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RE: New to Erfa Thyroid

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- I personally feel that when one starts using 'comparison charts' between

natural thyroid extract and synthetic T4/T3, you are on the road to problems.

There is NO comparison between natural desiccated porcine thyroid extract (NDT)

which people forget contains not only standard amounts of T4 and T3, but also

unspecified amounts of the active thyroid hormones T2 and T1, plus calcitonin

for the bones.

1 grain of

NDT equals 60mgs. We recommend that people start for the FIRST time of taking NDT

just a quarter of a grain, i.e. 15mgs, especially if there is a history of

heart problems and then to increase by another 15mgs after 7 days, and then to

increase by 30mcgs after 3 to 4 weeks and keep increasing this way until you

have found the amount of NDT your body needs. This is all set out in our

document in the files under 'All Natural Thyroid Extract' FOLDER entitled 'How

to Use natural Thyroid Extract'. For those who don't have a history of heart

problems or who have been on thyroxine previously, it is recommended they stop

their thyroxine, ensuring their adrenals are fully boosted by taking some form

of adrenal supplement for 7 days, and then starting NDT at 30mcgs for 7 days to

make sure they can tolerate the active thyroid hormones and allow their body to

get used to these slowly. Again, increase by another 30mcgs every 3 to 4 weeks.

It must be

remembered though that there are various associated conditions that go along

with being hypothyroid that could stop the thyroid hormone from being fully

utilised at the cellular level, and that these should be checked for and if

needed, supplemented appropriately. The main one is adrenal fatigue (read the

information in our ADRENAL FOLDER in the Files Section of this forum, as many

sufferers of the symptoms of hypothyroidism suffer, and you can get the 24 hour

salivary profile done (check our Discounts on Tests and Supplements' FOLDER and

the File 'Genova Diagnostics' to find out about how to claim a discount on this

test). If you cannot afford this test, you can do the Adrenal Questionnaire and

see how you score. You can also do the Home Testing that you will also find in

the Adrenal Folder.


conditions can be systemic candidiasis, mercury poisoning caused through

amalgam fillings, low levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium,

folate, copper and zinc. Ask your GP to test these last seven blood levels,

because if any of them are low in the reference range, again, no amount of

thyroid hormone can get be properly utilised until whatever is low has been

supplemented. See the attached, in case your GP tries to tell you that there is

no connection between these low levels and symptoms of hypothyroidism.

It really is

no good increasing your Erfa Thyroid if you are suffering any of these

associated conditions until whatever you are suffering has been checked for and

treated. With thyroid hormone replacement, you can take this when taking all

the supplements you might need apart from adrenal supplements. You need to stop

the thyroid hormone for at least 7 days and take Nutri Adrenal Extra (or

something similar) and then on day 8, add back the Erfa Thyroid. You continue

taking NAE taking one tablet with breakfast to start, and on day 8, increase by

taking another tablet with lunch (don't take any after 1.00p.m.) You increase

the dose by taking another tablet after about 14 days, and take this with

breakfast, and again, if need be, take another tablet with lunch after another

14 days. You can take up to 6 tablets daily, but if you still have symptoms of

adrenal fatigue and your temperature is not rising and staying stable, you may

need a short course of hydrocortisone.

Be careful

when raising your natural thyroid extract as so many of our members, if they

are not reaching their goal quick enough, believe that more can only be better,

when, in fact, quite often, more causes more problems. Follow the instructions

in the 'how to Treat using Natural Thyroid Extract' and you shouldn't go wrong.

If you are

having to buy your own NDT, it is usually works out much cheaper to buy the

larger dose tablets, because they are easily cut into two, or even four if you

only need small amounts with a pill cutter. Take your Erfa twice daily about an

hour away from food.

Hope this helps,

but please do not rely on any 'comparison charts' when comparing natural versus

synthetic - the two simply don't work. This is one treatment where you titrate

your dose by how you feel. If symptoms remain, and all the other associated

conditions have been taken care of, then increase according to our document, if

you get symptoms of palpitations, sweating, dizziness, feeling 'spaced out' and

generally those of hyperthyroidism about 2 to 4 hours after an increase, then

stop NDT that day, and the following day, go back onto the dose you were taking

before that last increase, and that is how you usually find the exact amount

your body needs. Blood tests are also useless when taking NDT and you should

not titrate your dose according to any blood test results. The beauty of NDT is

that your body tells you quickly what you need, or don't need.

Hope this


Luv - Sheila

I read on 'Stop the Thyroid Madness ' site the comparison charts of Armour Erfa

etc (Erfa being the weakest) and realised that the measurements were for the

60mg tablets/grains.

So when I have read the previous posts on this site about dosing and the

correct protocol ie quarter grain to start with are you all talking about the

60mg tabs/grains?

If so..... can I start to increase my intake of my 30mg Erfa meds?

I know Sheila mentioned that she felt well after 9 days but I really can't say

that BUT I don't feel desperately ill either but know that I am starting to

feel under medicated.

2 of 2 File(s)


Why thyroid hormone stops working (2).doc

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ERFA comes in mgs not in mcgs. So it is 30mgs you've got there....

I use the 30 mgs as well instead of buying the 60 mgs because I feel I can

control it better.




> You're sounding a little confused...... the way it works, is that 60 mcg is

one grain. If you have 30 mcg tablets, they are half grain tablets and if you

have 120 mcg tablets, they are 2 grains.


> You have 30 mcg tablets so if you are taking 2 of them then you are taking one



> Hope this helps...


> x

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**Hello everyone, would really appreciate some advive as I have started to take

Erfa. I was previously taking 100mcgs of Thyroxine but due to joint pains

returning **

Many thanks to everyone for their advice on this subject. Fingers crossed I have felt quite full of beans since the slight adjustment so I am going to keep on this dose now for the next 3 weeks. Also may I say 'Well Done to the Doctors, Sheila and all the other members who work very hard to help us all in our plight to gain optimum health with our thyroid problems as The Mail on Sunday article surely is progress.

F x

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