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TPO level - HASHIs or NOT??

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Hi there, this is my first post I wonder if you can help me??

I have Adrenal Insufficiency and Hypothyroidism. Because of my symptoms and

research I wondered if I have HASHIS so had my GP do a TPO blood test.

My results were:

TPO Antibodies – 33.4 iu/mL (range 5 – 59 iu/mL)

Below the results it then read:

Negative less than 60

Equivicol 60-100

Positive greater than 100

My GP made no comment on it so assumed I dont have it but someone has just

looked at my results and think this shows I DO have it - v confused??

I must admit I was under the impression any antibodies meant you had HASHIs??

Is this another case of NHS using way out ranges??

With thanks

Beki, UK

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