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New and overwhelmed

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HI Drake,

It is a slow process learning about ocd and how it effects children.

>Some things that bug me are that if you tell him to stop doing

>something he has to do it one more time. If you tell him " no "

then he has to keep repeating that he is going to do the thing

over and over as if saying it will make it true.<

These are common ocd compulsions. The approach I suggest is to tell your

son that its OCD telling him to do 'it' one more time. The next time

something comes up when he is going to add one more thing, smile and tell

him that you dont answer to ocd and that he needs to BOSS BACK the thoughts

telling him to ask. Humour is very important with our kids. We need to

lighten up the tension they feel.

Reassurance seeking is a common topic on this list. Go back into the

archives and you can find all kinds of posts. BAsically you follow the same

as above. You answer once, then tell your son that you dont answer to OCD,

and that he needs to Boss Back, or tell the ocd that he wont listen it.

With repeated behaviour, the method of reduction involves reducing the

amount of times the compulsion is occuring. For example, if he must say a

word a certain number of times, ask him how many times he can cut it down

to? One less?? Two less?? Encourage him when he reduces the amount - you are

his cheerleader.

>The first day she met him, she completely interrupted his world.

> He came to her office repeatedly all day to make sure what time

she was coming to work with him and make sure that the time

didn't change. It seemed to be all he could think about.<

The Instructional Support teacher needs to help you son learn to reduce

the times he comes to seek reasurrance. When we continue to do as the OCD is

asking, we are enabling, and this never stops. Your son will learn, with

time, that OCD tells him what to do, but that others do not have to comply.

He will also learn, with the correct therapy, how to reduce the way OCD is

controlling him.

How did the appoitment with the psychiatrist go?

take care, wendy in canada


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  • 10 years later...
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Hi everyone, i'm and have just joined. The Mail on Sunday article was my

" lightbulb " moment. Can someone direct me to a synopsis of the research which

has been carried out to go " armed and dangerous " to my GP. I thought I was

going mad but have put up with complete apathy and excuses for 6 years. I am

only here today because I went privately for consultation and tests where

thyroidectomy was the only option which saved my life.

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I tried to reply to you earlier but it didn't come through

What treatment are you on at the moment? Is the problem that you have had your

thyroid removed and are now on thyroxine but are not feeling well on this? what

symptoms have you got, what tests have you had done already?

What research are you looking for exactly - the need for t3 containing meds such

as natural thyroid or T3 on it's own?



> Hi everyone, i'm and have just joined. The Mail on Sunday article was my

" lightbulb " moment. Can someone direct me to a synopsis of the research which

has been carried out to go " armed and dangerous " to my GP. I thought I was

going mad but have put up with complete apathy and excuses for 6 years. I am

only here today because I went privately for consultation and tests where

thyroidectomy was the only option which saved my life.


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Here is 's reply to me, please can people comment on it as necessary? I'm

posting it with 's permission. I've given the link to the

NAHypothyroid site



Thanks for getting in touch. I am completely new at this and any other forums

and don't use the above email usually, its just been allocated by whether

I liked it or not but I am checking it for messages regarding this forum. Its

obvious this is a worldwide thing!

Briefly,6 years ago a persistent cough and complete apathy by GP's, no tests

done, suggested I was imagining symptoms, I went private to ENT and then thyroid

specialist who ran tests including ultrasound scan/biopsy on large goitre

pressing against windpipe.

Thyroid had to be removed and was found to be cancerous.

I Had lost 5 stones in weight 10 years earlier and kept it off, even working for

Weight Watchers for my sins. During this time my weight starting increasing and

I begged everyone concerned to help me keep it under control but got nowhere as

I could see they just assumed I ate too much (so wrong on every level)

I am on 100mcg Levothyroxine, 5mg Felodipine (BP) 80mg Valsartan (BP) 15mg

Lansoprazole (Stops other medication from making me sick) 500/400mg Co-codamol &

Ibuprofen (arthritis/joint pain) probably caused by 3 stone weight gain which is

out of my control. I visit a chiropractor privately every month to stay mobile.

Recently told my arrhythmia with occasional ectopics (irregular heartbeat) is

normal for me!!! I am sick of asking if there is anything that could help as

its quite insane that I am a walking (mostly) drugstore if there is something

out there that could change this.

Sorry for essay but any thoughts would be very much appreciated. No-one seems

to be listening.

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what is 's TSH. As she has had thyroid cancer it must be suppressed.


Re: New and overwhelmed

HiHere is 's reply to me, please can people comment on it as necessary? I'm posting it with 's permission. I've given the link to the NAHypothyroid site==Hi Thanks for getting in touch. I am completely new at this and any other forums and don't use the above email usually, its just been allocated by whether I liked it or not but I am checking it for messages regarding this forum. Its obvious this is a worldwide thing!Briefly,6 years ago a persistent cough and complete apathy by GP's, no tests done, suggested I was imagining symptoms, I went private to ENT and then thyroid specialist who ran tests including ultrasound scan/biopsy on large goitre pressing against windpipe.Thyroid had to be removed and was found to be cancerous.I Had lost 5 stones in weight 10 years earlier and kept it off, even working for Weight Watchers for my sins. During this time my weight starting increasing and I begged everyone concerned to help me keep it under control but got nowhere as I could see they just assumed I ate too much (so wrong on every level)I am on 100mcg Levothyroxine, 5mg Felodipine (BP) 80mg Valsartan (BP) 15mg Lansoprazole (Stops other medication from making me sick) 500/400mg Co-codamol & Ibuprofen (arthritis/joint pain) probably caused by 3 stone weight gain which is out of my control. I visit a chiropractor privately every month to stay mobile. Recently told my arrhythmia with occasional ectopics (irregular heartbeat) is normal for me!!! I am sick of asking if there is anything that could help as its quite insane that I am a walking (mostly) drugstore if there is something out there that could change this.Sorry for essay but any thoughts would be very much appreciated. No-one seems to be listening.------------------------------------TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.

