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Chat with GP about natural desiccated thyroid extract...

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Hi Sheila and the group,

I am fairly new to the group and signed up a couple of months ago.

I am interested in switching to the natural desiccated thyroid extract and you suggested I asked my GP for the following blood tests. Free T4,T3 as well as TSH and serum ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and Zinc.

He has agreed to do the additional tests as a 'one off' but refused to do the T4 and T3 on a regular basis. I was surprised he agreed to do any additional ones and can I ask is a 'one off' going to be sufficient on the T3 and T4 if I do switch over to the natural one? He understands the TSH doesn't really tell him what the thyroid is doing but said it is all down to cost.

He would also some information on the natural one, am i allowed to give him the information on it from the files?

Many thanks


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Personally I avoid blood tests if I can, they act as a set of blinkers to any

doctor / gp / endo. They see the numbers and forget about treating the


Have you ever been hyPERthyroid? If you have then you know what it feels like,

so generally its best to judge on how you feel, not numbers.

TSH will be supressed and your doc will try desperately to get you to reduce

your medication, DON'T!!

Yes, there is lots of relevant stuff in the files that you can show your doctor,

remember too that part of any doctors job is to read the material and discuss it

with you. Print 2 copies of everything you give him, that way you can go

through it with him and discuss it properly.

If he asks for free T3 & 4 the tests won't be done unless the TSH is abnormal

(ie. suppressed)


> He has agreed to do the additional tests as a 'one off' but refused to do the

T4 and T3 on a regular basis.  I was surprised he agreed to do any additional

ones and can I ask is a 'one off' going to be sufficient on the T3 and T4 if I

do switch over to the natural one?  He understands the TSH doesn't really tell

him what the thyroid is doing but said it is all down to cost.


> He would also some information on the natural one, am i allowed to give him

the information on it from the files? 


> Many thanks


> Liz




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Hi Liz, how appalling is this that doctors are now admitting to

their patients that they will refuse to do certain tests because " it is

all down to cost " . Is this going to mean that even more patients are going

to be refused a correct diagnosis because doctors will be allowed to get away

with not doing the required testing? Perhaps a discussion should be called for

with the Head of Practice with a threat to report this matter to a higher

authority. If they are only going to diagnose according to symptoms and signs,

as they keep telling everybody thyroid symptoms and signs are " non-specific "

and that (according to the ex President of the BTA) we are suffering from

" a functional somatoform disorder " - meaning, it's all in our head,

then heaven help each and every one of us.

Send your GP as much information about natural thyroid extract

from the Files as you can and also send him the attached document which I

received as separate letters and emails from the MHRA telling patients that

doctors CAN prescribe unlicensed natural thyroid extract if their patient

doesn't do well ion the levothyroxine-only but that they must take full

responsibility for this should anything go wrong, because it remains

unlicensed, even though it has been used safely and effectively for over 100

years, and for fifty of those years, it was the ONLY medication given to every

patient with hypothyroidism before the manufacture of the synthetic T4. In all

those 50 years, there were no problems with it's safety and efficacy. We have

many doctors already prescribing it now for their patients as they find their

patients do so much better.

Once you get your blood results, post them on the forum together

with the reference range for each test done. Doctors cannot withhold such

information from you.

Read my rebuttals to the BTA on the Statements on Armour v

synthetic levothyroxine, and synthetic T3 - T4-only http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/tpa_responds1.php

Luv - Sheila

1 of 1 File(s)

MHRA confirmation re Natur1.doc

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