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RE: leg pain/weaknesss anyone?

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Have you had your thyroid function tested and if so, what were

the results. If you have not got these, ask for them to be sent to you or ask

for the results over the phone (these are yours and a doctor cannot

withhold them from you). Don't forget to get the reference range for each test

done and post them on the forum.

I had the most severe pain in my lower back which we found was

caused because the active thyroid hormone Triiodothyronine (T3) was not being

converted from the T4. Had I not started natural desiccated porcine thyroid

extract, I would now most definitely be wheelchair bound. As it is, getting on

for 8 years later, I am extremely well with no pains whatsoever. You could be

suffering with fibromyalgia, which is treated successfully with T3.

Have you done the questionnaire in our FILES section 9accessible

from the Home Page of this forum in the Menu under 'Medical Questionnaires' and

the one also for Magnesium. If not, give them a go and see how you score. Do

you have any amalgam fillings that might have caused mercury poisoning? Have

you been tested to see where your ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium,

folate, copper and zinc levels lie in the reference range. Ask your GP to test

these for you. If any of these are low or you score high with the

questionnaires, any one of these could be stopping your own thyroid hormone

from being fully utilised at the cellular level. We often have to find out

what's wrong with us by a process of elimination.

How's the driving going?

Luv - Sheila

Any way, my earlier post about my legs resulted in me starting to take Nutri

adrenal extract, because,it was thought that it might be my adrenals,that were

the problem.I'm now up to 4 a day, with stable but low temps, 36.2-36.3 aprox.

I dont know where to go from here!...I cant walk any distance, and have

resorted to using a buggy to do my shopping, I'm only 41, and I dont know where

I will be in a couple of years from now, if I dont get to the bottom of this,

has anyone else here had the same thing...I dont know where to turn.

Anyone else able to read a MRI report?....just a thought.... I have read that

some times a MRI result dosen't match up with your symptoms?

Can you apply for a blue badge even though you have no diagnosis? because even

if I could get closer to the shops It would be of some help.

Thanks for listening everyone, and thanks in advance for all your help, its

much appreciated.

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Hi Sheila, thanks for your reply,

How are you? how is your husband and your sister?...I hope they are both a bit

better, best wishes to all of you.x

my latest thyroid tests were

Tsh <0.01 no range given

Free T4 10 9-21pmol/L

Total T3 2.0 0.9-2.4pmol/L

No Free T3 done

I havent checked the Magnesium...I will do now though.

Amalgam fillings, well I dont know where to start....i'll look in the files

again.I Dont think I have candida, but I'll check again.

I asked my Gp to do bloods for Vitamins and minerals today, because I was on

folate a couple of years ago due to it being low, also my B12 and my feritin

were low but within " range " .

So I supplement B12 and Iron also selenium and vit c, and 4 nutri adrenal daily.

So I will soon see if any are low, and I'll post my results.

I and am long overdue sending a letter to Dr S, he wanted me to write to let him

know how I was getting on.....He was also baffled by my leg problems!

Could the fact that my temps are now low but stable(ish)mean I need more thyroid


I take 125mcgs levo and 70mcgs T3,if you remember I was concerned about

excessive sweating, and you suggested I lower my dose, I did and The Hypo

symptoms came back, so Im back to where I was!...but my sweating has calmed

down, I sometimes wonder if its just the fact that when you are Hypo for some

time, that when you start to warm up with treatment, your body doesn't know how

to cope with the increase in temp, its only my thoughts........

Mostly my thyriod symptoms are few, Dry skin, weight gain/difficulty loosing

weight, lack of stamina, but my leg problems are taking over my life, you say

that you were in a wheelchair before, well it worries me that thats where i'm

heading, at 41.

Why do they make it so difficult for us to regain our health?

I just want to be able to enjoy my life with my hubby and two sons, but when you

cant walk very far its difficult.

As I said thats why I want to drive,:0/, its costing me a fortune in bus fares

to get my son to school on a daily basis.

