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reformulated Nature-Throid, any new feedback

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Bought a supply of Nature-Throid abut 18months ago from International Pharmacy

and will soon need to buy some more,I have about 6 months supply left. Was

shocked to find that it had been reformulated some time ago (thought everyone

was talking about Amour).

How are people doing on the new one, im assuming that I have the 'old' one. And

what does anyone recommend as an alternative? I kow this is a problem that other

people have had.


Jan x

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Hi Jan,

If it's been reformulated with mostly cellulose and not sugar, adding in some

sugar/glucose may help to absorb more thyroid hormone in the 'right compartment'

of the GI tract ...hopefully in the small intestine...but be cautious how you do

this; use increasing amounts of sugar/glucose until you notice a better response

from your 'normal' dose of NDT.

Look at the PIL for advice on the formulation.

best wishes



> Hi,

> Bought a supply of Nature-Throid abut 18months ago from International Pharmacy

and will soon need to buy some more,I have about 6 months supply left. Was

shocked to find that it had been reformulated some time ago (thought everyone

was talking about Amour).


> How are people doing on the new one, im assuming that I have the 'old' one.

And what does anyone recommend as an alternative? I kow this is a problem that

other people have had.


> Worried,


> Jan x


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Thanks Bob, noticed on my current batch that they contain cellulose. Also I

swallow and dont chew as it tastes so foul. so to take a bit of sugar when i

take the NDT, woud that help, do you think, or would I need to crush it?

Wondering if I have the new stuff then if it already has cellulose in, or if the

old just has less cellulose in. Was thinking of trying Thiroid from Tailand.

Also not looking forward to the customs charge, they have stopped everything

that I have ordered in, and a friend of mine who is into bi-meds said that they

are getting increasingly vigllant over medications being imported.



> Hi Jan,


> If it's been reformulated with mostly cellulose and not sugar, adding in some

sugar/glucose may help to absorb more thyroid hormone in the 'right compartment'

of the GI tract ...hopefully in the small intestine...but be cautious how you do

this; use increasing amounts of sugar/glucose until you notice a better response

from your 'normal' dose of NDT.


> Look at the PIL for advice on the formulation.


> best wishes

> Bob



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Jan, the only desiccated thyroid that I am aware of that is

formulated to be taken sublingually is the Canadian Erfa 'Thyroid'. Some people

say they can take other brands sublingually, but I think they probably swallow

more than is absorbed into the tiny capillaries under the tongue. The newly

formulated Armour is absolutely horrible to take sublingually is it is very gungy

and powdery and doesn't taste good. That has been designed to be swallowed and

should be swallowed, but some people have found crunching it up first helps

with absorbency.

Luv - Sheila

Thanks Bob, noticed on my current batch that

they contain cellulose. Also I swallow and dont chew as it tastes so foul. so

to take a bit of sugar when i take the NDT, woud that help, do you think, or

would I need to crush it? Wondering if I have the new stuff then if it already

has cellulose in, or if the old just has less cellulose in. Was thinking of trying

Thiroid from Tailand.

Also not looking forward to the customs charge, they have stopped everything

that I have ordered in, and a friend of mine who is into bi-meds said that they

are getting increasingly vigllant over medications being imported.


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Hi Bob,

I just tried an experiment.

I put a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of fresh orange juice and a spoonful of

sugar and water in three seperate containers. I then added a 1 grain Nature

throid tablet to each container.

I checked them all several times and the orange was the clear winner, taking

about 45 minutes to completely dissolve, followed by the sugar and water and

the worst result was the vinegar as the tablet was still quite lumpy afer an


So if the Nature throid has ben reformulated, it needs orange juice with it....



> Hi Jan,


> If it's been reformulated with mostly cellulose and not sugar, adding in some

sugar/glucose may help to absorb more thyroid hormone in the 'right compartment'

of the GI tract ..

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Well done, - what a good idea !

Interestingly, I always take my Armour (crunched up) morning dose with orange

juice, as it stops my stomach rumbling a bit whilst waiting for breakfast. My

afternoon dose never feels so good but I thought it was because I was more tired

as the day wore on ! I'd never worked it out !

Thanks , I guess I'll try the OJ with my pm dose as well now....




> Hi Bob,


> I just tried an experiment.


> I put a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of fresh orange juice and a spoonful

of sugar and water in three seperate containers. I then added a 1 grain Nature

throid tablet to each container.


> I checked them all several times and the orange was the clear winner, taking

about 45 minutes to completely dissolve, followed by the sugar and water and

the worst result was the vinegar as the tablet was still quite lumpy afer an



> So if the Nature throid has ben reformulated, it needs orange juice with



> x

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