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Re: Florinef and potassium question

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Since starting florinef 3 months ago, my potassium at the time was 4.6 (3.5-5.1)but now my potassium has raised to 5.1, and when taking florinef its supposed touse up potassium. So i was expecting the potassium to be lower but its actuallyhigher what does this mean ?Am i in need of more florinef ?

I'm no expert, but to the best of my knowledge Florinef is a mineralcorticoid (as opposed to a glucocorticoid like HC) for the treatment of primary 's. ians are in danger when their electrolytes get out of kilter. This can throw them into an addisonian crises which can be life threatening. In a crisis situation Na drops too low (below 138) and Potassium (K) rises too high (above 5.5). Florinef regulates the electrolytes – it raises Na and lowers K. So in order to know whether you need more Florinef you need to first have your electrolytes checked to see where your Na has got to and then calculate the ratio. A Na:K ratio should ideally be in the early- to mid-30's, but at least above 30. To calculate the ratio, you divide the Na figure by the K figure – for example.... let's say Na is 139 and K is 5.1 = Na:K ratio 27.25 ... this ratio would be too low and you would need a little more Florinef. However, you can't judge solely by the Na:K ratio, you will have to look at both the actual figures, Na and K. Florinef raises Na and lowers K to maintain the correct electrolyte balance. If you bring up your Na too high whilst lowering the K too low, you can finish up in an equally dangerous situation.

Perfect figures would be for example a Na of 145 and a K of 4.5 – providing a ratio of 32.22

I hope this helps you.

With best wishes,

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Hiya my sodium was 147 and my potassium 5.3 on a double check giving me the

ratio of 27.7, along with my symptoms and this ratio I guess I should increase a

little. Currently on 1 x 0.1 tab will adc another half I think?


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>> Hiya my sodium was 147 and my potassium 5.3 on a double check giving me the ratio of 27.7, along with my symptoms and this ratio I guess I should increase a little. Currently on 1 x 0.1 tab will adc another half I think?

If you do, be very careful and re-test your electrolytes within a day or so ....remember, Florinef will up your sodium as well as lowering your potassium and if you bring up your sodium too high, you can run into kidney problems and water retention etc.

I do know the theory, but I have no experience whatsoever about dosing with Florinef. You really must ask a doctor about your particular situation and keep checking the electrolytes. If they get out of kilter, you can get all sorts of problems.

Best wishes,

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