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Hi Kathleen. Thank you for responding

You and I have been on the same road for a while. I went to see an Endo to get

investigated to get to the bottom of my problem. He said I had polymyalgia

because my CRP and ESR were raised. I was started on Prednisolone and whilst I

was on it taking my thyroxine was not a problem. A month later I returned to be

told I did not have polymyalgia and to wean off the prednisolone!

Once off the prednisolone I couldn't take the thyroxine at all and had to come

off it completely. I then insisted I had a trial of dales thyroxine

capsules and at that time I think only consultants could order them and not GPs.

This may have changed.

These capsules have a choice of fillers but as I reacted to the three I tried I

believe it is not the fillers that causes my intolerance.

I am really confused as to why any GP would put you on 75mcg thyroxine and now

say you do not need it.

I will be interested to hear what the Prednisolone makers say to you.

I look forward to hearing more of your story and am sorry you are making so

little headway.

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