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Re: New and seeking diagnosis

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Hi Pete, hi and welcome to this group. what you need to do is read all you can from our files, make a cup of tea or coffee and sit back and try to understand the endocrine system and hormones , look in wiki which has some good info. the main thing to do is get a 24 hour salivery test done privately as the NHS test is to wide to pick up all adrenal issues ,. i have had this done and

it helps as you say to no the score, so you can get well again. if low (then details in files) of where to buy adrenal support and how to take it. after some time maybe a few months get tested again to see if you feel better.

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Hi Pete:

Actually having a cup of coffee or tea is not recommended if you have adrenal

fatigue or are low in iron in your system. This is very bad advice. Coffee

depletes the iron in our system. Have a glass of filtered water with unrefined

sea salt in it. This will immediately support your adrenal glands and is part of

the adrenal fatigue protocol.



make a cup of tea or coffee and sit back and try to understand the endocrine

system and hormones ,


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Hi Pete

You mention: " My standard blood TSH hase declined over last few years from about

2 to 1.1 now, so I am still within range regards that. "

Did you have your free T4 (thyroxine) and free T3 (triiodothyronine) tests done

along with the TSH? The TSH alone does not tell us much. If you can get the

other tests done (push for the free T3 because they don't readily test for this

but it is VERY important) then we have something to go by.

You should also get a Salivary Stress Index profile done by Genova Diagnostics

quoting TPA as practitioner. This is in our FILES section

thyroid treatment/files/ADRENALS/ and

click on ADRENAL DISCOUNTS ON TESTS. This will test you for low adrenal

function/adrenal fatigue

I'm hoping that you will get more responses soon but if you have any questions,

just ask.


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Pete and welcome to our forum where I hope you will get all the support and

help you need.


a stupid prat of a doctor - doesn't he even know that normal body temperature

is 37 degrees C (or 98.6 degrees F)? I would run a mile from a doctor with so

little knowledge. I am really serious about this, please find a doctor who

CARES about his patients because otherwise, this doc. could do you great harm.


does sound to me as if you could be suffering with low adrenal reserve,

especially as your temperature is dropping and you are getting all the symptoms

of adrenal fatigue, including the fluttering. What you need to do is to get the

24 h our salivary adrenal profile to see where your levels of cortisol and DHEA

lie at four specific times during the day. You spit into a small test tube at

8.00a.m. - 12.00 noon - 4.00p.m. and again at midnight and then send the specimens

off to Genova Diagnostics who will send the results to you direct. If you go to

the FILES section of this forum web site (check the Home Page in the Menu to

access this). On the page that opens, scroll down to 'Discounts on Tests and

Supplements'. Open that folder, and then click on 'Genova Diagnostics' and

follow their instructions there in order to claim your discount. Write that

'Thyroid Patient Advocacy' is your Practitioner.


temperature and low BP are also signs of adrenal fatigue (and also

hypothyroidism). Have you had a full thyroid function test done? If not, ask

ANOTHER GP to test your levels of TSH, free T4, free T3 and tests to see

whether you have thyroid antibodies, especially if there are any members of

your family who have a thyroid or autoimmune disease. These are called TPA Ab

and TgAb.


the GP to also test your levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3,

magnesium, folate, copper and zinc. If any of these are showing low levels, you

need to supplement whatever is low. If the doctor tells you there is no

association between low levels of minerals/vitamins and hypothyroidism, then

copy off the attached document that will show him the science that shows that

there is.


you get the results, also get the reference range for each test done and post

them here. Doctors mainly do not know how to interpret thyroid function test

results and will tell you that you are 'normal' if they appear ANYWHERE within

the reference range. We need to know whether they are at the bottom, the middle

or the top of the range. A TSH on it's own is absolutely no use to man nor

beast. Insist that if the GP refuses to ask for the tests above to be done,

that you are referred to an endocrinologist at the earliest possible time.


you are referred to an endocrinologist, I would insist on going to one of your

own choice as we have learned that the majority know little about thyroid

disease, most specialising in diabetes only. We do have a lost of good doctors

recommended by the members here.


allow this doctor to waffle on Pete - tell him you would appreciate actually

finding a doctor who knows about thyroid disease and helping you to get well

again. If you are suffering with either adrenal fatigue or hypothyroidism, or

indeed, both, please be absolutely assured that there IS light at the end of

the tunnel and we will help you to find it.


