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Re: Using Food as Weapons

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I am becoming more and more of a conspiracy theorist every day !!!

Its a worry. Lets hope many of us can grow our own veggies, although that will

be considered a source of e.coli by global interests I am sure. We are supposed

to forget about 'Dig for Victory' projects.



> This may be difficult for some people to swallow (ahem!), but scientists

> from Germany's Koch Institute have turned up forensic genetic

> evidence that supports the likelihood of Europe's e.coli superbug being

> bioengineered in a lab.


> It appears that someone has figured out a new way to turn food into weapons.

> Could this e.coli outbreak be a deliberate act of biological warfare against

> innocent people? Read my analysis to learn more:

> http://www.naturalnews.com/032622_ecoli_bioengineering.html


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This could be an attack on the organic food suppliers. The logistics of organic food are very complicated and access to it could be a social problem in that the price will mean only the rich can afford to buy it and others have to grow it, (if they have a garden!).


From: jennifer <freemangoldcoast@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Mon, 6 June, 2011 9:08:02Subject: Re: Using Food as Weapons

> This may be difficult for some people to swallow (ahem!), but scientists> from Germany's Koch Institute have turned up forensic genetic> evidence that supports the likelihood of Europe's e.coli superbug being> bioengineered in a lab.>

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The scientists have discovered that this strain of E.coli is resistant to these

antibiotics, but that is not to say there is evidence that it has been

bioengineered. That is speculation on the part of the writer of this article.

People have been warning for years that antibiotics should not be used

prophylactically because exactly this scenario will occur - bugs developing

resistance to everything that can be used against them. This is why animals

should not be kept in appalling conditions, fed incorrect food, and dosed

routinely with antibiotics to keep them in passable health.

In the case of the strains of tuberculosis which are now resistant to all

antibiotics, they have developed because people have not completed their full

courses of antibiotics, meaning that the bugs were not killed off completely,

and had a chance to develop resistance. So there is not necessarily such a

sinister reason for such occurrences.


> This may be difficult for some people to swallow (ahem!), but scientists from

Germany's Koch Institute have turned up forensic genetic evidence that

supports the likelihood of Europe's e.coli superbug being bioengineered in a



> It appears that someone has figured out a new way to turn food into weapons.

Could this e.coli outbreak be a deliberate act of biological warfare against

innocent people? Read my analysis to learn more:

> http://www.naturalnews.com/032622_ecoli_bioengineering.html

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> The scientists have discovered that this strain of E.coli is >resistant to

these antibiotics, but that is not to say there is >evidence that it has been

bioengineered. That is speculation on the >part of the writer of this article.

Thank you Miriam, for being a voice of reason and not supporting the blatant

scaremongery spread from this and the previous NaturalNews article posted here.

Spreading fear and rumours like this guy is doing is only making matters worse.

There is absolutely NO evidence that the bug has been bioengineered. It has been

mentioned that it could be a possibility, but the mutation might as well have

occured naturally. We don't know this, but perpetuating rumours certainly isn't

helping anyone.

In my opinion, if it hadn't been for articles like these, where authors just

twists the facts to suit themselves, then the blame would have never been put on

the Spanish farmers so quickly and the economic damage could have been

prevented. It was only the tabloids and other scaremongers that twisted the

facts; with regards to blaming Spanish cucumbers, the Koch Institute

never claimed that the cucumbers were definitely the source, instead they said

they were examining Spanish cucumbers and were still waiting for test results.

If anyone has been following the German news, there has been a suspected " new

source " for the e.coli bug every day so far. Saturday they were still suspecting

an event in Hamburg, yesterday morning they blamed biogas plants, last night

they started blaming a beansprout farm.

At the end of the day, people just have be more critical and not believe

everything that is printed in the tabloids...

In any case, I would be glad if you did not post article from this source




> The scientists have discovered that this strain of E.coli is resistant to

these antibiotics, but that is not to say there is evidence that it has been

bioengineered. That is speculation on the part of the writer of this article.


> People have been warning for years that antibiotics should not be used

prophylactically because exactly this scenario will occur - bugs developing

resistance to everything that can be used against them. This is why animals

should not be kept in appalling conditions, fed incorrect food, and dosed

routinely with antibiotics to keep them in passable health.


> In the case of the strains of tuberculosis which are now resistant to all

antibiotics, they have developed because people have not completed their full

courses of antibiotics, meaning that the bugs were not killed off completely,

and had a chance to develop resistance. So there is not necessarily such a

sinister reason for such occurrences.


> Miriam



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I must admit that such shoddy articles as this one irritate me. It is hard

enough to find out what is really going on, and why, without wild, unfounded

speculation such as this. This is partly why I watch German TV, and Russian

news (RT), and Al Jazeera, to get different perspectives on things. Our own UK

news channels seem pretty poor these days. :-(


> Spreading fear and rumours like this guy is doing is only making matters

worse. There is absolutely NO evidence that the bug has been bioengineered. It

has been mentioned that it could be a possibility, but the mutation might as

well have occured naturally. We don't know this, but perpetuating rumours

certainly isn't helping anyone.

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Yes, I still think it is all scaremongering. To be honest with you, I just need

read the URL to know that what I will find on the site is most likely someone

using a viable argument to exploit it for their own ends...

While I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I also believe there

are dangers to this; if you look hard enough, you can find a website to support

any argument. If I wanted to, I could probably find a website that says thyroid

problems are caused by bio-engineered foods. And if I couldn't find one, then I

could just create one myself! How about that?

I hope you understand the point I am trying to make. I am not criticizing

anybody's personal opinion and I am not attacking you personally or what you

believe. Everyone has a right to believe whatever they want. What I am

criticizing is the fact that some people have ulterior motives and actively

exploit and manipulate other people by taking a viable argument and presenting

it to their best possible advantage. And that's why I don't take things at face

value, especially websites.


> If you really think it's all scaremongering, take a look at

> www.lightparty.com/Health/GeneticFoods.html


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