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Problems on T3 only?

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Since December I have been taking t3 only and have worked my way up gradually

top 3 x 5mcg per day, adding the last 5mcg on 5 March. Everything was going

swimmingly. I felt great, although I'm not sure this was borne out by my last

results which were:

TSH (0.35 -6) 2.59

T4 (9-26) 10.4

T3 (2.8-7) 4.1

On Saturday last it all started to change and since then I have felt very hot,

although my temp is still in the top 35s, feel as if I can't breathe, arms and

legs feel weak, pulse feels as if it is racing and my head as if it is about to

burst. I noticed over the weekend that while my alcohol tolerance had started

to improve since I'd been on the T3, I felt unable to drive after one pint of

lager shandy (one unit of alcohol) because I felt drunk. I'm sleeping fine.

I have dropped back to 10 mcg T3 but that doesn't seem to be making any

difference. Does anybody have any idea what might be going on here?


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Why are you taking such a low dose of t3?

By being on a low doseage of t3 can actually provide your body with less thyroid

hormone. As you will be lowering your bodys t4 but then not taking enough t3 to

make up for the lack of t4 your body has stopped making.


> Since December I have been taking t3 only and have worked my way up gradually

top 3 x 5mcg per day, adding the last 5mcg on 5 March. Everything was going

swimmingly. I felt great, although I'm not sure this was borne out by my last

results which were:


> TSH (0.35 -6) 2.59

> T4 (9-26) 10.4

> T3 (2.8-7) 4.1


> On Saturday last it all started to change and since then I have felt very hot,

although my temp is still in the top 35s, feel as if I can't breathe, arms and

legs feel weak, pulse feels as if it is racing and my head as if it is about to

burst. I noticed over the weekend that while my alcohol tolerance had started

to improve since I'd been on the T3, I felt unable to drive after one pint of

lager shandy (one unit of alcohol) because I felt drunk. I'm sleeping fine.


> I have dropped back to 10 mcg T3 but that doesn't seem to be making any

difference. Does anybody have any idea what might be going on here?


> D


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>while my alcohol tolerance had started to improve since I'd been on the T3, I

felt unable to drive after one pint of lager shandy (one unit of alcohol)

because I felt drunk.

to me that sounds a bit candida/liver stress type symptom.


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> Endo says I need iron injections but as haemo does not understand the

difference between ferritin and haemoglobin I cannot get these on NHS. Endo

told me if I could find someone I trusted to inject me I should go for it, but

although I have found someone, I cannot get a private prescription from my GP as

he says they have to be given somewhere where thereis resuscitation equipment,

so I have to rely on oral iron, which I struggle to tolerate.


> I would love to get bloods done, but my current form is for my next endo

appointment. Lab will do T4,T3 and D for the endo, but will not do the Ts for

the GP if the TSH is within range. I have a letter from Head of Pathology

confirming that if TSH is within range no other tests are necessary! Also for

GP, lab will only do D annually.


> Communication with endo dept at the hospital is so bad that if I use this form

now I doubt if I will get another one to use before my appointment.


> D


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