Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 Hi Ange Whilst I don't know what the answer is to why you're feeling so rubbish, what I can tell you is - the red blood count being normal will tell the doc you're not anemic. But your ferritin can still be low and you can have symptoms with that. That's me in fact - both my hemaglobin and red count are normal but my ferritin is low. Was yours checked? If not, you need it checked, though the doc might say you don't need it as you're not anemic coz they don't always recognise that low ferritin can cause symptoms by itself. Xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 I completely agree with you Susie. My ferritin has been as low as 2 (range 30-400) when I have had " normal " haemaglobin and I felt bloody awful!! My local hospital's haematology dept would not give me an iron infusion until my haemaglobin went below the " normal " levels which meant I have endured years of feeling terrible gradually getting worse & worse as I don't seem to absorb iron orally. Luckily I am now seeing a gastroenterologist who is better educated & recognises that low ferritin can cause health problems, including terrible fatigue, regardless of haemaglobin levels. Good luck Ange! x > > Hi Ange > Whilst I don't know what the answer is to why you're feeling so rubbish, what I can tell you is - the red blood count being normal will tell the doc you're not anemic. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 Ange - if what Sally says is correct in that your doctors are not recognising the need to check your levels of ferritin, then copy off the attached document and give it to your doctor to show that low levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc all have an association with low levels of thyroid hormone at the cellular level. This document shows just some of the scientific research/science/studies to show the association. Luv - sheila Hi Ange Whilst I don't know what the answer is to why you're feeling so rubbish, what I can tell you is - the red blood count being normal will tell the doc you're not anemic. But your ferritin can still be low and you can have symptoms with that. That's me in fact - both my hemaglobin and red count are normal but my ferritin is low. Was yours checked? If not, you need it checked, though the doc might say you don't need it as you're not anemic coz they don't always recognise that low ferritin can cause symptoms by itself. Xx 1 of 1 File(s) LOW MINERALS AND VITAMINS AND THE THYROID CONNECTION.doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 This is quite appalling . Ferritin is your STORED iron. It is there so there is always a source of iron available so your haemoglobin never does go low. Once this 'stored' iron has been used, your iron levels in the blood will decrease rapidly leading to anaemia, and for a doctor to IGNORE such a low ferritin result is reportable. This can cause harm to you and the normal functioning of your body. Thank goodness somebody now recognises your predicament and is treating you properly. I hope you get on the mend soon. Luv - Sheila I completely agree with you Susie. My ferritin has been as low as 2 (range 30-400) when I have had " normal " haemoglobin and I felt bloody awful!! My local hospital's haematology dept would not give me an iron infusion until my haemaglobin went below the " normal " levels which meant I have endured years of feeling terrible gradually getting worse & worse as I don't seem to absorb iron orally. Luckily I am now seeing a gastroenterologist who is better educated & recognises that low ferritin can cause health problems, including terrible fatigue, regardless of haemaglobin levels. Good luck Ange! x > > Hi Ange > Whilst I don't know what the answer is to why you're feeling so rubbish, what I can tell you is - the red blood count being normal will tell the doc you're not anemic. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 Thank you Sheila. x Yes I changed my GP practice after one GP was so rude to be when I dragged myself in with a ferritin level of 4 and begged for help. He said I must be one of those " odd " people who is sensitive to low ferritin yet there was nothing wrong with me as my haemaglobin was " normal! " I could tell he thought it was all in my mind! A few weeks ago I got copies of all my GP medical records and the letters that this ( & other GP's) had written to the haematologist were shocking. They said that I had low ferritin, normal haemaglobin and NO SYMPTOMS!! Yet I was dragging myself in there and telling them explicitly that I had crippling fatigue, severe breathlessness, angina chest pains, mouth ulcers, low white blood counts - all because of the low ferritin! The haematologist just wrote back saying keep taking the iron tablets!! My haemaglobin eventually dropped to 8 and ferritin of 2 then they finally gave me an infusion. Within 6 weeks chest pains gone, white blood counts better and less fatigue & breathlessness. I now have a heart murmur and I wonder if this has been caused by all these years of having very low ferritin? On a positive note this has taught me not to trust doctors and I am requesting a copy of everything they write about me now so I can correct any errors!! Sorry to hijack your thread Ange & I hope you get sorted soon? x Once this 'stored' iron has been used, your iron levels in the blood > will decrease rapidly leading to anaemia, and for a doctor to IGNORE such a > low ferritin result is reportable. This can cause harm to you and the normal > functioning of your body. Thank goodness somebody now recognises your > predicament and is treating you properly. I hope you get on the mend soon. > > Luv - Sheila > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 Hi Susie, Thankyou. I have been trying to find out this info so really appreciate you explaining. No they didn't check my ferritin levels so will ask them too. My red blood count is higher than it should be but I have no idea what that means.... Am feeling a bit better today and at least I have been able to go out and meet some friends today which lifted my spirits. xx .. -- Re: calcium supplements and effect on iron absorption - bloods not showing this? Hi AngeWhilst I don't know what