- Sheila

I dont feel depressed. Have great faith. No worries about future etc and apart

from the pressure and fluttering and occasional cold feelings I actually feel


My standard blood TSH hase declined over last few years from about 2 to 1.1

now, so I am still within range regards that.

Looking online for symptoms etc I seem to be a cross between hyper/hypo and

adrenal fatigue.

I can live with it I guess but I hate the idea of being undiagnosed. I don't

care (within reason) what the result is if it's bad, I just have to know, then

I can try to deal with it.


1 of 1 File(s)


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have you looked into testosterone and 'andropause'?

Do you have symptoms of low testosterone?

check out this questionnaire:




it may be more than one hormone at work, as i understand they rarely fail in

isolation. (i for instance am on testosterone, cortisol, pregnenolone, and

dhea, and may need to start growth hormone later on)





this can be treated easily, if you see the right doctor of course!


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Funny you should say that. I visited my neighbour earlier down the lane who is

selling a campervan. The anticipation/stress whatever was mild. and I certainly

did not feel any *panics* coming on. However once we had done I went to see the

mother in the granny annexe and we had a long chat and I made us a cup of

regular coffee. Within 30 minutes I began feeling really quite bad (this was

about midday) like a warm tingly feeling in the body arms and warm light

pressure around my head face especially. I stuck it for another hour or so then

came home for some lucnh and an afternoon siesta still feeling quite bad. BP was

fine as was pulse. I got up a couple of hours later and still feel quite bad,

like I want to run or something (panic) but I'm sort of holding on. Really weird

cos as I say I'm such a cool cucumber. It's like something is fighting to get

out *hopefully not a woman* lol

To answer some of the other questions you guys generally posted (thanks) I shall

seek that adrenal saliva test, and I have a visit next Monday with another doc

and so will place the request for a full thyroid function/and or a referral to

an endo. I shall also print the document out you gave.

My vitamin D was in the low range (33) a few weeks back. Since then I have been

making active efforts to grab sunlight (30 mins a day) and 800iu supplement with

calcium and within two weeks the Vit D had gone up to 44 so it looks like that's

working but will keep on the supplements ( I am aware the latest global vit D

deficiency concerns, hence I had the thing checked, though not in relation to

thyroid issues but kidney issues) B12 is usually high to middle range and I do

have an excellent vegan diet with all the vits and minerals.

As an aside not sure if it's related. But I have lost 30lb in weight since

November on a diet (I'm a determined thing so it was relatively easy. Diet being

I stopped eating too much) This goal was attained in March and all was well. I

have been on two BP meds for last 20 years (due to kidney) and was keen to drop

one of them (Lisinopril) cos it had bad reports on kidney. I did this, again a

doddle, and kidney function (GFR) has gone up from 34 to 39. So that worked :)

still feeling fine. But been doing some research on natural things to lower BP

and tried various things like tomatoe juice, garlic etc etc, all well udner

control, some work some don't. However the REAL CHANGE occurred when i tried to

add some Lipo Carn supplements from Healthspan

- Lipo Carn

Typical values per two tablets:

Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg

Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl 250mg -

Within an hour of the first dose my BP and pulse had dropped way too low and I

had the first signs of this *feeling*. I stopped the supplement and later that

day all was *normal* again. I tried again a week or so later but by then I was

spooked and gave it up as a trial. This was back in April. Since then I have

been having these *issues* with temperature and pulse and worst in the last

month or so, though the last week I so I seem to be getting back to *normal* in

pulse area. I wonder if the lipo had *triggered* some kind of adrenal response.

