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Re: OVERDOSE? - need advice please!

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Oh Esther,

Welcome to the forum!!

You'll survive, I think there are probably a few things going on there and of

course the easiest thing is to blame it on the meds.......

Lets have a look at each thing in turn, I've been in a similar situation to

you, I haven't totally resolved it but I'm not worrying myself silly either....


I felt dizzy with diorrhea for a few years..... (at least 3).... I was taking

T4 and T3, blood tests were always middle of the range apart from TSH which was

suppressed at 0.01. A couple of years ago, I did a saliva adrenal test (Genova

diagnostics details in the files around £80) and it transpired that my

adrenals were tired (from propping me up for years whilst on rubbish meds).....

They were good in the morning, so I was full of beans, but by mid morning they

had dropped to the sort of level where I wanted to sleep. I started

Hydrocortisone and Nutri Adrenal extra (NAX) and felt much better AND the dire

rear sorted itself out... I never expected that!!

Two years on I'm more or less off the HC and taking 2 NAX a day.

A normal full replacement dose of levo is aound 125 - 150 but some people have

much more. Over 250 was common before the TSH test started to mess everyone up.

However, it's not really possible to make a comparison with NT. Some people do

well on a couple of grains, others take 6 a day.

There are instructions in the files and Dr Peatfield has written about dosing on

the website. The way to do the NT is to go up slowly until you think you have

taken too much and then drop back to the previous dose. What symptoms do you

have,which make you feel you have taken too much? Signs of hyperthyroidism are

a fast racing heart, weight loss, sweating, wide awake, a tremor (put an A4

sheet of paper over your outstretched hand - you'll see if there is a tremor)

and more (listed in the files and on the website)...

The heart is a separate issue. I've just had this problem, in fact I've been

to the hospital today and am due to see the consultant next week. My heart is

racing now with average beats showing at somewhere around 150/ 170, however my

blood pressure is not rising corespondingly and it drops with exercise. All

the scans and tests I've had point to a valve problem, the blood isn't going out

through the valve and the pressure drops although the heart is working extra

hard..... so hard that it has now enlarged (thickened). Of course before

they worked out it may be a valve there were the usual mutterings about being

over replaced with thyroid meds....

I don't know if your situation is the same as mine, it could be, or you could

have another problem. But It doesn't sound like it's all one problem.

Have a look at the signs of Hyper, read up and get a private test for adrenals

and demand some investigation into the low BP and high pulse... this isn't


Website is here: http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk

Files are Here: thyroid treatment

Have a look at Dr Mark Starrs book, Hypothyroidism Type II, it has a lot in in

about how low thyroid can affect the heart...

Post on here whenever you get stuck, there is a wealth of experience and lots of

friendly people,





> 2010 - Dizzy/diarrhea/faint feeling, etc on 125-150mcg levothyroxine

> (synthetic).

> 2011

> JAN- dr. dropped me & said only my endo can help. no endo appt till march. no

> meds.

> MARCH- Dr. put me back on 100mcg levo without a climb. 4 days later i was in


> & 2 days after that. diarrhea/urination/palps/dizzy/short of breath. on a drip

> for dehydration. ecg ok.

> APRIL- New dr. started me on nature-throid 1 1/2 grains per day.

> MAY - New endo. he said up by 1/2 grain per day till i saw him.

> JUNE - blood tests show: t4@22(9-20), t3@13(3-6). He said come down by 1/2

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Esther, the endocrinologist who told you to increase your dose

of NDT by half a grain a day should be reported - this is extremely dangerous.

This is not the way to go, and he has most definitely over-medicated you and

you are now suffering the symptoms of thyroid hormone toxicity. You need to

stop taking any thyroid hormone for at least 48 hours to get the T3 out of your

system. Then start treating your adrenals because obviously, they cannot cope. You

need to be taking adrenal supplements (Nutri Adrenal Extra) for 7 days on their

own before starting NDT again and on the 8th day, start NDT at 1 grain (because

you have already been taking this) and then increase by another half grain in 3

to 4 weeks. Every 10 to 14 days, add another Nutri Adrenal Extra but take the

second tablet with your lunch. Ask your GP to test your levels of ferritin,

vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc are low in the

reference range. If any are low in the range, you need to supplement these,

because again, thyroid hormone cannot be absorbed at the cellular level if

these are low.

To check the correct way to use natural thyroid extract, go to

the Home Page on our web site http://health./grouop/thyroid treatment

and in the Menu on the left - click on FILES. On the page that opens, click on

the folder entitled 'ADRENALS' and in the page that opens, click on 'How to

Treat Using Natural Thyroid Extract' and follow the recommendations there.

BTW = it is impossible to base what you think might be the right

dose of natural desiccated porcine thyroid extract on the dose of synthetic

thyroxine you were taking before. For one thing, levothyroxine is an inactive

hormone. It has to convert to the active thyroid hormone T3 through the liver,

kidneys, brain, skin and tons of other thyroid hormone receptors throughout the

body. NDT has T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin in it - so completely forget about

trying to find an equivalent dose to what you were taking before, it is an

impossibility. Follow the recommendations in the Files and you won't go far


Luv - Sheila

i am terrified. i don't know what to do. lower? stop for a while? it seems that

my right dose based on my synthetic meds would be closer to 1 to 1 1/2


yet mow im already clearly over medicated & having heart issues too...


im scared.

please help me? im trying to contact dr.peatfield, but he hasn't got appt.s for

ages it seems - are my adrenals low? is there any doctors that i could call for

advice? even my er aren't helping now - they say see your dr. my new dr has


said ask my endo, and my endo. doesn't know how to deal with anything but

levothyroxine (which is how i got on 4grains... he was working it out only from

the t4 content!)


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Can I also add Vitamin C...Vit C is adored by the adrenals and when they are stressed this fabulous little vitmamin helps enormously.....there are others as we know but VitC is very important..along with additional Vit B complex....as well as Sheila suggested NAX...which also has some more vits too....

Essential to support those adrenals....then thyroid ..

I wonder if that endo wanted to give you a fright and put you off taking NDT...I doubt he would tell someone to start thyroxine i the same fashion.......idiot....dangerous idiot at that....but dont be frightened... do as Sheila suggests and you will be fine....

Best of Luck Sally xx

Esther, the endocrinologist who told you to increase your dose of NDT by half a grain a day should be reported - this is extremely dangerous.

Moderated!!!! Old messages!!!

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