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Re: Healing crisis advice

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i'm sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell but it doesn't make sense (to me)

that you would have a healing crisis quite so quickly ...is it possible you have

a stomach bug?

how much garlic did you eat and ditto the olive oil ...?

if you have had diarrhoea and you've been peeing a lot then you are almost

certainly dehydrated and that may be the cause of your persistent headache ..try

pinching the skin between one of your thumbs and the finger next to it ...if it

stays raised up then that's a sure sign you are dehydrated. with upset stomachs

you also lose salts and that causes headaches too ...if you've got some

unrefined sea salt (or himalayian) try a quarter of a teaspoon in water as that

might help. electroylte imbalance can be very serious so you might want to

check out re-hydrating salts (but make sure they don't have aspartame in them).

i should forget solid food for the moment but concentrate on liquids

....camommile tea perhaps or freshly made chicken stock (i hope you have someone

to help you?).

best wishes



> Hi all


> I started the candida diet on Sunday but haven't taken any flucomazole or

probiotics yet.


> I have had lots of garlic and some olive oil though


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Hi Trish

I have been wondering if this coincides with a bug of some sort, as it came on

so suddenly. I also wonder if it is caffeine withdrawal too?

I am managing to drink now but small doses at a time, and I've just had some

brocilli and cauliflower - fingers crossed all seems ok so far.

I still have the headache (and sinus pain now) though, and I've developed itchy

ears in the last hour or so.

I don't seem dehydrated but will keep drinking as and when I can. I have lost

8lb in weight since Sunday evening, so you can tell how it's been! :-0 (I can

afford to lose it, but still!)

I had three cloves of garlic on Sunday but only one clove yesterday, and olive

oil on anything I can put it on...

I'm very concerned now that this is something else and I still have a healing

crisis to go through!! Yikes!!

I have my OH here but he works all day. I normally have my 9 year old dd as I

home educate her, but luckily, she is at an activity camp for part of this week

and next. That

is a Godsend as I can rest up while she is there. Bless her, she was so worried

when I ran off to vomit this morning and she'd fret if she had to be here with

me all day.

Funnily enough, I've not missed sugar in any way, but this last hour, a cadbury

Easter egg has been taunting me and I'd love to eat it!! I won't but it doesn't

half look appealing lol!

Ho hum! Any further thoughts much appreciated :-)


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caffeine withdrawal can be very bad


> Hi Trish


> I have been wondering if this coincides with a bug of some sort, as it came on

so suddenly. I also wonder if it is caffeine withdrawal too?

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If you can make yourself some tea with raw ginger root, this will calm the

stomach and also give you a bit of ZINC.....zinc is important for healing colds,

flu, etc.......



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Hi Helen, Too much oil if you are not used to it can have that effect as can any sudden change in diet! Poor you. Do try to drink water and don't try to eat until you feel hungry. Trying weak ginger tea will help with any nausea. > thyroid treatment > From: helen@...> Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 07:47:00 +0000> Subject: Healing crisis advice> > Hi all> > I started the candida diet on Sunday but haven't taken any flucomazole or probiotics yet.> > I have had lots of garlic and some olive oil though> > Sunday night, I had diarrhoea. Yesterday, I was very lethargic and had a persistent headache, and urinated a lot! Then last night, I started feeling nauseous. I went to bed early and still had the headache this morning.> > I had some water when I woke and thought I was going to vomit, so ate a dry ryvita and went back to bed for an hour.> > When I got up again, I had a sip of water and tried eating some scrambled egg, but it quite literally bounced straight back!> > Now I can only manage the tiniest sips of water before feeling as though I will vomit again!> > Is that normal? And I am better just giving my stomach a rest? > > I'd already decided to lay off the garlic today, but, as I cant eat or drink anything, that won't be a problem :-/ > > Can I do anything to help myself as I feel truly rotten :-( > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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Thanks for the tips all.

I've cut down to three cups of coffee a day - I know it's not ideal but I used

to drink a lot of coffee and thought cold turkey might be a bit too much along

with cutting out sugar etc.

I feel much better this evening but still blooming awful :-(

I will try some ginger tea and see if it helps.

Ive had some tea - just meat and veg, and it's staying down, so that's good.

The headache comes and goes and I'm thinking I should maybe be noting this sort

of thing down, in case there is a pattern or trigger.

When I think of the amount of rubbish I was eating, it's not surprising I've had

this reaction, I guess.

But never mind, I'm on the right track now. I'm going to take it slowly and get

used to one thing at a time, I think, as I won't cope with feeling ill like this

for any length of time.

Being realistic, it's better to start slow and find what works, than take on

something I can't handle and end up giving up?

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Hi Helen,

It is a well known fact that Garlic effects the urinary system and also olive oil would make you loose.

How much are you taking of both of these if I may ask

best wishes


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hello helen

caffeine withdrawal can definitely be the cause of headaches.

i'm not sure i'd go for broccoli and/or cauliflower ...if it is a bug then i

think a better bet would be something like plain boiled rice (wouldn't ever

normally recommend that) but if you've managed to keep the veggies down, then

hopefully you are on the mend.

three cloves of garlic is not a great deal but if you are not used to raw garlic

then that may have triggered an explosive bottom etc! olive oil shouldn't give

upset stomach unless it was really old and oxidised but it would have smelled


when dealing with candida you need to support your liver because that is the

organ doing the work to clear the dead yeast and if what you have just

experienced is down to die-off, then it suggests your elimination pathways need

assistance ...itching sometimes happens when the liver is overloaded (skin being

another organ for detox). try to take big sips of water as much as you can

because that will help the liver as well.



i suspect the weight loss is almost certainly down to water loss rather than fat


remove the easter egg from you sight immediately!!!!

wish you better :)


> Hi Trish


> I have been wondering if this coincides with a bug of some sort, as it came on

so suddenly. I also wonder if it is caffeine withdrawal too?