I am quite in tune with my body and do feel, daft as it may seem, there was some

connection though it beats me why. Any thoughts, ring any bells?

My temp now is 36.6 so it's on the up presently.

Cheers guys.


> Hi Pete:


> Actually having a cup of coffee or tea is not recommended if you have adrenal

fatigue or are low in iron in your system. This is very bad advice. Coffee

depletes the iron in our system. Have a glass of filtered water with unrefined

sea salt in it. This will immediately support your adrenal glands and is part of

the adrenal fatigue protocol.


> Cheers,




> make a cup of tea or coffee and sit back and try to understand the endocrine

system and hormones ,

> >


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Thanks Jacquie that's a good page with some stuff to check. I shall start with

the self testing page :)

No the only testing my docs do is the occasional TSH and last month was the

first for about a year, but then I had no apparent thyroid issues anyway.


> Hi Pete


> You mention: " My standard blood TSH hase declined over last few years from

about 2 to 1.1 now, so I am still within range regards that. "


> Did you have your free T4 (thyroxine) and free T3 (triiodothyronine) tests

done along with the TSH? The TSH alone does not tell us much. If you can get

the other tests done (push for the free T3 because they don't readily test for

this but it is VERY important) then we have something to go by.


> You should also get a Salivary Stress Index profile done by Genova Diagnostics

quoting TPA as practitioner. This is in our FILES section

thyroid treatment/files/ADRENALS/ and

click on ADRENAL DISCOUNTS ON TESTS. This will test you for low adrenal

function/adrenal fatigue


> I'm hoping that you will get more responses soon but if you have any

questions, just ask.


> Jacquie


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Thanks Sheila that's a great help and I shall get on to the case. I knew I wasnt

going mad lol


> Hello Pete and welcome to our forum where I hope you will get all the

> support and help you need.


> What a stupid prat of a doctor - doesn't he even know that normal body

> temperature is 37 degrees C (or 98.6 degrees F)? I would run a mile from a

> doctor with so little knowledge. I am really serious about this, please find

> a doctor who CARES about his patients because otherwise, this doc. could do

> you great harm.



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I wonder if it lowered your blood sugar too much - hypoglycemia - alhpa lipoic

acid can cause this apparently? perhaps any anxiety was adrenals pumping out

adrenaline cortisol etc to raise blood sugar.

i too have tried ALA and find it gives me hypoglycemia symptoms





Typical values per two tablets:

Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg

Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl 250mg -

Within an hour of the first dose my BP and pulse had dropped way too low and I

had the first signs of this *feeling*. [... ] I wonder if the lipo had

*triggered* some kind of adrenal response. I am quite in tune with my body and

do feel, daft as it may seem, there was some

connection though it beats me why. Any thoughts, ring any bells?

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Hi Pete:

Here's a few links to read on celtic sea salt, blood pressure, adrenal vs

hypothyroid, magnesium and the heart/BP, supplements for adrenal fatigue:







The road back to adrenal health is usually a slow one, but people who give up

caffeine, tea, soda, sweets, alcohol and who get to bed early fare much better.

Coffee, either caffeinated or decaffeinated is not allowed. Herbal teas which

are naturally decaffeinated are allowed but only one or two cups a day. If you

get to love sea salt in water, you'll start to repair much quicker.

Drinking 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water the first thing when you wake

up works well. It gives the adrenals a much needed boost. The adrenals need salt

like lungs need air..If you are not already supplementing magnesium, you should

start that immediately, 400 mgs a day.

.....and if the woman does pop out, we'll be happy to chat with her as well...LOL



Really weird cos as I say I'm such a cool cucumber. It's like something is

fighting to get out *hopefully not a woman* lol

> Within an hour of the first dose my BP and pulse had dropped way too low and I

had the first signs of this *feeling*. I stopped the supplement and later that

day all was *normal* again. I tried again a week or so later but by then I was

spooked and gave it up as a trial. This was back in April. Since then I have

been having these *issues* with temperature and pulse and worst in the last

month or so, though the last week I so I seem to be getting back to *normal* in

pulse area. I wonder if the lipo had *triggered* some kind of adrenal response.

