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Likely what Deus means are carbohydrates that are more complex rather than

simple sugars. Complex carbohydrates must be broken down to be assimilated

which takes time which in turn means they are assimilated further down the

Gastrointestinal Tract, also referred to as the lower GI tract. Simple

sugars, such as glucose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose, etc. are very quickly

assimilated in the blood stream and cause a spike in blood sugar which then

causes a spike in insulin in response. Examples of complex carbs are brown

rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans such as black beans, kidney beans,

pinto beans, limas, lentils and peas. oats, wheat and other grains

(preferably whole grains). Vegetables are complex carbs as well, but since

they provide substantial fiber and vitamins and minerals and relatively

little calories, they are treated separately on the BFL authorized lists.

Another way to look at the list of complex carbs is the glycemic index. The

lower on the index presumably the further down the GI tract they will pass

before being completely assimilated. If they are metered into the blood

stream over a slightly longer time period you avoid the spike and allow the

blood to be more efficient at carrying glucose to the cells to replenish

glycogen. I may have slipped up, but that's what I think Deus is driving



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Hi kit,, well thanks for that info becuz i did wonder why veggies were noted

seperate from carbs in bill's book. there is really a large amount of info

on this plan...a REALLY large amount...i guess i will just eat in portion

sizes, workout & cardio and just avoid sugar and sweets and bread products.

That will be a big change in lifestyle habits for me and i will ck out the

diff in 12 weeks...glad to be here, sheila from dallas

----Original Message Follows----

From: " Kit Keyes " <kit.keyes@...>



Subject: RE: Sheila

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 18:30:30 -0800

Likely what Deus means are carbohydrates that are more complex rather than

simple sugars. Complex carbohydrates must be broken down to be assimilated

which takes time which in turn means they are assimilated further down the

Gastrointestinal Tract, also referred to as the lower GI tract. Simple

sugars, such as glucose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose, etc. are very quickly

assimilated in the blood stream and cause a spike in blood sugar which then

causes a spike in insulin in response. Examples of complex carbs are brown

rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans such as black beans, kidney beans,

pinto beans, limas, lentils and peas. oats, wheat and other grains

(preferably whole grains). Vegetables are complex carbs as well, but since

they provide substantial fiber and vitamins and minerals and relatively

little calories, they are treated separately on the BFL authorized lists.

Another way to look at the list of complex carbs is the glycemic index. The

lower on the index presumably the further down the GI tract they will pass

before being completely assimilated. If they are metered into the blood

stream over a slightly longer time period you avoid the spike and allow the

blood to be more efficient at carrying glucose to the cells to replenish

glycogen. I may have slipped up, but that's what I think Deus is driving




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  • 4 years later...


That is a great suggestion. I would try

that first, too. Its absolutely worth a try!


I'm so sorry sweetie. I know most of us know

this could be us. Has anyone recommended a post-surgical dilation

first? My theory is that if they are going to remove it eventually,

they might as well try that first. It is much less invasive and many

have had very good results with it. Keep us posted! Cindi in PA

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  • 1 month later...

> UGH - I had a similar experience, but not so bad. Then I ended up with

> wicked diarrhea from everything that didn't come out the other way.

So not

> fun! Cindi

I've had 2 stomach viruses since my Heller, and I haven't had any

trouble vomiting. Hey, I'm man of many talents. It hurts a lot more

than pre-surgery, though. Maybe it depends on how tight the wrap is?


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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Hi , this is great news and I am delighted that you have

had the confidence to start this group after learning so much from TPA and all

the information we have put together over the years - which is growing daily.

If I remember right, I previously told you that you are very welcome to all the

information to share in Gibraltar or wherever you feel this would be useful. I

think, however, that this would be a golden opportunity to expand Thyroid

Patient Advocacy around the world, this has always been my dream, and therefore

wondered if you could call your group 'Thyroid Patient Advocacy-Gib' instead of

just Thyroid Gib. It helps identify what you are doing and it helps identify us

too. There are already a growing number of satellite groups, using the title e.g.

'Thyroid Patient Advocacy-Bristol' by way of acknowledging the use they have

made of all the information and research done by TPA.

You could pass on to your members the Register of Counterexamples

to Levothyroxine-only (T4), which you will see has been translated into Spanish.

