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Sunday call from Endo following letter to him

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Firstly, I must give my total and utmost thanks to Nick and Sheila who have helped me enormously in this task and to Nick, I will contact you separately soon.Hi Sheila and allHow would you answer :1. There is no scientific evidence of Reverse T3 or the papers you sent to me which I am aware of, ie http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/customary_vs_prudent2.pdfhttp://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/thyroid_adrenal_dysfunction.pdfhttp://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/btf1.pdfhttp://www.thyroidscience.com/hypotheses/warmingham.2010/warmingham.7.18.10.pdfhttp://www.holtorfmed.com/index.php?section=downloads & file_id=122. How do you know you are suffering T4 toxicity - describe the symptoms. 3. Adrenal salivary index test is a waste of time imo as I've had patients who have had it done privately and their tests have been normal? One has to be very careful not to call it Adrenal Fatigue as it will undoubtedly be misinterpreted.4. If you are suffering from rT3, why is your T3 so high - where's the scientific evidence?He couldn't believe I was alive and 'kicking' on 62.5mcg T3 and said he couldn't sanction that. I told him that my initial dosage of 70mcg T4 and 5mcg T3 was a starting dose for infants and the elderly and that the further dose of 50mcg T4 and 20mcg T3 was a starting adullt dose (I'm referring to the T3 in both cases!). He offered to refer me to an endo who may prescribe the dose I'm currently taking (whilst not abandoning me but giving me an alternative) but also that I may feel better once he prescibed Erfa taking into consideration the amount of T3 I'm on. Said he may send me to a nutritionist and also test my vitamin deficiencies although he didn't think the NHS would do them all. There is more but I am so exhausted from spending 45 mins on the phone to him but will try tell you more as soon as I'm mentally able. LoveJacquie

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