I am quite in tune with my body and do feel, daft as it may seem, there was some

connection though it beats me why. Any thoughts, ring any bells?

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That questionaire link did not work but luckily I found the page elsewhere. I

scored 33 (little) plus some of the questions (fatigue etc) were more related to

my kidney disease so without them I would be even lower, so it looks like I'm ok

there. Thankx :)


> Pete


> have you looked into testosterone and 'andropause'?


> Do you have symptoms of low testosterone?


> check out this questionnaire:







> it may be more than one hormone at work, as i understand they rarely fail in

isolation. (i for instance am on testosterone, cortisol, pregnenolone, and

dhea, and may need to start growth hormone later on)











> this can be treated easily, if you see the right doctor of course!


> chris


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I have had these that kind of symptom in the past which gives me a mad dog

craving for mars bars or chocolate cos I am starving hungry and shaky. Maybe two

or three times a year. I have been glucose tested etc twice now and all was

perfect. That is not the same as what I am going through now. But I shall try

the fruit juice or something sweet trick when I'm playing up and see if it


I did try the glass of mineral water and sea salt which I think may have helped

slightly but certainly not markedly.



> I wonder if it lowered your blood sugar too much - hypoglycemia - alhpa lipoic

acid can cause this apparently? perhaps any anxiety was adrenals pumping out

adrenaline cortisol etc to raise blood sugar.


> i too have tried ALA and find it gives me hypoglycemia symptoms






> chris


> ===

> Typical values per two tablets:

> Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg

> Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl 250mg -


> Within an hour of the first dose my BP and pulse had dropped way too low and I

> had the first signs of this *feeling*. [... ] I wonder if the lipo had

*triggered* some kind of adrenal response. I am quite in tune with my body and

do feel, daft as it may seem, there was some

> connection though it beats me why. Any thoughts, ring any bells?


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Yes you are quite right. It's not so much being ill, but knowing whats

making you ill is real. Then you can deal with it :)

> >

> > That questionaire link did not work but luckily I found the page elsewhere.

I scored 33 (little) plus some of the questions (fatigue etc) were more related

to my kidney disease so without them I would be even lower, so it looks like I'm

ok there. Thankx :)

> >


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Hi Val, It's Pete :)

I only took it the couple of times and stopped. I do have the dreaded fillings

(never again) and checked the terrible stories on mercury poisoning but decided

it would be least harmful to leave them in rather than disturbing them now. I

remember how shocked I was to read they used this stuff as a matter of course.

No wonder we have so many *issues* in this modern world. Some of this stuff the

nuttiest professor would never have got away with!


> Hi facebook (can’t you use a name?)


> Taking Alpha Lipoic Acid chelates metals (mercury) so if you are mercury

damaged or have amalgam fillings you could do real damage to yourself. If you

want further information on this look up Andy Cutler or one of the groups on

this frequent-dose-chelation is one of the ones †" just search that on

the page for a link to it.


> Val


> However the REAL CHANGE occurred when i tried to add some Lipo Carn

supplements from Healthspan

> - Lipo Carn

> Typical values per two tablets:

> Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg


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Hello JOT, thnx for that.

Never heard of Celtic salt before but will study the links you gave.

I actually do have a very good lifestyle these days and rarely eat any junk

foods, being vegan lots of fruit n veg, beans,nuts and usually organic where

possible. Plenty of water. Coffee (instant) maybe once or twice a week and green

tea once a day.

Not so sure I can be taking the salt due to my kidney induced high BP but as I

monitor my BP daily, which I often use to monitor any changes or trials in my

diet, I will soon know if the salt regime is pushing it up. My safe sodium range

from previous trials (in processed foods etc, I dont add salt) seems to be

between 1500 and 200mg (2grams) anything more did have an apparent effect on BP,

though that was not a specific trial. I shall be keen to see how it works in a

proper salt trial.