You could also pass this link onto any reporters asking them to publish this

link in their papers so the people throughout Spain would have a chance of

registering their thyroid status that will show that T4 does not work for


Tell your members and the reporters that 9 'flawed' clinical

trials were carried out to see whether a combination of T4 and T3 worked better

than T4 alone. Over 900 participants took part and the results showed that

combination therapy made no difference. This is why doctors are refusing to

treat with T3. We need over 1000 counterexamples to show that combination

therapy using T4/T3, T3 alone or natural thyroid extract DOES work better and

challenge these flawed trials. Too little T3 was used in those trials. We

have 827 counterexamples to date, so we are nearly there. Below is what

you could send out:

" The Charity, Thyroid Patient Advocacy www.tpa-uk.org.uk

is in the process of creating a World Register of Counterexamples to

levothyroxine-only (T4) therapy. This short survey is applicable only to those

who continued to suffer symptoms on T4-only therapy, and who found those

symptoms disappeared once they were started on a T3 hormone containing product

, whether synthetic or natural thyroid extract.

The objective of this Register of Counterexamples to T4-only

therapy is to draw to the attention of those responsible authorities throughout

the world, the dire need for an urgent re-examination of the existing protocol

for the diagnosis and management of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

If you fit this category, please will you complete the 3

questions with either 'YES', 'NO' or N/A here http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/register_of_counterexamples.php

All responses will be collated online, and your email address (if you provide

one) will be used ONLY to contact you at a later date should this be becomes

necessary. "

Do you yet have a web site or are you thinking about creating

one. Please do think about the name, though whatever you decide to call your

group, all the information is freely available from our web site and forum to

take where you will, as it is there to help doctors and sufferers wherever in

the world they live, but is what we are here for, but please acknowledge TPA

when you use it.

I will send you my list of 'good' doctors privately. Please do

remember that because these doctors have not given their permission to publish

their names, you must not put this list on your forum or web

site, unless you first seek their permission to do so. This means you send the

list only to those members who wish to be referred to one of our doctors here

in the UK.

Luv - Sheila

I need advice i have started a local support

group i have already had the interview in the local radio station here in

Gibraltar , the calls have been coming through and so have the emails, all i am

doing is sending out information in pdf format, and informing everyone about T4

& T3 natural thyroxine, we are meeting this Friday at a local pub one of

the local newspapers is carrying an advert for free we call ourselves Thyroid


The first breakthrough is that two of the GP's are now prescribing T3 the

results on some of the memebers has been tremendous. There is still lots that

needs to be done, like make Armour available locally, and some GP's are not so

dogmatic in blood interpretation and are adjusting medications on symtoms but i

would like to know if i can use the vast amount of information that is

available in TPA files.

Also if you know if any information is available in spanish as there is a group

that understands spanish only. I am having a learning crash course i have read

so many books and i plough through all the email over here, i am just a sponge

learning everything i can.

Also if you have a list of recommended NHS GP's or Endo's in uk because we can

locally be sent for second opinion to UK and everything is locally paid by the

Medical Health Department.

Well that all i can think of.


Best Regards


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Just to add another thought about your possible name change. Somebody

has pointed out to me this morning that should your group remain 'Thyroid Gib',

it looks as if you could be affiliated with 'Thyroid UK' and people may well

believe the excellent information you are giving to your members and the UK

doctors names you are passing on to your members actually comes from there,

when you are getting it from the research done by TPA over the years. Something

you should perhaps run by your members.

Luv - Sheila

Hi , this is great news and I am

delighted that you have had the confidence to start this group after learning

so much from TPA and all the information we have put together over the years -

which is growing daily. If I remember right, I previously told you that you are

very welcome to all the information to share in Gibraltar or wherever you feel

this would be useful. I think, however, that this would be a golden opportunity

to expand Thyroid Patient Advocacy around the world, this has always been my

dream, and therefore wondered if you could call your group 'Thyroid Patient

Advocacy-Gib' instead of just Thyroid Gib. It helps identify what you are doing

and it helps identify us too. There are already a growing number of satellite

groups, using the title e.g. 'Thyroid Patient Advocacy-Bristol' by way of

acknowledging the use they have made of all the information and research done

by TPA.

