures, which are invasive, and can penetrate and pass through body tissues.

You may have thought, picturing mouldy bread or rotting food, that fungi live only on dead tissue. The worrying thing is that if the fungus is vigorous enough (and Candida albicans is), or the immune system is not as alert as it should be, then it can grow in, and on us, while we are still alive.

That is not a happy thought, yet fungal infections are increasing steadily; and are now a major cause of disease in the western world. Unfortunately, they are regarded by many doctors as merely being of passing nuisance, often unaware that the body as a whole may be subject to insistent and progressive infection, causing very many unexpected symptoms.

Causes of Infection - we need to ask why its presence is on the increase. Fungi live, mostly, on sugar. And we, in the western world, eat more sugar than anyone else, and the amount steadily increases. It is something like 150 pounds a year; 150 years ago, it was 1 or 2 pounds a year. Moreover, we expose ourselves to several other hazards. One is alcohol, primarily because the normal activity of the immune system is suppressed. (It may also contain damaging mycotoxins, of which more in a moment.) Another is antibiotics, which kill off the bacteria which prey on and control fungus inside us. The contraceptive pill, oestrogen in our foodstuffs (this includes phytoestrogens from plants), chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation are others.

Once fungus has a grip, there are a whole list of symptoms which can follow. Vaginal (or oral) thrush, fatigue, headaches, allergies, digestive problems, cognitive loss, depression, recurrent infections - upper respiratory or genito-urinary, arthralgia. Of major concern is the effect of penetration by Candida of the gut mucosa. This causes the leaky gut syndrome where incompletely digested proteins find their way into the bloodstream and thus cause multiple allergies and precipitate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There are concerns now that Candida will attack, take over and progressively destroy certain glands. In the thyroid or adrenal glands, hypothyroidism or low adrenal reserve may be caused. The presence of Candida may provoke the immune system into what appears to be an autoimmune response. This is where the immune system appears to turn on its own tissues: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and polyarteritis are examples. But a possible sequence of events is that in attempting to destroy Candida in the glands, the immune system destroys the infected tissues as well. This may well happen in autoimmune thyroiditis, or Hashimoto's Disease. It may occur in the adrenal glands by the same process. Research has been put forward to suggest that the same process may be at work as a cause of Diabetes Mellitus, where the alpha cells in the Islets of Langherhans of the Pancreas are targeted.

Treatment - evidently, Candida albicans can cause a lot more trouble than a rash or athletes foot. More people than not are likely to have some symptom or other due to Candida, and the medicines we take and the food we eat are providing all the possible help the fungus needs to thrive. So, what can we do to rid ourselves of this persistent, invasive and troublesome organism which threatens to destroy us even before we are dead?

The problem is in its very persistence. It keeps coming back. Once it has a hold, it really won't let go. To cope with this we have four strategies we can use: i) over-the-counter antifungals, ii) maintenance, using natural antifungals, iii) dietary control and iv) restoration of normal gut mucosa.

1. Over-the-counter Antifungals - there are a number in use today. One widely used, and veryeffective, is fluconazole (150 mg - 1 weekly x 3 weeks), another is itraconazole (marketed asSporonox) and in use for many years is mycostatin (Nystatin). These may be employed overseveral weeks. (A rapid "die off' of Candida may promote symptoms of general toxicity withcollapse, headaches, bowel upsets. This "Herxheimer Reaction" will pass in a day or so.)

2. Natural Antifungals - maintenance may be achieved by the use of various herbal remedies,probably over several months to ensure full clearance. Examples are: grapefruit seed extract,horopito, olive leaf extract, garlic, malic acid, oil of oregano, caprylic acid (Caprylate -Nutri Ltd).

3. Dietary Control - since fungi live and thrive on sugar, the diet has to be altered. It isimpossible to entirely cut out carbohydrates but refined carbohydrates, sugar, bread, pastacan be very much reduced. Potatoes, rice, legumes, fruits and fruit juice should also be verymuch reduced, since on digestion they rapidly become sugar. As a number of carbohydrates,particularly the grains, are contaminated with toxin producing fungi, this has to be addressedas well. These "mycotoxins", which are extremely dangerous, damage our immune system,may initiate atherosclerosis and are carcinogenic. Aflatoxin, ochratoxin, vomitoxin areexamples of very potent fungal poisons. Sadly, even alcohol can be infected in this way.

4. Restoring Normal Gut Mucosa - having eliminated Candida it is necessary to ensure thenormally and properly resident bacteria are re-established. The correct bacterial flora may beprovided; these are called probiotics. Consisting of acidophilus and bifidobacteria, these arefound in organic yoghurts or may be provided in a suitable supplement in powder or tabletform (Ultra Probioplex - Nutri Ltd). Prebiotics are the correct foodstuffs to nourish thecorrect bacteria; they consist of vegetable fibre, which is not absorbed, and is found invegetables and fruits containing fructo oligosaccharides. A supplement containing bothprebiotics and probiotics is Prime Directive from Safe Remedies.


