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GP no longer prescribing Armour on NHS script.

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I have been informed today that my GP will now only prescribe Armour on a

private script. Is this part of the NHS cutbacks?

Two questions; can he do this and is there anything I can do about it?


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You are entitled to free prescriptions for life on the NHS if you have hypothyroidism.....

This is the problem with GPs getting to carry the purse for the NHS it will be a disaster...

I have been informed today that my GP will now only prescribe Armour on a private script. Is this part of the NHS cutbacks?Two questions; can he do this and is there anything I can do about it?Thanks

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Get in touch with the PCT, while its still there!! NO its not part of the cuts,

its the doctor trying to cut his drugs bill. You are entitled to stay on the

medication if you can't tolerate the other stuff and you have to demand it

rather than let the doc blindside you.

Tell him that the levo doesn't work for you (ergo on Armour) and that he is

condemming you to a short life of pain and suffering by denying you your meds.

Also put in a complaint to the NHS about him!! I would!!


I have been informed today that my GP will now only prescribe Armour on a

> private script. Is this part of the NHS cutbacks?

> Two questions; can he do this and is there anything I can do about it?


> Thanks


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Thanks to all who responded. I have just had a phone conversation with the PCT.

It seems very muddled from my GP surgary's end. One of the GP's at the surgary

says I have never been prescribed Armour-this is untrue and said so-. The GP who

prescribed Armour didnt record it in my notes. The PCT person refered to a

letter from an endo I saw privatly and the PCT says if I have been prescribed

Armour from him then I most probibly will have to pay for my script. I pointed

out to her that I was on Armour when I went to see the endo and that I have a

private script waiting to be collected. This private script is from my surgery

not from the endo. Pct says Armour will only be prescribed in " exeptional "

surcumstances. The surgary will get in touch with the endo, so the " experts " can

decide if I should be on Armour. Told the PCT that I am an expert in regard to

how I am experience my symptions, and that I feel better on Armour and that I

have lost 1 1/2 stone in weight since being on Armour for 6 weeks. PCT says

that, that wouldnt have any thing to do with the Armour and that I must be

eating less. F****** patronising bitch. As if I wouldnt have noticed if my diet

had changed!!!!!

Anyway didnt get anywhere with the PCT, just came out with the usual:Armour not

registred and no evedence that people do better on it. So am now waiting for the

" experts " to decide.

Any suggestions as to what I should do next?

Am feeling a bit sorry for the GP who prescribed the Armour, hope he dosent get

it in the neck.





> Doctors ARE allowed to prescribe natural thyroid extract in the form of

> Armour Thyroid, Erfa 'Thyroid', Nature Throid or Westhroid in the NHS,









> I have been informed today that my GP will now only prescribe Armour on a

> > private script. Is this part of the NHS cutbacks?

> > Two questions; can he do this and is there anything I can do about it?

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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the British Thyroid Association have so much power they shower their influence

over the whole medical world when it comes to all things thyroid, but sadly, a

lot of the information they give is mainly misleading, and quite incorrect. The

BTA wrote two Statements which they published on their web site about T4/T3

combination therapy versus levothyroxine-only therapy, and another one about

Armour Thyroid versus levothyroxine-only therapy, and much of that information

was deliberately misleading, and again, some downright incorrect. I wrote two

rebuttals to the BTA sending a copy to each individual member of the BTA

Executive Committee asking citing (between these two papers) over 250 references

to the scientific evidence to show that the BTA was incorrect in their

statements, and asked them to amend these Statements accordingly. This was in

2006 - and they never did amend their incorrect statements, and neither did

they even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt. you can check out my

rebuttals that were sent to them on our web site - and copy of them off and

send to your local Primary Care Trust pointing out to them that they TOO have misleading

and incorrect information, and ask them TOO to amend their statements when they

send these out to patients. You can find them here http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/tpa_responds1.php

.. Take out whatever is necessary copying the references too to back up your

statements and ask them to respond to you in writing after they have read this.


also attached letter/Emails from the Medicines and healthcare Regulatory Agency

(MHRA) stating that doctors CAN prescribe Armour Thyroid, Erfa 'Thyroid',

Nature Throid, and Westhroid for those patients who cannot retain their normal

health on levothyroxine-alone, but pointing out that because natural thyroid

desiccated extract remains unlicensed, a doctor must take full responsibility

for this.