Luv - Sheila

The first breakthrough is that two of the GP's are now prescribing T3 the

results on some of the memebers has been tremendous. There is still lots that

needs to be done, like make Armour available locally, and some GP's are not so

dogmatic in blood interpretation and are adjusting medications on symtoms but i

would like to know if i can use the vast amount of information that is

available in TPA files.

Also if you have a list of recommended NHS GP's or Endo's in uk because we can

locally be sent for second opinion to UK and everything is locally paid by the

Medical Health Department.


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Hi ,

My mother was from Gibraltar but lived here since she was 27. She had

hypothyroidism in her 60's - it took over 6 years of her being very ill before

her GP diagnosed her.

My question is - do you know if there are many people in Gib with hypothyroidism

and are the doctors good at diagnosing now? I have asked family members in Gib

if there are any with thyroid problems but no-one is sure as all the people of

my mother's age are now dead. I know of deceased family members who had various

illnesses which could be attributed to hypothyroidism but no firm confirmation.

Unfortunately I will probably never know if there was a long line of hypt

sufferers in my mothers side of the family.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I dont know where you get the time,the patience to keep answering the same

questions us foggy ones ask! - and the energy!!!! - but a BIG thank you.

Have only been on the Forum for a very short time - but you are a mine of

information, supportive and a good friend to have for those of us who are

wandering thro the mire of hypothyroidism .



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Messages like this bring a tear to my eye ine and are

inspiring. Yes, I do have to answer the same questions over and over but this

is so necessary because it is horrendous having 'brain-fog' and knowing how

difficult it is to retain information. Also, new members are coming on board

every day, and they are learning everything for the first time. I've been

there, had all the symptoms and signs, worn the T-shirt - and came out on top,

having found the correct thyroid hormone replacement my body needed, which the

majority of NHS doctors refuse to give to their patients who remain so ill on

T4 only, and it is a pleasure to be able to give a little of something back to

all those being left to suffer and who have come to this support group out of desperation.

Luv - Sheila

I dont know where you get the time,the patience

to keep answering the same questions us foggy ones ask! - and the energy!!!! -

but a BIG thank you.

Have only been on the Forum for a very short time - but you are a mine of

information, supportive and a good friend to have for those of us who are

wandering thro the mire of hypothyroidism .



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I second that absolutely ine! :)

I am also a newbie here and I am SO grateful for the help & advice I have

recieved from Sheila & other members.

Although I am still feeling really ill at present at least now I have had some

proper tests done & know what I am up against.

I feel like I am taking my first baby steps towards better health...

I know it's going to take time, but I feel I have made more progress in the past

few weeks than I have in the past 9 years of ill health!

Before I found this forum I felt so alone and felt like I was at the end of the

road regarding any help from the NHS.

Now I have started taking some supplements (others are on order) and I feel

positive that I am going to get better.

So a big, big thank you to you all!



> I dont know where you get the time,the patience to keep answering the same

questions us foggy ones ask! - and the energy!!!! - but a BIG thank you.

> Have only been on the Forum for a very short time - but you are a mine of

information, supportive and a good friend to have for those of us who are

wandering thro the mire of hypothyroidism .

> Thanks

> x


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" and it is a pleasure to be able to give a little of something back to

all those being left to suffer and who have come to this support group out

of desperation.

Luv - Sheila"

Sheila I thank you personally. By chance this time last year I found your name on the internet and you gave me some advice which I believe gave me the courage to question (with respect) my Doctors. Since that time I have been through a bit of a rollacoaster with my symptoms thankfully now I feel much much better, but throughout it all my determination was for all those on these boards and others who are suffering some terrible symptoms because they don't fall into the 70% (?) who get well when taking Thyroxine only treatment. We must remain positive.

I bet we could save the NHS thousands of pounds as a lot of other drugs wouldn't be required if they would only let people try out Natural Thyroid or the addition of T3. I am sure patients would be prepared to sign a disclaimer if given the chance.

Anyway back to the original reason to me posting this message. Sheila thank you so much - you are a lovely lady (I met you at Birmingham). Have a lovely meeting in Skipton so sorry that I can't make it. I will be thinking of you all.

Love F xx

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