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Letter to my Dr.

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Hi all

Have received so much information and inspiration from all of you - you have

made me take action at long last.

My Dr has called me in to talk about my recent blood test results on Friday

I will be taking this letter in.

Would you, could you please read thro and let me know if I have 'got it right'!

Will also be taking in some of the attachments that come from your replies.Will

also be posting on the PAS site as have B12 deficiency.

Thanks in anticipation

Dr D

Please take this information in the spirit in which it is intended.

I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in the 1990s.

It is now 2011 and despite 150 mcgs of Levothyroxine per day – which was

gradually built up over time not much has changed

I am currently taking 150 mcgs of Levothyroxine a day, Monthly B12 shots.

200mcgs of Cipralex a day

I understand that B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism and depression can all be

linked? Though my depression was as a direct result of work related stress.

Maybe if my health had been optimal I would have been able to cope. The benefit

of hindsight I guess.

I am now 60

I know I can feel better.

I really hope that you will support me in this.

The following is a list of symptoms which I experienced in the past and those

which I experience now.

• Hypoglycaemia - ongoing

• Low body temp – ongoing

• High Cholesterol – recent test awaiting results

• High Blood Pressure – re Work related stress – now normal

• Low Blood Pressure – until my 40s

• Allergies – last 2 years hay fever

• Intolerance to cold - always

• Intolerance to heat - always

• Osteoporosis – would appreciate a test

• Dizzy Spells/balance problems – recent over the last year

• Anaemia –periodic throughout life

• Other Auto Immune Diseases – shingles(prior to diagnosis) frequent URTI (over

the last 2 years)

• B12 deficiency( over the last four years)

• Joint/muscle Pain – for a long time

• Trembling muscles -occasionally

• Carpal Tunnel – just prior to diagnosis of Hypothyroidism

• Weight Gain – since 1990s – have been on a vlcd for the last month and lost

only 4lbs. Am always on a diet!!! Slimming World, Weightwatchers, Cambridge

Diet, Weight to Go, etc on some of the diets I even put on weight!!!! Now weigh

in the region of 13 stones. Even Orlistat did nothing!!!! In fact Orlistat

interferes with uptake of Levothyroxine

• Extreme Tiredness/ Lack of motivation/ Lethargy– last 6 months has got even


• Hair Loss (inc body) loss of hair on outer eyebrows – past though eyebrows

never grew back

• Brittle nails

• Constipation – if I miss my thyroid medication even for one day

• Loss of stamina – I was previously very fit

• Intolerance to loud noises – jump at any sudden loud sound – people find it


• Injuries slow to heal

• Low libido

• Change in Skin Colour – past , brown patches on arms

• Poor memory and concentration – beginning to worry me- I make lists for


• Hoarse voice – prior to diagnosis of Hypothyroidism

• Slow pulse – 43 bpm at diagnosis

• Abnormal periods – now out the other side of menopause – but prior – very

heavy and very frequent

Low basal temperature - averages anything from 34- 35.6. Taken before rising

Action Requested

In order to help me I would be really grateful if you could provide me with

copies of all my blood test results, along with the reference ranges s since I

was first diagnosed .in the 1990s until the present time.

I am more than prepared to pay for this service

Action Requested

Well I know I have an underactive thyroid – in fact when I was first diagnosed

the Dr told me `your thyroid doesn't work at all – in fact it never will again'

– so I happily kept taking the pills. I would like to know what caused it –

hence at this very late stage I am requesting the following tests.




Free T3

Free T4



Reverse T3

Other tests that may give a fuller picture are -

B12, I already have a monthly injection of B12. A deficiency of B12 is closely

related to Hypothyroidism... I would like to explore being able to self inject

and increasing my dose.

Folic Acid,



Cholesterol Tests.

Adrenal function tests







I appreciate that in the current economic climate GPs have limited funding. Once

again I would be prepared to pay for any tests that are not normally funded by

the practice.

All of these tests and supplements, injectibles and otherwise, are available on

the internet, I would far rather work with my GP to achieve optimal health.

In addition – I would like to trial B12 injections on a more frequent basis – to

save the practice money I understand that I can self inject and the Practice

Nurse assures me she can teach me to do this.

Maybe a referral to an endocrinologist of my choice at this stage would be a

good idea?

I look forward to your response. I hope to work in partnership with you.

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