It's great knowing there are so many things we can do to test ourselves and keep

an eye on our bodies, even simple things like the pulse test etc.



> Hi Pete:


> Here's a few links to read on celtic sea salt, blood pressure, adrenal vs

hypothyroid, magnesium and the heart/BP, supplements for adrenal fatigue:



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Hi Pete,

In that case you might also want to avoid cilantro & corriander as these also chelate & could leave you feeling bad.


I do have the dreaded fillings (never again) and checked the terrible stories on mercury poisoning but decided it would be least harmful to leave them in rather than disturbing them now.

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Hi Val,

Thanks. Never really been a herb man. Never really got it with herbs! I'm just a

plain old salt and pepper fella. Though now I don't add salt but more pepper

instead :)


> Hi Pete,


> In that case you might also want to avoid cilantro & corriander as these also

chelate & could leave you feeling bad.


> Val


> I do have the dreaded fillings (never again) and checked the terrible stories

on mercury poisoning but decided it would be least harmful to leave them in

rather than disturbing them now.


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Hi Jacquie,

Do you mean the " GENOVA DISCOUNTS ON TESTS.doc " and if so which of the tests

should I get done? I'm guessing I should wait until I see this other doc next

week, where I shall ask for a full thyroid test and maybe even a referral to an

endo. What specifics should I go forarmed with do you think?



> Hi Pete


> You mention: " My standard blood TSH hase declined over last few years from

about 2 to 1.1 now, so I am still within range regards that. "


> Did you have your free T4 (thyroxine) and free T3 (triiodothyronine) tests

done along with the TSH? The TSH alone does not tell us much. If you can get

the other tests done (push for the free T3 because they don't readily test for

this but it is VERY important) then we have something to go by.


> You should also get a Salivary Stress Index profile done by Genova Diagnostics

quoting TPA as practitioner. This is in our FILES section

thyroid treatment/files/ADRENALS/ and

click on ADRENAL DISCOUNTS ON TESTS. This will test you for low adrenal

function/adrenal fatigue


> I'm hoping that you will get more responses soon but if you have any

questions, just ask.


> Jacquie


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I'm wondering if the amino acid supplements triggered this thyroid issue because

it's been going on now for 3 months, so not an instant drop/spike etc. And if it

was *triggered* is there some way to switch it off again?

I see in 's syndrome where my symptoms are also related, though certainly

not *triggered* by anything in my life such as a death in the family etc.



Some free ebooks there too.

What's your views here on s syndrome in relation to general

thyroid/adrenal issues, or is he just selling something?



> I wonder if it lowered your blood sugar too much - hypoglycemia - alhpa lipoic

acid can cause this apparently?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I have my Adrenal Stress Profile results back today (presume the others to


sample 1 was 13 (inside range)

sample 2 11.1 (outside range)

Sample 3 7.2 (outside range)

Sample 4 2.0 (inside range)

Total daily cortisol was 33.3 (range 21-41)

DHEA levels

sample 2 - am 2.17 (outisde range)

sample 3 - pm 1.81 (outside range)

DHEA: Cortisol Ratio 5.98 (outside range)

DHEA Mean 1.99 (range 0.20 - 0.70)

Elevated DHEA Response - unknown clinical significance

reflecting elevated ACTH with an imbalanced response from adrenals - could be

due either inappropriate DHEA response or to some external stimulii

Noon cortisol level above range may be indicatove of low blood sugar before

lunch - may also be indicative of adrenal stress = (keep blood sugar level s


So, what does it all mean folks?

Many thanks.


> I'm male aged around 52 :) and all my life have been confident, ducking and

diving and loved buying and selling, be it cars, boats etc The real buzz was

when something finally sold. So obviously waiting for phone calls etc was the

bread of life. In fact if the phone did not ring I was in trouble!

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