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Re: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011

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This is fantastic news. Thank you SOOOO MUCH for ALL you have done for all of

us... for fighting for us! I will spread the word nearer the time so that

people won't forget to buy The Mail on Sunday.





> I hope this publicity will be the start of something really good

> starting to happen for all of us, (it is LONG overdue) and that at last,

> the Royal College of Physicians and the British Thyroid Association

> will, for once, start to listen to what TPA and sufferers of the

> symptoms of hypothyroidism have to say, and that their respective

> Presidents will realise the real harm that is being caused to sufferers

> because of their misleading (and in parts, incorrect) statements (that

> doctors religiously follow), which they fail to back up with scientific

> evidence.


> Sheila and Lilian


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That's great news, Well done for persevering with it.... and welcome back!!


, the Editor of the Mail

> on Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26th

> June,

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Well done to you both for all your hard work. I will make sure to buy the mail and that as many people as possible see this article.Thank you for all the help you give to people like myself.Han x From: thyroid treatment [mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of SheilaTSent: 21 June 2011 14:57thyroid treatment Subject: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011 Dear MemberA note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mailon Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26thJune, so please remember to buy the paper, and hopefully, you will doyour bit by following up this story by sending a Letter to The Editorgiving your own views on what you have personally been put through.We now have 1016 Counterexamples to the levothyroxine-only therapy, butsadly, this news has not been included in the article as there wasapparently only 1000 words allocated to the article. I have been assuredhowever, that our message has come through loud and clear.I hope this publicity will be the start of something really goodstarting to happen for all of us, (it is LONG overdue) and that at last,the Royal College of Physicians and the British Thyroid Associationwill, for once, start to listen to what TPA and sufferers of thesymptoms of hypothyroidism have to say, and that their respectivePresidents will realise the real harm that is being caused to sufferersbecause of their misleading (and in parts, incorrect) statements (thatdoctors religiously follow), which they fail to back up with scientificevidence.Sheila and Lilian

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Welcome back Sheila and well done on this............sorry to hear about your poor sister - I am glad you have had a break away even if - for a somewhat sad reason.

Best wishes


From: thyroid treatment [mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of SheilaTSent: 21 June 2011 14:57thyroid treatment Subject: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011

Dear MemberA note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mailon Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday,26th June,

Sheila and Lilian


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TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on

> Sunday 26th June 2011


>OK, what do you need us to do when the article appears? Should we write to the

editor describing our own experiences, or do you have something else in mind?


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Can't wait, well done and thank you for all your hard work for us misdiagnosed hypothyroid people.Love Ina xx ------------------From: "SheilaT" <sheila@...>

Sender: thyroid treatment

Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:57:03 -0000<thyroid treatment >Reply thyroid treatment

Subject: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011

Dear Member

A note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist

Barbour for some time now,

Sheila and Lilian


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Brilliant brilliant brilliant fantastic great wow!!!!

Hopefully this is just the first step in all your hard work starting to pay off!

You may soon become even busier!!!

Thanks so much for all that you have done and continue to do xxx



> Dear Member


> A note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist

> Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mail

> on Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26th

> June, so please remember to buy the paper, and hopefully, you will do

> your bit by following up this story by sending a Letter to The Editor

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It's great to hear about this publicity! I'll certainly pick up a copy to read.

Many thanks for all the work behind the scenes with the article, and of course

the meeting in Skipton.



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Congratulations on getting this article to print. Your sheer determination and

hard work on behalf of us all is truly inspiring.

I hope that when some of our family and freinds read this in a MAJOR newspaper

that they too will get some understanding of the suffering we have all been

going through.

So once again thank you and well done!!!

Love Debbie xx

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Now that IS fantastic news !!!  I'll be circulating this info amongst family and friends and also on Facebook.

I know Dr Steele (The TV GP

on 'This Morning' advocates treating his patients with presenting symptoms even if blood tests are 'normal even if it is only with Levothyroxine, it's a start..... he was on the show in 2007 and was talking about eyebrow hair loss and I thought " That's me !!! " ) 

Anyway, maybe they might pick up the discussion after the newspaper article has come out???  Or, maybe someone should email the show and get

this to an even wider (no pun intended) audience???

Thanks and well done for doing this!

Jackie x

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Wooh Hoo! Well done Sheila and Lilian :0)




> Dear Member


> A note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist

> Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mail

> on Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26th

> June, so please remember to buy the paper, and hopefully, you will do...



> Sheila and Lilian


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Hi Sheila,

Thanks for letting me know. I shall buy one for me and one for the doctor's surgery, what do you think??

