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Please can someone advise me as i feel really poorly.

Beginning to wonder if i have done the right thing!!

Went with my endoprats advice and started back on t4 a week ago along with t3

after being on t3 only and him frightening me into taking t4 also.

He wanted me to cut down my t3 from 80mgs to 10 a day!! along with 100mgs


No chance have tried this and feel awful breathless, so tired puffy eyes,

feeling low and generally awful.

So tried going back to 80 again awful so stuck i dont know what to do maybe i

should have stuck with t3 only but was concerned about my eyes which are so

puffy also osteoporosis if it is unlikely i would get any of these i would stick

with the t3.

Please help if you can i am at my wits end!!


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This happens to so many of our members and I hate it when these

idiotic endoprats advise their patients to go back onto the INACTIVE thyroid

hormone T4 when they have been doing so well on the ACTIVE thyroid hormone T3 -

and all because of a bit of damned paper showing their TSH is suppressed or

their free T3 appears high. They simply do not understand - nor, it appears, do

they even want to make an effort to try and understand what is happening. We

have better information about how to treat than endoprats like this. Sorry, but

it must makes me so cross because these idiots are causing real harm to their

patients by their lack of knowledge of how the whole thyroid system works.

Have you been tested to see where your levels of cortisol and

DHEA levels lie Dee at four specific times during the day. Your adrenals may

not be able to cope with what is happening and you may need to take adrenal

supplements for a while so the Thyroid hormone can get properly utilised at

cellular level.

There is no evidence to say that people taking the level of T3

their body requires causes osteoporosis. However, like any other drug, if you

are taking too much and unnecessarily, you could well suffer the consequences.

All your endocrinologist has to do is to check out such a possibility by

sending you for a bone scan, which he should do. Since being on Natural thyroid

extract, my endo. has sent me for two bone scans, one showing my bones were

pretty good, and the remark he made when seeing the results of my second bone

scan was " You have the bones of an elephant " - so both he and myself

are happy. Taking 80 mcgs T3 is a high dose but not if your body needs it.

There was a case of one chap who had to take as much as 500mcgs T3, can you

imagine that, but he got well and happy on that dose and he had no adverse

reactions whatsoever.

Get your ferritin, B12, D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc

levels tested to ensure none of them are low in the range. If you are not

converting the mainly inactive T4 he asked you to try, then there is absolutely

no point at all in taking it because the T4 will be lying in your blood causing

toxic symptoms with nowhere to go.

Luv - Sheila

Please can someone advise me as i feel really


Beginning to wonder if i have done the right thing!!

Went with my endoprats advice and started back on t4 a week ago along with t3

after being on t3 only and him frightening me into taking t4 also.

He wanted me to cut down my t3 from 80mgs to 10 a day!! along with 100mgs


No chance have tried this and feel awful breathless, so tired puffy eyes,

feeling low and generally awful.

So tried going back to 80 again awful so stuck i dont know what to do maybe i

should have stuck with t3 only but was concerned about my eyes which are so

puffy also osteoporosis if it is unlikely i would get any of these i would

stick with the t3.

Please help if you can i am at my wits end!!


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