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Blood test results

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Hi all,

I have never set much store by blood test results but thought I'd post my latest

ones and get your collected thoughts

free T4 11 L (12 - 22 pmol / L)

free T3 3.3 (3.1 - 6.8 pmol / L)

TSH 0.03 L (0.27 - 4.20mU / L)

and he has recommended that I reduce my Erfa to 2 1/2 grains every other day.

(I'm on 2 grains a day at present)

I'm not getting any hyPERthyroid symptoms and I want to write to him and tell

him that yet again he has gone with the numbers instead of what we discussed and

agreed at my appointment - he had said that as I had gained another 8 kilos that

my Erfa dose should be raised.

I'd be grateful for your comments so that I can put together a decent letter

which (hopefully) won't get his back up and keeps my meds at the present level.


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