are many Primary Care Trusts throughout the UK (my own included) that fund the

prescription of thyroid extract. Your PCT needs to be brought up to date with

the facts and told they should NOT be passing on information from any

organisation/association that has not been backed up to show the medical evidence/research/clinical

trials, and that they should responsibly checked out the BTA Statement first,

before giving such incorrect information out.


us know the outcome of this , but don't let them cause you continuing ill

health because they can't be bothered to do their homework, and because they

decided it was simply easier for them to copy what an association (who should

know better), have written. This shows the complete arrogance and ignorance of

such organisations/associations - it's frightening.


your GP prescribed Armour and you got this with an NHS prescription, you should

be able to continue to get this on NHS prescription. it is entirely up to a GP

whether or not they decide whether to prescribe this for you and they take on

the responsibility themselves, a PCT has to decide whether or not they will

fund such a medication within the NHS, but they need to have their FACTS 100%

correct if they are refusing to fund it , and they should not refuse to fund it

when they are basing their information in misleading and incorrect statements.

This is why you need to copy out my rebuttals and highlight the parts that need

to be drawn to their attention.


your endocrinologist has recommended Armour for you, ask that he arranges for

the hospital pharmacy to get this for you, many endocrinologists do this for

their patient if their GP refuses to give them an NHS prescription.


one thing I cannot understand is that if a doctor refuses an NHS prescription

because a drug remains unlicensed and they use the excuse that their medical

insurance doesn't cover them should anything go wrong, then they surely should

not be prepared to prescribe it through a private prescription as the same

rules would apply surely.


they are getting " experts " to decide whether or not you should be

given a prescription or not for Armour, and these so called " experts "

decide not to allow you this - you will need to get everything they state,

(in writing) and backed with reference to the scientific evidence. You

already have the evidence to show the BTA is wrong, and evidence that the MHRA

state that the specific branded NDT therapy can be used for patients who don't

do well on T4. They should be taking their argument up with the MHRA and tell

the MHRA they are giving out misleading and incorrect information, and let the

two of them fight it out. This is all so ridiculous, and so damaging to

patients who NEED NDT and who are unable to survive without NDT.


let me know how things go , and good luck!


- Sheila

Thanks to all who responded. I have just had a phone conversation with the PCT.

It seems very muddled from my GP surgary's end. One of the GP's at the surgary

says I have never been prescribed Armour-this is untrue and said so-. The GP

who prescribed Armour didnt record it in my notes. The PCT person refered to a

letter from an endo I saw privatly and the PCT says if I have been prescribed

Armour from him then I most probibly will have to pay for my script. I pointed

out to her that I was on Armour when I went to see the endo and that I have a

private script waiting to be collected. This private script is from my surgery

not from the endo. Pct says Armour will only be prescribed in

" exeptional " surcumstances. The surgary will get in touch with the

endo, so the " experts " can decide if I should be on Armour. Told the

PCT that I am an expert in regard to how I am experience my symptions, and that

I feel better on Armour and that I have lost 1 1/2 stone in weight since being

on Armour for 6 weeks. PCT says that, that wouldnt have any thing to do with

the Armour and that I must be eating less. F****** patronising bitch. As if I

wouldnt have noticed if my diet had changed!!!!!

Anyway didnt get anywhere with the PCT, just came out with the usual:Armour not

registred and no evedence that people do better on it. So am now waiting for

the " experts " to decide.

Any suggestions as to what I should do next?

Am feeling a bit sorry for the GP who prescribed the Armour, hope he dosent get

it in the neck.





2 of 2 File(s)


MHRA confirmation re Natur1.doc

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Thanks Sheila, some how I dont think I will get anywhere, no matter what I say.

Though I will write to the GP who over ruled the GP who was willing to prescribe

Armour. I have sent your " letter to MP " off. Must say I am feeling defeted at

present, and cant see the point in writing to anyone, dont feel anything will


Keep up the good work you do for me and the rest of us. Thanks so much. .


> Hi


> Unfortunately, the British Thyroid Association have so much power they

> shower their influence over the whole medical world when it comes to all

things thyroid, but sadly, a lot of the information they give is


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