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Test Results, RT3 Audrey

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Hi Audrey,

Have done it!! I make it that you have a reverse t3 to free t3 ratio of

16.8.... this means that your reverse t3 is too high so you won't be getting

the benefit of thyroid hormones as the rt3 will be blocking the cells.

I've used you free t3 result which you gave back in October which was 8.5pmol/L,

I multiplied this by the molecular weight for liothyronine which is 650.9 and

then I divided the result by 10 to give me the results as 553.2pg/dl. I

then divided this free t3 result by the reverse t3 result of 32.8ng/dl to give


I got the info on how to do it from the website at http://thyroid-rt3.com.

So this appears to be a problem Audrey. While ever you take T4, in the form

of NT or thyroxine, you will make reverse t3 to get rid of the unconverted T4.

The way to clear it all is to take t3 only, for about 12 weeks until all the

reverse t3 is cleared out....

Hope this helps....



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Doesn't the rT3 and the fT3 have to be done at the same time

though . Audrey has only just received her rT3 results from Genova and

you are measuring the ratio from her T3 result of 4/5 months ago (depending on

whether Audrey had actually been tested beginning or end of October. We

also need to be absolutely sure that Audrey's T3 result was total T3 (tT3) or free

T3 (fT3). If the former -the ratio of T3 to rT3 needs to be greater than 10.

Luv - Sheila

Have done it!! I make it that you have a reverse t3 to free t3 ratio of

16.8.... this means that your reverse t3 is too high so you won't be getting

the benefit of thyroid hormones as the rt3 will be blocking the cells.

I've used you free t3 result which you gave back in October which was

8.5pmol/L, I multiplied this by the molecular weight for liothyronine which is

650.9 and then I divided the result by 10 to give me the results as 553.2pg/dl.

I then divided this free t3 result by the reverse t3 result of 32.8ng/dl to

give 16.8.

I got the info on how to do it from the website at http://thyroid-rt3.com.

So this appears to be a problem Audrey. While ever you take T4, in the form of

NT or thyroxine, you will make reverse t3 to get rid of the unconverted T4. The

way to clear it all is to take t3 only, for about 12 weeks until all the

reverse t3 is cleared out....

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Hi Sheila,

It Was a free t3 reading, in October according to the post 72794.

Thing is if the free t3 hasn't been done at the same time as the reverse t3,

does this mean the reverse t3 test is worthless for calculating if there is a

problem? I would have thought the best thing to do would be to assume the

free T3 remains the same as it was a couple of months ago and use the result to

work out the ratio of Free t3 to reverse t3.

The only other option is to have the tests repeated..( more expense and hassle).

.. Maybe we should make it crystal clear to people via the files that when you

have a reverse t3 test, you should have a free t3 test done at the same time if

you want to check ratios.

Audrey has been feeling unwell for a long time now, she is taking HC, and still

feels tired. It was Nick who thought she may have a reverse t3 problem some

time ago when she posted her free t3 results, which may account for all the

tiredness and malaise.....



> Doesn't the rT3 and the fT3 have to be done at the same time though .

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Thing is if the free t3 hasn't been done at the

same time as the reverse t3, does this mean the reverse t3 test is worthless

for calculating if there is a problem? I would have thought the best thing to

do would be to assume the free T3 remains the same as it was a couple of months

ago and use the result to work out the ratio of Free t3 to reverse t3.

It all depends on what particular treatment and dosage Audrey

was taking last October and what she is taking now. Her fT3 would no doubt

fluctuate accordingly. Might be something Nick could help us with here. I think

you are right, in that if anybody is getting their reverse T3 tested, they

should also test their free T3 at the same time.

I have written to Nick earlier on this morning to ask him what

he thinks of Audrey's results, and will write again if he responds.

Luv - Sheila

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