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An update about my sore tongue, gums etc having been to the Dentist.

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Having been to the Dentist today, she does not think that it is Lichen Planus

yet, but my mouth problems are caused by the dry mouth that I have problems with

every night.I also have an ulcer on my tongue.

She has prescribed CORSODYL MOUTHWASH, but I can only use it for one week at a

time, and then leave it off for two weeks.

She said that it is the dryness in the mouth that needs to be sorted out, and

that my GP should prescribe something. She said that there is a spray, but

having tried this in the past it did me no good due to the fact that it has


Is the dry mouth related to ones THYROID GLAND problems. Chewing the gum I

bought from Amazon has clearly not helped.

The fact that I pass large ammounts of urine in the night does not help either.

Its a visit to my GP tomorrow, so will have to see what the blood tests say.


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It sounds to me like we're back to the lack of salt in your system. If you're

losing lots of urine, you're losing salt as well. Salt maintains the water

balance in the body. You can take unrefined salt in capsules if you can't drink

it down. Salt has the 94 trace minerals in it and will help balance the

electrolyte system.



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hi kathleen

regarding large volume of urine ...have you ever been tested for aldosterone and



" When is it ordered?

A plasma aldosterone and a plasma renin are usually ordered together when a

patient has high blood pressure and a low potassium. Even if potassium is

normal, testing may be done if typical medications do not control the high blood

pressure or if hypertension develops at an early age. Primary aldosteronism is a

potentially curable form of hypertension, so it is important to detect and treat

it properly. Aldosterone levels are occasionally ordered, along with other

tests, when a doctor suspects that a patient has adrenal insufficiency. "

do you have high blood pressure and low potassium?





> The fact that I pass large ammounts of urine in the night does not help


> Its a visit to my GP tomorrow, so will have to see what the blood tests say.

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It was thought at one time that I had Diabetes Insipidus, but this was at the

end of those years on Pimozide, as comming off of those I nearly flaked out, and

could not stand the heat at all. I also was consuming large ammounts of water

during the night, but not the case now.

They ruled out Diabetes Insipidus.

These antisychotic drugs may well make you feel ok, but symptoms are getting

worse underneath plus the side effects of the drugs.I was only on a small dose

of Pimozide 4mg, on 6mg I had, had 3 falls. I did not suddenly stop taking them

either, but along with the cancer that I am positive they caused I do not know

how I survived that year.

I have sworn never to have any more of those drugs.

After my visit to the surgery today it looks like Pimozide caused the thyroid to

go underactive, and on comming off Pimozide I became overactive, but thyroxine

was not reduced, and whether this in turn caused me to become ill I don't know.

My blood tests were all OK today, and the TSH was only 4.5, so can you work this

one out I had not had any thyroxine since end DEC and had only been on Thyroxine

for a few days, so my GP said in fact that he does not feel that I need

Thyroxine, but a small ammount will not hurt me.

He also said that for instance the Rheumatologist from the test he did on my

Thyroid, and with the condition he deals with may say different, so from this it

depends what other condition you have wrong.

I put to him the fact that I was put on 150mcg thyroxine when I was on Pimozide,

but I cannot get an answer for the reason for this.

The only thing I can think of is the effect that the former Husbands lungs were

having on my health, so in turn I end up with breast cancer and pimozide in

order to live with him, and in turn its clear that I married into the wrong


Perhaps in turn genetic testing may enable us to live with the right person, so

fewer divorces and better health, and healthier children.

TSH goes up to pull the T4 down, and if the T4 drops too low that is when you

need thyroxine. My GP says that its like whipping a donkey to get it to go (the

TSH being the whip).

The fact that my TSH has dropped and not having to work so hard means that the

T4 would be OK (no test was done on T4).

I have some more blood tests to be done to see if the inflammation has got

better CRP and ESR, and also the Thyroid again when I have been on Thyroxine for


He has also said that I would not need to continue in the summer with vitamin

D2, so will stop that now.

As far as BP goes I was put on two pills for that while on Pimozide, but was

able to stop them once off those.

My BP can be a little high, but it does not remain high, and to have BP pills

can cause it to go too low and make me feel worse. My GP has done a 24 hour tape

recording and is satisfied, and he is a heart specialist as well. I have also

had two ECG's lately and all is OK.

I was hospitalised to have both my children due to high BP, and kept in bed.

I think had my Daughter been kept in bed at the end of her pregnancy my

Granddaughter would have been OK, but how many women are getting this care

today, and ones own GP would visit you in hospital to make sure you were OK.

Look forward to seeing you all in Skipton, and have already been in touch with

the Tourist Centre, who have kindly provided me with timetables for buses and

information on local photographic areas to visit, and vegetarian food places.

They also have a H & B and Tesco where I can obtain some OAT MILK or RICE MILK

without CALCIUM.





> hi kathleen


> regarding large volume of urine ...have you ever been tested for aldosterone

and renin?


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I used Corsodyl mouthwash when I had a scratch on one of my gums which was quite

sore. After about 4-5 days, it made me teeth start to go brown.




> HI

> > She has prescribed CORSODYL MOUTHWASH, but I can only use it for one week at

a time, and then leave it off for two weeks.

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Yes the Dentist did say that it can alter the colour of your teeth, but the

colour of your own teeth returns on stopping its use. She also said to only use

it twice a day, and for no more than a week at a time, and to leave it off for

two weeks. Her general advice was use for 4 days which probably avoids the

discolouring of ones teeth, and you should not swallow any of it.



> Hi,


> I used Corsodyl mouthwash when I had a scratch on one of my gums which was

quite sore. After about 4-5 days, it made me teeth start to go brown.


> Cheers



> a




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