> I am managing to drink now but small doses at a time, and I've just had some

brocilli and cauliflower - fingers crossed all seems ok so far.


> I still have the headache (and sinus pain now) though, and I've developed

itchy ears in the last hour or so.


> I don't seem dehydrated but will keep drinking as and when I can. I have lost

8lb in weight since Sunday evening, so you can tell how it's been! :-0 (I can

afford to lose it, but still!)


> I had three cloves of garlic on Sunday but only one clove yesterday, and olive

oil on anything I can put it on...


> I'm very concerned now that this is something else and I still have a healing

crisis to go through!! Yikes!!

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Hi Mandy

I had three cloves of raw garlic on Sunday and just one yesterday. None today -

not sure I can ever face it again!!

Olive oil - I had probably about 5 tsps on Sunday and just some brushed on my

meat yesterday (I use a foreman grill). Today I've just used a little

bit to fry some onions (to mix in with cabbage).

I guess a mix of the two caused a lot of the problems? Is that enough to cause

that effect, given I'm not used to either of them, do you think?

I do feel much brighter tonight - still got a headache (but bearable), burning

tongue (although i had that anyway at nights - it was one of the reasons I had

the candida test), painful sinuses (i also tend to have sinus problems anyway

but not painful as this very often) and a stomach that feels rather delicate. I

don't have the nausea now, thank goodness!

Ho hum - easy on the garlic and oil from now on methinks!

I have a 30 hour shift at work over the weekend (with an 8 hour sleep in, so not

awake the whole time), but I'm not sure I'm going to keep going that long. I

work alone with challenging adults so need to be alert. I really hope I'm ok by

then - can't afford to lose the money.

If it was the oil and garlic, I may well be on the up again now...?

Helen x


> Hi Helen,


> It is a well known fact that Garlic effects the urinary system and also

> olive oil would make you loose.


> How much are you taking of both of these if I may ask


> best wishes


> Mandy


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>Olive oil - I had probably about 5 tsps on Sunday and just some brushed on my


in reality i would consider 5 tea spoonsful of oil as very little but if this

amount has upset you, then it's quite possibly indicative that your gall bladder

is under functioning a bit...a *good* diet is key to a healthy gall bladder.

going sugar-free to tackle the candida will help all your systems work better.






--- In thyroid treatment , " hellytay71 " <helen@...>

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I have suspected gall stones so that would seem to fit.

They don't cause huge problems but I get pain if I eat too much fatty food and

have done for almost 10 years.

Tbh it never takes a lot to upset my stomach and I've been diagnosed with IBS

but I don't vomit with that.

But anyway, I'm pleased to say I feel human again today!! Woohoo!!

Still have a grumbling headache but it goes when I have a drink, so im drinking

as much water as possible.

Fingers crossed I stay on the up! :-)

Oh and my skin looks considerably clearer this morning - or my eyesight is

failing - on or t'other lol

Thanks for all the replies everyone - it helps a lot to know you're not alone

with symptoms like that!

Helen x

> in reality i would consider 5 tea spoonsful of oil as very little but if this

amount has upset you, then it's quite possibly indicative that your gall bladder

is under functioning a bit...a *good* diet is key to a healthy gall bladder.

going sugar-free to tackle the candida will help all your systems work better.

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Hi Helen,

My hubby is Italian and I asked him his advice - he said the garlic would cause someone to wee more frequently as it can be a bladder irritant in those who aren't used to taking it - especially raw

but he said it would have been the olive oil that probably caused you to be sick - and I agree with the gall bladder observation someone posted.

So take is easy Helen - hope you feel better soon.

Best wishes


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Hi Helen, just wondered how you are feeling now and whether you

are starting to see signs of getting better. Do let us know. AND - keep

temptation out of the way this weekend!

Luv - Sheila

I have been wondering if this coincides with a bug of some sort, as it came on

so suddenly. I also wonder if it is caffeine withdrawal too?

I am managing to drink now but small doses at a time, and I've just had some

brocilli and cauliflower - fingers crossed all seems ok so far.

I still have the headache (and sinus pain now) though, and I've developed itchy

ears in the last hour or so.

I don't seem dehydrated but will keep drinking as and when I can. I have lost

8lb in weight since Sunday evening, so you can tell how it's been! :-0 (I can

afford to lose it, but still!)

I had three cloves of garlic on Sunday but only one clove yesterday, and olive

oil on anything I can put it on...

I'm very concerned now that this is something else and I still have a healing

crisis to go through!! Yikes!!

I have my OH here but he works all day. I normally have my 9 year old dd as I

home educate her, but luckily, she is at an activity camp for part of this week

and next. That

is a Godsend as I can rest up while she is there. Bless her, she was so worried

when I ran off to vomit this morning and she'd fret if she had to be here with

me all day.

Funnily enough, I've not missed sugar in any way, but this last hour, a cadbury

Easter egg has been taunting me and I'd love to eat it!! I won't but it doesn't

half look appealing lol!

Ho hum! Any further thoughts much appreciated :-)


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