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Re: Update on Daughters TSH

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HI Fibrojay....

I just buy the middle one, think it's 7%. I have no idea what this means or

how to measure it...... I just shove a few drops in orange juice when I

remember and hope for the best..... probably not the most scientific method....

Must remember to ask dr P about the different stengths... or look it up or


Where do you get the idoral from? Would be better for my husband to use when

he's travelling..... always scared that liquid iodine will leak out of the

bottle in the suitcase....


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Look it up in his speech - which is in the Files.

Luv - Sheila

HI Fibrojay....

I just buy the middle one, think it's 7%. I have no idea what this means or how

to measure it...... I just shove a few drops in orange juice when I remember

and hope for the best..... probably not the most scientific method....

Must remember to ask dr P about the different stengths... or look it up or


Where do you get the idoral from? Would be better for my husband to use when

he's travelling..... always scared that liquid iodine will leak out of the

bottle in the suitcase....


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Where do you get the idoral from?

-- --

I buy it from Breast Cancer Org. when I go back to the States. It supports the research that foundation is doing into the causes and cures for breast cancer.


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Hi Sheila,

I heard his speech, and I looked it up in the files, he says take one or two

drops, but never mentions what strength.... What is the difference between 1%

7% 15% etc? Maybe one of the qustions to ask at the meeting?



> Look it up in his speech - which is in the Files.


> Luv - Sheila



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From Dr Peatfield's speech:

" Another interesting thing

to be aware of that if you give iodine, there is a slight rise in TSH. Now,

this is where Wolff and Chaikoff got it all wrong, because people say with a

TSH that’s going up, then actually the iodine is suppressing thyroid function.

It’s NOT that! The thyroid actually isn’t being shut down, but the

TSH stimulates the production of cells which transport the iodine, so as to get

more iodine to the system. So, you’ve got a temporary rise in TSH, when

you have iodine, but it’s not because it’s shutting down the

thyroid. It’s because the thyroid is actually responding to it.

We know that iodine is needed for

thyroid hormone production, but it does have some other things to do. In the

cell, the iodide salt, which is what we get mostly in our food, is oxidized to

elemental iodine by hydrogen peroxide, by the enzyme thyroperoxidase. Now, if

this doesn’t work properly, if this oxidization doesn’t work

properly, and it’s not oxidized properly, this is why you get antibodies

being stimulated. The iodine in the thyroid becomes part of the thyroid

molecule, and you need anything from 75 to 150 micrograms a day to do this.

But, if a larger amount is given,

say 10 times as much, say 15 milligrams, the iodine can now do some other

things. When it attaches itself to a lactose molecule, it forms something

called gamma inolactase . Now, THIS is crucial, because it has a role to play

in regulating cell growth in the thyroid. And, most especially, a wonderful

process, wait for it, called apoptosis. This is a process by which cells are

programmed to die as part of the regulation of metabolic processes, and to

control is what happens in cancer. And, this process can occur in the thyroid

and in the breast tissue and in the ovaries. Gamma iodolactose controls this

alongside cellular calcium.

So, iodine can actually be used

to control cancer in at least three very important tissues. In addition to this

loss of control of apoptosis, lack of iodine may result in too much hydrogen

peroxide which may be produced from over oxidation of the iodine, and this can

damage the thyroperoxidase enzyme. It is this which kicks off antibody

production, and thyroglobulin can get involved in this as well; so we find anti

TPO antibodies, and anti thyroglobulin antibodies. Hense, Hashimoto’s


Treatment of this situation means

that extra iodine must be taken, and much more than 150 mcg RDA; probably 10

times as much. Vitamins B2 and B3 riboflavin and niacin are required. Large

amounts of vitamin C, say 4 or 5 grams at least, are also needed, and magnesium

should be provided also if deficient.

Now, people do worry about high

levels of iodine. One worry is that you may get allergies to iodine, which is

very rare, and if it happens, I’m afraid, it’s something that has

to be dealt with on its merits. The big worry is the erroneous, but firmly held

belief, that iodine CAUSES autoimmune thyroiditis. And, as I’ve said, it

doesn’t. It actually helps prevent it. In fact there is no evidence for

this assertion, but you’ll find doctors believe it all over the place.

And, you see it everywhere, that iodine mustn’t be used in

Hashimoto’s disease. It’s not true! It actually helps!

Another belief we have to counter

is that iodine will cause hypothyroidism and goitre. As I said, there is this

temporary lift in TSH when you have iodine, but the whole thing settles down

within a day or two. And, thyroid enlargement disappears. Some people actually

fear that iodine may produce extra thyroid hormones for a while before the

level settles down, and it doesn’t do this. There have even been

suggestions that it can cause cancer. It prevents cancer. This is part of the

attempt of doctors and Big Pharma to discourage the use of iodine, and it

doesn’t have ANY basis in fact and it’s untrue. It’s been

shown that as iodine levels have got less, and less in the western world, the

incidence of thyroid cancer has increased.

Luv - Sheila

I heard his speech, and I looked it up in the files, he says take one or two

drops, but never mentions what strength.... What is the difference between 1%

7% 15% etc? Maybe one of the qustions to ask at the meeting?



> Look it up in his speech - which is in the Files.


> Luv - Sheila



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I asked in BOOTS if they had any iodine, and they don't, and they said that all

iodine comes from KELP, and YES not good to take if you have HASHIMOTO'S. Kelp

was in a mixture that I had from H & B once and I was unwell on it and took it to

my GP to find out what had affected me and he mentioned KELP.

What does the iodine called LUGOLS have as a source of iodine.



> Hi




> From Dr Peatfield's speech:




> " Another interesting thing to be aware of that if you give iodine, there is

> a slight rise in TSH. Now, this is where Wolff and Chaikoff got it all

> wrong, because people say with a TSH that's going up, then actually the iodine

is suppressing thyroid function. It's NOT that! The thyroid actually isn't being

shut down,


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You can get it from iHerb, but keep your order to less than £18 to avoid Post

Office charges. I bought 90 x 12.5mg tablets the other day which came to £16.25

including P & P. My bank always charges me £1 for dealing with foreign

transactions too.


> Where do you get the idoral from?

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