Chaitow, L. (1986) Candia Albicans. USA: Thorson Publishing.

Ingram, C. (2001) The Cure is in the Cupboard. USA: Knowledge House Publishing.

Kaufman, D. (2002) The Germ that Causes Cancer. USA: Media Trition.

Pizzorno, J. Murray, M. Joiner-Bey, H. (2002) Clinicians Handbook of Natural Medicine. USA: Livingston.

Barry Durrant-Peatfield mbbs lrcp mrcs

The Peatfleld Clinic of Nutritional Medicine

The Old Bakery, Wrotham Road, Meopham, Kent, DA13 0QB

Tel/Fax: 01474 815793 Email: info@...

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  • 1 month later...
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Have you read what Dr Peatfield has to say about treating

Candida Fliss. Check in our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk

and click on 'Hypothyroidism' and then click on 'Associated Conditions' in the

drop down Menu, and then click on 'Candida'.

Luv - Sheila

I have done the spit test and seems I have

candida.. as I am going on the paleo diet that will cover candida diet too...I

have just read the article in FILES about FLCONAZOLE not being such a good

idea... Has anyone tried to kill off with diet and caprillic acid and will that

be enough as I don't want to risk fluc a the moment.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Here is a site (from one of the various internet Candida experts) which you might find of interest.    She is up to date on her research it seems.    You will have to scroll down to read her article and be warned it is very very long.

http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro2.phpHer Candida diet is really very very strict, although I know someone who has and is doing it and has really improved a lot.   She has even been able to give up her thyroid medication.    She has been doing this diet for a year.   Personally I couldn't do it for a week, but she has been able to stop a lot of medication including Armour which she has been on for quite a few years,  originally prescribed by Dr. S.


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If you have candida, your basic body pH - anion/cation balance is off making it


friendly environment for candida and unfriendly for good bacteria.

The permanent fix is doing a little known system at chembalance.com which was


designed to bring body chemistry back into balance. It is a system - call

Nielson whose number is on the web site and talk to her about this - hard to

understand the system from the

web site. I've used it since 1999 with many families with whom I work.

Seen long term candida finally clear up using this when all other things failed.

Blessings on your efforts,


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Jackie:

One of the best ways to rid yourself of Candida is Wild oil of oregano. This

does wonders for the body in many ways. With Candida you should avoid sugar and

anything that turns into sugar and supplement with WOO every day.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5vuIkHuF38 & feature=player_embedded

What wild oil of oregano cures:

Candida Infections · Acne Pimples & Ingrown Hairs · Psoriasis & Eczema* ·

Dandruff* · Fingernail & Toenail Fungus ·Warts (hands & feet) · Athlete's Foot ·

Jock Itch · Colds & Flus · Sore Throat · Respiratory Infections · Sinusitis ·

Pneumonia · Chronic Bronchitis · Allergies · Tonsillitis & Laryngitis · Ear

Infections · Arthritis* · Infected Cuts, Wounds & Burns · Animal Bites · Tooth

infections · Gum Disease, Recessions & Absesses · Canker Sores · Cold Sores &

other Herpes Outbreaks · Bed Sores · Boils · Diaper / nappy Rash* · Prostate

Disorders* · Spinal Infections · Hospital Infections · Food Poisoning &

Water-borne Illnesses · Giardiasis · Stomach & Intestinal Infections · Irritable

Bowel Syndrome* · Colitis & Chrohn's* · Bladder Infections · Urinary Tract

Infections · Kidney Infections · Measles, Mumps & Chicken Pox · Shingles ·

Ringworm & cea · Scabies & Head Lice · Worms & Flukes · Impetigo · Peptic

Ulcers · Tuberculosis · Lyme Disease.* Colds & Flues,Skin Conditions,Respiratory

& Sinus Conditions,Mouth Conditions,Digestive Conditions,Burns, Wounds, Cuts and

Sore Muscles & Joints.As we'll as nasty infections such as Escherichia coli (E.

Coli),Candida albicans,Bacillus cereus,Proteus Cryptococcus

neoformans,Staphylococcus aureus ( " Staph " ),Streptococcus pneumoniae

( " Strep " ),Pseudomonas aerugiosa and Salmonella.



> It seems I fit the bill for this too. Sigh. I still don't know what to tackle

first, I seem to have symptoms of lots of things. :( Jackie


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Hi Jackie:

Yes, you can take it with Bicarb, just take it an hour away from it to make

sure. I'm not sure what the asterisk is about, I'll have to find the original

site and see what it says....

The WOO protocol is:

1. Take WOO with a meal

2. Take a probiotic sometime during the day but not with the WOO

3. Take WOO at least 4 hours apart from any iron supplementiation



> Thanks for this. What are the * against some of the words for? Will this WOO

work with the bicarb? Jackie

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