The doctor gave me propranalol today to see if it helps with my nerves on test

day, i've just to try it to see if it causes any unwanted side effects before my

" big day " :0)..... and he said that it was probably due to my thyroid not being

" right " that im having so much anxiety and nerves during my test.

But he always says its " in range " ....so how can he then say its not right?

Anyway sorry for rambling....... Im most grateful for your help.

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i had leg weakness before taking hc....didn't hurt, just very weak, would

collapse at the knee from under me - like a hydraulic jack being lowered


From the document




•MUSCLE WEAKNESS AND BACK PAIN: Dr. Goodheart identified five skeletal muscles

which can indicate adrenal function. These are 1) sartorius, 2) gracilis, 3)

posterior tibialis, 4) gastrocnemius, and 5) soleus. When the adrenal glands are

malfunctioning, there will be weakness in one or more of these muscles. The

sartorius and gracilis attach on the pelvis. Weakness in these muscles can cause

the sacro-iliac joint to subluxate posteriorally (toward the back) leading to

low back pain. In persons with adrenal fatigue, low back pain is frequently

caused by instability of the pelvis rather than an actual back problem. These

same two muscles also attach to the knee and help provide support. Weakness will

cause knee pain, weakness and instability of the joint. Any person with knee

problems should be checked for adrenal fatigue. The other 3 muscles mentioned

stabilize the feet and ankles. Weakness of any of these muscles leads to

complaints of tired, aching feet, weak ankles or aching calves. The symptoms

related to the muscle weakness will improve when the adrenal glands are treated.


> Hi everyone,

> Im after some help again................

> I posted previously about all the leg pain/weakness I'm getting, and the

difficulty I an having in walking, my legs really hurt.This is the reason I'm

learning to drive!

> Anyway, just back from my doctors :0( to get result of MRI scan I've just

had, He was considering I had spinal stenosis because of my symptoms, and I must

say I thought It was that too.....

> He said it's not, that my MRI says Ive just got degenerative disk

disease.......and he dosen't know whats causing my mobility

problems............where to go from here he dosen't know?


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Tsh <0.01 no range given

Free T4 10 9-21pmol/L

Total T3 2.0 0.9-2.4pmol/L

No Free T3 done

TSH is OK . Free T4 is only one point above the bottom of the

reference range - why laboratories have suddenly started testing Total T3 I

have no idea - this test is no good whatsoever, we need to know what the FREE

T3 result is. Total T3 is usually tested for those with suspected

hyPERthyroidism, and not hyPOThyroidism. Has anybody else noted recently that

when members are posting their thyroid function test results, quite a number

are coming in showing total T3 results instead of free T3 results. We need to

question our doctors as to what they can tell from this very outdated test.

How did you get on with the magnesium test. Have you had

fillings in your teeth and if so, are they amalgam? Write to Dr Skinner and

update him with your most recent results and be guided by him. You really do

need to get your free T3 tested. You ca\n do this privately through Lab21 where

you can get it tested for £17. You should perhaps get Reverse T3 tested

to see what is going on. Your doctor needs to learn that when thyroid function

test results are returned with the " normal range " - he needs to learn

that it MATTERS whether the results are at the bottom, the middle, or the top

of the range.

I only got the stage of needing a wheelchair when I broke my leg

falling down a couple of steps. This was because I was so weak and my back pain

so bad that I couldn't hold myself up on crutches, so for those 6 weeks, I had

to use the wheelchair. however, had I not gone on to natural thyroid extract, I

would have been using a wheelchair for the past few years now.

How did you get on with the propranalol - did it work? Good luck

with your driving test - my thoughts are with you,#

Luv - Sheila

As I said thats why I want to drive,:0/, its costing me a fortune in bus fares

to get my son to school on a daily basis.

The doctor gave me propranalol today to see if it helps with my nerves on test

day, i've just to try it to see if it causes any unwanted side effects before

my " big day " :0)..... and he said that it was probably due to my

thyroid not being " right " that im having so much anxiety and nerves

during my test.

But he always says its " in range " ....so how can he then say its not


Anyway sorry for rambling....... Im most grateful for your help.

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