Guest guest Posted June 30, 2011 Report Share Posted June 30, 2011 Hi Margaret, one of the worlds greatest corruptor's is Rumsfeld Also known as Pharmageddon Pharmageddon: how America got hooked on killer prescription drugs Look at this family household that probably have more drugs than their local pharmacy? Louis Theroux looks at America's prescription culture Prescription pills' deadly toll In Kentucky 978 people died from prescription drug overdoses in 2009. The average age drug addicts in Kentucky start using is 11. Seven people in Florida, four people in Ohio, and three people in Kentucky die every day from unintentional overdoses. In 2007, one American every 19 minutes died from an unintentional drug overdose. Sources: Kentucky Govt, CDC A further eye opener by Medawar C, Hardon A: is Medicines out of Control? – Antidepressants and the Conspiracy of Goodwill Reviews " … beautifully written, painstakingly researched, thoroughly referenced, powerfully and persuasively argued, and eerily up to date."Lancet (Professor Joe Collier) 26 June 2004. Thought provoking? Who recalls a former health Minister advising individuals to start taking more interest and control of their own health? We now see why. Bill >> Hi > > I just thought you would like to read the following. It is very interesting and SO true! The industry is run by a lot of corrupt people whose only interest is making money and NOT good health. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 30, 2011 Report Share Posted June 30, 2011 Hi Margaret It's good to by cynical, I've been that way for such a long time regards this. Be afraid, be very afraid ! I had a client come to me a few years ago because he was struggling to cope with his training degree in Eastern medicine. (I'm a hypnotherapist). His previous long career was as a Pharmacist with his own business and he was fed up with the locals over the years coming in with longer and longer lists of prescription requirements. In other words, drugs to fix what the previous drugs were causing, etc etc. Good on him, I say for getting out! I also know a couple of drug reps and they earn an absolute fortune and drive flashy fancy cars and have a huge expenditure budget to lavish on GP's. One suggested my 17 year old daughter train in it " As that's where the money is " , he said. I said she'd want to be able to sleep at night!!! Jackie xOn Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 1:15 PM, po1rot_3 <margaretp09@...> wrote: Hi The industry is run by a lot of corrupt people whose only interest is making money and NOT good health. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 1, 2011 Report Share Posted July 1, 2011 Hi It really is a scandal isn't it? What do we do when most people have such belief in their doctors and what they prescribe to them. Have you listened to these? & sugexp=bvie & xhr=t & q=pharmaceutical+rep+youtube & cp\ =23 & pf=p & sclient=psy & rlz=1W1GGLL_en-GB & biw=1024 & bih=540 & source=hp & aq=0v & aqi= & aql\ = & oq=pharmaceutical+rep+yout & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw. & fp=9b50e30eef0f7a3c and this? I think everybody should watch them! So much money is wasted too on medications that once a patient reads the side effects, get thrown into the bin. A friend of mine for example has suddenly started with Pompholyx eczema but wonders whether this is a reaction to the new hip she had a month previously. After 2 or 3 steroid creams which didn't work they gave her Elidel which costs around £70. When she read about it possibly causing skin cancer she has thrown it away. Waste of money. Margaret > > > Hi Margaret, one of the worlds greatest corruptor's is Rumsfeld > <\ > title%3D_H._Rumsfeld%23Rumsfeld_.26_Big_Pharma & rct=j & q=donald+rums\ > feld+pharmaceutical & usg=AFQjCNGLO3BdyX0klzlyX8QFbpJ6GkwW4g & sa=X & ei=bLQMT\ > s_VJtOChQfSpIDPDQ & ved=0CCYQygQwAA> > [Ed] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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