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Rubbish test results

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Hi Everyone

I got back some results from genova yesterday and the adrenal in particular is


Sample 1 - 3.4 (12-22)

Sample 2 - 1.6 (5.0-9.0)

Sample 3 - 0.7 (3.0-7.0)

Sample 4 - 0.6 (1.0-3.0)

Total Daily Cortisol - 6.3 (21-41 nmol/L)

DHEA Levels

Sample 2 (am) - 0.17 (0.40-1. 47)

Sample 3 (pm) - 0.25 (0.40-1. 47)

DHEA : Cortisol Ratio - 3.33 (2.0-6.0)

These are quite a bit worse than the ones i last had done, about 18 months ago.

Total cortisol then was 11. Im disappointed because ive been taking HC and

supplements the last 18 months and was hoping they might have healed a bit. Im

worried ive made them worse by taking too much HC, i was taking 35mg at one

point but Dr P did advise me to. The big problem is ive had to stop my HC as it

was making me feel worse, i felt like my brain was inflammed and i was dizzy and

confused. I had started to think maybe my cortisol levels had gone too high.

My DHEA levels have always been ok before, so im not sure what i should be doing

about that? Is there something i should take and could these levels being low

make my cortisol worse?

This is the 24hr urine thyroid results i got yesterday

FT3 - 412 (592-1850)

FT4 - 343 (347-1994)

T3:T4 Ratio - 1.2 (0.5-2.00)

They are quite similar to the ones i had before i started NT, slightly better


Im at a bit of a lose what to do, im still housebound and am worried im making

myself worse. Im not stupid but it so hard to read up on all this stuff when

youre heads like mashed tattie! Any advice would be great, thanks very much.

Love Leisa

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