the answer is to why you're feeling so rubbish, what I can tell you is - the red blood count being normal will tell the doc you're not anemic. But your ferritin can still be low and you can have symptoms with that. That's me in fact - both my hemaglobin and red count are normal but my ferritin is low. Was yours checked? If not, you need it checked, though the doc might say you don't need it as you're not anemic coz they don't always recognise that low ferritin can cause symptoms by itself.Xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 Oh -that is terrible so glad you found someone more knowledgeable! Thankyou everyone -am really feeling so well supported by you all. Was beginning to think I was going mad (as I just know my thyroid and adrenal meds are spot on) until I came on this site. It's so good to be in contact with people in the know -I had no knowledge on iron/ferritin, red blood cell count as I have never been anemic in my life. Bless you all -can feel the fight rising in me!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 you are not hijacking at all! Am learning from you -am so appalled by what happened to you -how dare they these terrible docs treat you like that -what are these docs on? I also have absolutely no trust in doctors after a series of totally basic blunders, more than one of which was life threatening -all this blunders were totally avoidable!. It leaves me to wonder at our doctors training and how they are followed up in their practice after qualifying. I have been to see a friend who has hypothyroidism and who is being managed by the wonderful TSH reference levels....sigh.....she is feeling so poorly and of course (just like in the fantastic film Sheila linked on her) is told its in her head. Palpitations -no she just listening to her heart too closely!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry and getting really mad! You will probably see her on this site soon. I have been feeling breathless, dizzy as well as the fatigue. I actually have a very good colour in my face!!! So feel a fraud! I am a bit confused about all the different things e.g what is the difference between hemoglobin, red blood cell count. What is ferritin? So sorry -am really ignorant as it's never been a problem. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2011 Report Share Posted July 2, 2011 > > you are not hijacking at all! Am learning from you -am so appalled by > what happened to you -how dare they these terrible docs treat you like that > -what are these docs on? Thanks Ange. I agree it's awful that we are being made to suffer unecessarily and with sometimes serious consequences. > I have been feeling breathless, dizzy as well as the fatigue. I actually > have a very good colour in my face!!! So feel a fraud! Ange, I always have a good colour in my face and am told I " look well " even when I've been very anemic. I am a bit tanned & freckley and always make an effort to sit outside every day so in the summer I look quite healthy even though I feel awful. I've had several GPs & consultants comment that I " look well " and they've even written that in my notes, almost implying that my healthy appearance means I can't be ill, grr! To me it shows that we don't all fit what is written in the text books so don't feel a fraud! I am a bit confused > about all the different things e.g what is the difference between hemoglobin > red blood cell count. What is ferritin? So sorry -am really ignorant as it > s never been a problem. Ange, it is complicated but as Sheila said the Ferritin is your stored iron that your red blood cells (hemoglobin) need to make more cells. If you don't have enough ferritin stored then eventually you will become anemic (not enough red blood cells). There are many different causes of anemia, iron deficiency is just one of them. Sometimes the body doesn't create enough red blood cells and sometimes they get destroyed in abnormal numbers. My haematology consultant did talk about doing a bone marrow biopsy to check my cells (as they can learn more from the marrow than your blood) but when I saw a different consultant he didn't seem too bothered about doing any further investigations for me. I think that anemia is so common for them they don't seem to appreciate how debilitating it can be. Good luck in getting your ferritin tested properly. x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 3, 2011 Report Share Posted July 3, 2011 Hi Everyone, have just had a phone call from Dr S -bless his cotton socks phoning me after he has started his holidays & on a sunday! And he has much bigger fish to fry then little old me! It was really very very kind of him. Anyway am feeling a little reassured have explained everything to him. he mentioned that he thinks that there could be a virus circluating that fits the same description as my symptoms and as I'm feeling like I'm improving (but still weak and bit dizzy), am crossing my fingers he is right. I am still going to check out all that everyone has mentioned to me. bless you all! And am still keeping off the calcium supplements as i don't really believe I need them. I know I will have a battle with my new GP re the supressed TSH but DR S is happy with my TSH result and I will tell him so!!!!! Alongside the rest of the research am taking along -hope GP is ready for a good read! Ange xx > > Hi Susie, > Thankyou. I have been trying to find out this info so really appreciate you > explaining. No they didn't check my ferritin levels so will ask them too. > My red blood count is higher than it should be but I have no idea what that > means.... Am feeling a bit better today and at least I have been able to go > out and meet some friends today which lifted my spirits. > xx > . > > > > > -- Re: calcium supplements and effect on iron > absorption - bloods not showing this? > > > Hi Ange > Whilst I don't know what the answer is to why you're feeling so rubbish, > what I can tell you is - the red blood count being normal will tell the doc > you're not anemic. But your ferritin can still be low and you can have > symptoms with that. That's me in fact - both my hemaglobin and red count are > normal but my ferritin is low. Was yours checked? If not, you need it > checked, though the doc might say you don't need it as you're not anemic coz > they don't always recognise that low ferritin can cause symptoms by itself. > Xx > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 4, 2011 Report Share Posted July 4, 2011 As Hypothyroids if we continue to have a low body temperature then our body is unable to make RBC's; that is the bone marrow slows/stops its function. A study done on rats demonstrated this very well. Rats tails are very cold and the bone marrow is dormant. For the study the tips of the rats tails were sewn inside the abdomen of the rat. This of course allowed the temperature of the rats tail and the bone marrow of the tip of the rats tail to increase. Bingo the bone marrow previously dormant began to produce RBC's simply due to the rise in temperature. As Hypo's our temperature is often below normal and this affects many aspects of our body's normal function including the production of RBC's in our bone marrow...resulting in anaemia. sally xx >> you are not hijacking at all! Am learning from you -am so appalled by> what happened to you -how dare they these terrible docs treat you like that&g moderated to emove old messages Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 4, 2011 Report Share Posted July 4, 2011 When my thyroid was destroyed by radio active iodine treatment the endo told me I was one of the unfortunate few percentage that this happened to?......I would like to thank all contributors for the e-Mails as this has now shown me I am not on my own.I am very perturbed by the amount of insularity shown by many GP's and I know they dislike being told of knew research in any particular field,this is something that the general medical council should enquire into.Once again thank you everyone this is Jimsigning off Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 5, 2011 Report Share Posted July 5, 2011 Hi ange, Yes Genova Laboratories do this. I think TPA has a list of laboratories. I personally would get the 24hour urine test done in preference IF you have to pay for it yourself. Broda (USA) considered this a superior test as it measures what is actually going on in your body relating to your thyroid hormones, and not speculating what is happening as with serum tests. The weight around the middle sounds like cortisol? This is related to adrenals as you know. Adrenals are part of your immune system. If you do have a viral infection then of-course poor adrenal function leaves you open to catching such things...... I personally, would increase vit c to bowel tolerance. Usually our bowel tolerance increases and decreases according to our body's needs. so for example I have just suffered laryngitis and lost my voice. I had swollen glands, hot and cold feeling, etc. I just increase my vit C supplements and slightly my thyroid supplement according to my tolerance and I didnt need to see the doc. My symptoms resolved in no time and really I wasn't poorly as such, certainly no need for bed, which I thought might happen when that 'fluy' feeling occurs. You say you think you will be low on B12; do you take HCL supplements? No worries Ange, I am happy to help if I can. I only hope it does otherwise reading all my words would be sooooo painful!!!!! tehe. sally xx T I know he wants to check me for diabetes -he mentioned this last time time. Though I don't feel that diabetes is the issue for me but I am carrying a lot of weight around my tummy & still putting weight on........ I would like to get my Ft3 & rT3 tested -I know I will have to do this privately Dr S rang is wondering if it is a virus I think I'll be low on B12 as I have discovered that people with Vitligo (another little auto immune lurgy that I have ) usually are. . I didn't know this.... Firstly, I would say that possibly you might need to exchange some of your ERFA for T3. Its difficult to know without a FT3 and rT3 result; but what you might be doing is with your high T4 you could be converting to rT3 some of the T4 you get in the ERFA. IncrediMail! Click Here!" src="cid:2.161233152@..."> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 5, 2011 Report Share Posted July 5, 2011 Ange, please could you post messages to the forum without using your Incredimail as when we go to 'approve' such messages, it makes it so difficult to read because it spreads across the page for miles, and we have to scroll and scroll and scroll from one side of the page to get to the other side to be able to read the message. Sorry about this, because once the message has been approved, it appears fine on the forum. Luv - Sheila Thanks Sally -am getting a little lost in this conversation as to how this applies to me. My RBC was above the maximum range in the last blood test which was taken when I felt really really poorly.. I have suffered with a low temperature for the last 10years but my RBC has always been well within range.. At my best my temperature may rise to 36.4 but when ill it will drop lower.. For example when I was feeling really poorly it dropped to 35.6 last week. This morning feeling better it's 36.4. Tomorrow is doc day so will asking for bloods on my ferritin etc.... Ange xxx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 5, 2011 Report Share Posted July 5, 2011 Hi Sheila, So sorry -I didn't realise it was causing a problem. Of course I will stop replying via incredimail. Please could the site amend my settings so that TPA stop sending me the emails? I will go directly onto the site instead to check any discussions. Hopefully that will resolve the problem, Ange xx > > Ange, please could you post messages to the forum without using your Incredimail as when we go to 'approve' such messages, moderated to remove old messages Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2011 Report Share Posted July 6, 2011 Thank goodness you didAnge! There are some good docs out there its just sortin gthe wheat from the chaf is time consuming and mind blowing and its detrimental to our good health!!!!! tehe.sallyxx Alleyluya! Good job I took it on myself to check! Am sorry but my faith and trust just gets lower and lower.... Ange xx [Ed] --> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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