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Re: FW: Myhill's License restored

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What great news to start the new year!!Lysa Sent using BlackBerry® from OrangeFrom: "Sheila" <sheila@...>Sender: thyroid treatment Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 06:04:01 -0000<thyroid treatment >Reply thyroid treatment Subject: FW: Myhill's License restored Incase you are not aware - please read thefollowing. Luv - Sheila********************************Press ReleaseFriday January 7th 2010 from Dr Myhill’s OfficeFurtherinformation contact 01547 550611office@...General Medical Council Restores Doctor’s Rightto Practise MedicineIn a dramaticturnabout yesterday the GMC lifted Dr Myhill’s suspension and restoredher license to practise medicine. Dr Myhill was jubilant. Her first reactionwas to thank her many friends who had stood by her. She said “I am sograteful to those thousands of patients and medical colleagues who knew that Iwas a good doctor who had done nothing wrong and kept their faith in me.Without their help and support I would have struggled to find the strength tofight.”The GMC wasforced to accept that no patient had been harmed or put at risk of harm andthat the reasons they had previously given for Dr Myhill’s suspension hadno proper evidence base.Since herApril Hearing, Dr Myhill has conducted her own defence without any legalassistance. She pointed out to the GMC at her October, December and Januaryhearings that the GMC had not presented any formal allegations or indeed anycase against her - this the GMC is obliged to do by law. She did not even knowif she faced criminal or civil charges. In the course of her defence Dr Myhillpointed out to the GMC that it had broken the law with respect to the 1983Medical Act, the GMC’s own 2004 Fitness to Practise Rules and procedures,the Data Protection Act and the Human Rights Act. In particular it had abusedher right to a Fair Trial, her right to Freedom of Expression and her right notto be punished without due process. Dr Myhill wasparticularly concerned because the GMC had taken patients’ NHS privateand confidential medical records without patient knowledge or permission and inbreach of the GMC’s own procedures. Furthermore, it used confidentialinformation contained within those notes that it had no right to use.The GMC initiallyrefused to consider evidence presented by Dr Myhill, it refused her right tocall witnesses, refused to accept facts as facts and refused to accept that theaccusing doctors had told lies against her. The GMC obtained and useddocumentation improperly, which is in breach of the Data Protection Act, itfailed to give her adequate time to prepare her defence, failed to try herwithin a reasonable time, failed to take basic witness statements fromcomplaining doctors, and accepted the most trivial of complaints to try andbolster their case. One such example of this was when the GMC upheld the mostridiculous of assertions against Dr Myhill. At her December IOP GMC prosecutorGareth Branston presented Dr Myhill with the following complaint:“Ithink finally in the bundle, time-wise, you have an email from a JR to the GMC,which draws the GMC’s attention to an entry that is on the internet andas I understand it, it is on the Support Dr Myhill website concerning DrMyhill’s assistance with the labour and birthconcerninga pregnant family friend.”If the GMC hadbothered to click on the link at the bottom of the Support Dr Myhill websitepage they would have seen a picture of her pet pig Rosemary and realised thiswas a spoof as indeed the heading ‘A Christmas ‘Tail’’suggested. Indeed, at her hearing yesterday Dr Myhill wanted to inform the GMCof this error. However, when she tried to, she was prevented from speaking bythe Panel. This constituted a further breach of the 1983 Medical Act in whichthe defendant has the right to be heard. Dr Myhill hadplanned to take the GMC to the High Court in December but this hearing had tobe postponed because of the snow. It remains Dr Myhill’s intention topursue her High Court action against the GMC on the grounds that it hasblatantly infringed and broken the law and its own rules. As a direct result DrMyhill, together with thousands of her patients, has suffered as a result ofGMC maladministration. The GMC has imposed minor administrative sanctions of DrMyhill’s practice but she expects to get these GMC face-saving gestureslifted at the High Court so she has a completely clean license to practise. Furtherinformation from:http://www.supportdrmyhill.co.uk/Includesaccount of Rosemary Hogg’s deliveryTranscript ofDec IOP hearing Yesterday’sGMC determinationThe Transcriptof yesterday’s hearing has yet to be published.

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It so is the best news so far this years and fills both myself and my daughter

with great hope for her recovery. Thanks for posting Sheila.


> What great news to start the new year!!


> Lysa

> Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange


> FW: Myhill's License restored


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