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Re: Candida infection - help

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Does this indicate I have systemic candida? What's the difference between IgGand IgM? How reliable are these results, are CNS a respected lab? If I take theprintout to my lovely female doctor will she help or am I on my own?

Hello Jess,

Yes, I'm afraid so - commiserations L . Steroids as well as antibiotics will kill off all the good bacteria in our guts and invite the yeast to multiply out of control, which eventually leads to "leaky gut" syndrome, letting minute food particles and toxins through into the bloodstream.... hence the name `systemic' – it affects the whole body.

I am not 100% sure about the differences between IgG and IgM antibodies, but think that one signals long-standing infection and the other acute infection. Yours are both positive, probably meaning you had it a long time and still have the infection currently... I do believe that all UK labs that do this kind of testing are reliable.

You need to stop all sugars (grains, alcohol, refined sugars, highly sugary fruits, white rice, potatoes etc) for a several months (at least 3 months, possibly more) ....it is hard to do, but absolutely necessary if you want to bring the yeast overgrowth in your body under control.

Please read in our files about Dr. Peatfield's Candida protocol and follow that... and yes, you are most likely on your own with that. I have not yet come across an NHS doctor who has taken systemic Candida seriously, although you never know your luck, perhaps your GP is the exception to the rule. But it does not really matter whether your GP takes it seriously or not, she might be able to prescribe Fluconazole tablets for you, but those antifungals alone will not do the job by themselves. You will have to do your bit.... without cutting out all sugars, grains, alcohol, yeast and so on from your diet, killing off the yeast overgrowth with Fluconazole will be a very short lived affair and the Candida will come back with a vengeance L - if there were any way round it, I would have found it by now – I have been battling Candida for yeeeears.....

Make sure that you take a very good probiotic (something like Biocare's `Acidophilius-forte' or Lambert's `Acidophilus Extra 10') religiously every day indefinitely to give the "good guys" in the gut a much needed helping hand in future.

Good luck

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Thanks for all the info , it's wonderful. Everything in the files is

really good too. Hopefully I can get the Fluconazole from my GP. Bad news about

the diet though.. I'm underweight and find it hard to keep weight on, and

admittedly eat a lot of sugary, fatty foods to help with that (completely wrong

thing to do, I know lol) so hopefully I can cope with the diet :( But I guess it

has to be done for the thyroid meds to work properly. It all just seems so

difficult.. I'm only 20 and trying to enjoy uni. Can't wait to get my life back!

Thank you again :)

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Hello and everyone,

I was interested in your comment about steroids and Candida. I have to take hydrocortisone (adrenals) and have been on the anti-Candida regime for a couple of weeks now. Will the fact that I take hydrocortisone make it harder to get the Candida sorted out and mean that it is more likely to return?

Many thanks.


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Yes, I'm afraid so - commiserations L . Steroids as well as antibiotics will kill off all the good bacteria in our guts and invite the yeast to multiply out of control, which eventually leads to "leaky gut" syndrome, letting minute food particles and toxins through into the bloodstream.... hence the name `systemic' – it affects the whole body.

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Hi Jess, I go along with what has written in response

to your questions. Please go to our FILES section (see the Menu on the Home page

of this forum http://health.groups//group/thyroid treatment

) and on the long list that opens, click on the FOLDER 'Candida' and read all

the information available there. Any questions, just shout and somebody will be

along to help you.

Cambridge Nutritional Sciences is well respected btw!

Luv - Sheila

Candida IgG = >100 U/ml (normal range 0-30)

Candida IgM = 20.8 U/ml (normal 0-10)

" The concentration of Candida IgG antibodies in your blood is elevated.

The concentration of Candida IgM antibodies in your blood is elevated.

The concentration of IgG and IgM antibodies suggests a current Candida


We recommend that you seek the advice of a medical practitioner. "

Does this indicate I have systemic candida? What's the difference between IgG

and IgM? How reliable are these results, are CNS a respected lab? If I take the

printout to my lovely female doctor will she help or am I on my own?


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> I was interested in your comment about steroids and Candida. I have to take hydrocortisone (adrenals) and have been on the anti-Candida regime for a couple of weeks now. Will the fact that I take hydrocortisone make it harder to get the Candida sorted out and mean that it is more likely to return?

Yes, Hazel, it makes it harder to get on top of the Candida Steroids do the same as antibiotics - they destroy the good guys in our guts. So it is doubly important to keep to a 'no sugar' regime long term and most of all to keep taking a very good probiotic religiously every day. The very best probiotic I know of is Bio-Acidophilus forte from Biocare - terribly expensive though. But Lamberts do a very good one do take the probiotics at different times to the HC, not immediately after.....

Best wishes,

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