Regards, Margaret

thyroid treatment From: sheila@...Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:57:03 +0000Subject: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011

Dear MemberA note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mailon Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26thJune, so please remember to buy the paper, and hopefully, you will doyour bit by following up this story by sending a Letter to The Editorgiving your own views on what you have personally been put through.We now have 1016 Counterexamples to the levothyroxine-only therapy, butsadly, this news has not been included in the article as there wasapparently only 1000 words allocated to the article. I have been assuredhowever, that our message has come through loud and clear.I hope this publicity will be the start of something really goodstarting to happen for all of us, (it is LONG overdue) and that at last,the Royal College of Physicians and the British Thyroid Associationwill, for once, start to listen to what TPA and sufferers of thesymptoms of hypothyroidism have to say, and that their respectivePresidents will realise the real harm that is being caused to sufferersbecause of their misleading (and in parts, incorrect) statements (thatdoctors religiously follow), which they fail to back up with scientificevidence.Sheila and Lilian

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Absolutely fabulous Sheila. Well done and thank you. Sally xx

Sheila,That's great news, Well done for persevering with it.... and welcome back!! x , the Editor of the Mail> on Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26th> June,

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Great news, thank you Sheila and Lilian. I will make a note to buy a copy & tell

friends & family to do the same.




> Dear Member


> A note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist

> Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mail

> on Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26th

> June...

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Great news! Please let us know of web links if available for the story (for those of us outside the UK).Pete.PS Are there ANY professional thyroid practitioner associations that have NOT bought into the party line about T4 only and dosing by TSH? Get your own free email account @emailaccount.com!Visit http://www.emailaccount.com

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Well done! I will buy the paper, thanks.nnaFrom: SheilaT <sheila@...>Subject: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011thyroid treatment Date: Tuesday, 21 June, 2011, 14:57

Dear Member

A note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist

Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mail

on Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26th

June, so please remember to buy the paper, and hopefully, you will do

your bit by following up this story by sending a Letter to The Editor

giving your own views on what you have personally been put through.

We now have 1016 Counterexamples to the levothyroxine-only therapy, but

sadly, this news has not been included in the article as there was

apparently only 1000 words allocated to the article. I have been assured

however, that our message has come through loud and clear.

I hope this publicity will be the start of something really good

starting to happen for all of us, (it is LONG overdue) and that at last,

the Royal College of Physicians and the British Thyroid Association

will, for once, start to listen to what TPA and sufferers of the

symptoms of hypothyroidism have to say, and that their respective

Presidents will realise the real harm that is being caused to sufferers

because of their misleading (and in parts, incorrect) statements (that

doctors religiously follow), which they fail to back up with scientific


Sheila and Lilian

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Thanks , but Sheila was being very generous. ALL the hard work was hers and she alone deserves high praise indeed.

All I hope is that when it comes out they haven't shortened it, changed it, or made errors in vital information. I just don't trust the press - any of them. Their motto "don't let the true facts get in the way of a good story".


Great news, thank you Sheila and Lilian.

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Hi Sheila

Can I ask what is a counterexample? And what does it mean to have 1016 Counterexamples to the levothyroxine-only therapy?

It sounds like a huge number, you would have thought the journalist would want to have included it.

Kind regards

From: SheilaT <sheila@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 14:57Subject: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011

Dear MemberA note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mailon Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26thJune, ++++++++++++moderated to remove old message+++++++++++++++

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Dear Sheila and Lillian

I am so pleased that the message is finally getting out via mass media. It has

been a long time coming and is testament to your tireless campaigning.

Hopefully this will be the catalyst for many more and give encouragement and

hope to the many thousands of people who feel unheard and isolated. Well done.




> Dear Member


> A note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist

> Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mail

> on Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26th

> June

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All kudos go to Sheila as it was she who did all the hard work.


Dear Sheila and LillianI am so pleased that the message is finally getting out via mass media.

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Good morning Sheila,Could you contact me privately - as I'm away I don't have your private e mail address with me (only using a blackberry mobile)Will be out later, a lovely neighbour and I are having a sail from Pool to Wareham, she is 90 and fitter than me. Love Ina x------------------From: "SheilaT" <sheila@...>Sender: thyroid treatment Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:57:03 -0000<thyroid treatment >Reply thyroid treatment Subject: TPA Article to be Published in the Mail on Sunday 26th June 2011 Dear MemberA note to let you know that I have been working with the journalist Barbour for some time now, and at last, the Editor of the Mailon Sunday has agreed to publish this article this coming Sunday, 26thJune, so please remember to buy the paper, and hopefully, you will doyour bit by following up this story by sending a Letter to The Editorgiving your own views on what you have personally been put through.We now have 1016 Counterexamples to the levothyroxine-only therapy, butsadly, this news has not been included in the article as there wasapparently only 1000 words allocated to the article. I have been assuredhowever, that our message has come through loud and clear.I hope this publicity will be the start of something really goodstarting to happen for all of us, (it is LONG overdue) and that at last,the Royal College of Physicians and the British Thyroid Associationwill, for once, start to listen to what TPA and sufferers of thesymptoms of hypothyroidism have to say, and that their respectivePresidents will realise the real harm that is being caused to sufferersbecause of their misleading (and in parts, incorrect) statements (thatdoctors religiously follow), which they fail to back up with scientificevidence.Sheila and Lilian

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