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mY GUESS IS YOU REMAIN HYPOTHYROID I would say you are apallingly under prescribed if your thyroid has been surgically removed. My brother has his thyroid he takes almost 300mcgs....I have my thyroid I take 5-6 grains ERFA AND 40mcgs T3.......your symptoms are thyroid low function....yes all of them....however you have to find a way of getting your doc on board and hopefully that is what people on here can help you with.

find the TPA list of signs and sympotms print it off and tick those you have or did have since they all go to help diagnosis to prove to your doc. Ask him to check to hypo signs this is a clinical examination they should perform.

Ask for details of your results and the refeence ranges for the same. I feel sure others will have input too.

and lets go from there Sally xx

I am on 100mcg Levothyroxine, 5mg Felodipine (BP) 80mg Valsartan (BP) 15mg Lansoprazole (Stops other medication from making me sick) 500/400mg Co-codamol & Ibuprofen (arthritis/joint pain) probably caused by 3 stone weight gain which is out of my control. I visit a chiropractor privately every month to stay mobile. Recently told my arrhythmia with occasional ectopics (irregular heartbeat) is normal for me!!! I am sick of asking if there is anything that could help as its quite insane that I am a walking (mostly) drugstore if there is something out there that could change this.

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Thank you very much for that Sally. I am going to make an appointment to see my

GP (this can take up to 2 weeks normally). Can you direct me to where the TPA

list of signs and symptoms are as I have looked in a number of places and can't

place it at the moment. I thought it would be prudent to write to my GP first

setting out my concerns and referencing some of the information on the TPA site

which is very impressive. Hopefully he can do some homework before I see him as

time is very precious with a doctor in rural Wales,UK. xx






> HI lISA,

> mY GUESS IS YOU REMAIN HYPOTHYROID   I would say you are apallingly under

prescribed if your thyroid has been surgically removed.  My brother has his

thyroid he takes almost 300mcgs....I have my thyroid I take 5-6 grains ERFA AND

40mcgs T3.......

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Hi Lilian,

I don't have any recent results for TSH. My doctor thinks I only need an annual

review and most of the time I have to remind them of this. Getting results is

like getting blood out of a stone and because I do not know what to ask, I am

just told to " keep taking the tablets " its all normal. Well, if this is normal

I would hate to think what abnormal was. Anyway, I have written to my GP with a

request for a review cross referencing some of the information from TPA and

asking some relevant questions that I have gleaned so far to save time and I can

then make an appointment. Age does not " come alone " but I had plans to grow old

disgracefully as rock concerts and scuba diving are not just the preserve of the

young. I havn't finished yet! Thank you for your help. xx


> what is 's TSH. As she has had thyroid cancer it must be



> Lilian

> Re: New and overwhelmed



> Hi


> Here is 's reply to me, please can people comment on it as necessary?

I'm posting it with 's permission. I've given the link to the

NAHypothyroid site


> ------------------------------------


> TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.



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Hi ,

that is good. I would quote the study name or docs name etc....There is a lot of stuff out ther and I think you could baffle him with their so called science, before he tries to do that to you! tehe. Yup very usy place Wales, much more than inner city Birmingham I suppose...tehe. Yeah good idea to be well armed with information and if you cant remember it write it down, so he can see you mean business. Also take pen and papaer and anything he says to you write it down. Play on your poor memry. Then if he makes ridiculous statement just ask if he has a study reference ofr that inforamation so you can read it for yourself...and write it down if he gives you anything. He will get a bit p@* & $d about this and just want to get you out of his surgery..hopefully having caved in and given you what you need firstly.

tehe. xx

http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/symptoms_hypot.pdf these are symptoms

http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/signs_of_hypot.php these are signs.

sally xx

Thank you very much for that Sally. I am going to make an appointment to see my GP (this can take up to 2 weeks normally). Can you direct me to where the TPA list of signs and symptoms are as I have looked in a number of places and can't place it at the moment. I thought it would be prudent to write to my GP first setting out my concerns and referencing some of the information on the TPA site which is very impressive. Hopefully he can do some homework before I see him as time is very precious with a doctor in rural Wales,UK. xx >> > > > Â > HI lISA,> mY GUESS IS YOU REMAIN HYPOTHYROIDÂ Â I would say you are apallingly under prescribed

if your thyroid has been surgically removed. My brother has his thyroid he takes almost 300mcgs....I have my thyroid I take 5-6 grains ERFA AND 40mcgs T3.......

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Hi lisa, 100mcg of levo seems a bit low as you now have no thyroid gland left, i asume this is correct. i had a friend who had the same problems as you, cancer and gland removed and she was taking 300mcg of levo. high blood pressure is not unusual for some one with thyoid problems so you need to get off the meds for this and try Q10 100mcg per day this will get the blood pressure down and not cause any other problems. as any blood pressure meds can be bad for us people who have thyroid problems. read all you can from our files and on the web about having cancer and how to try natural products and hormones to stop it returning,. Angel.

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Go to thyroid treatment

and on the Home page of this form web site, click on FILES in the Menu. On the

page that opens, click on the FOLDER 'HYPOTHYROIDISM' and you will find

'Symptoms and Signs' in there. You will find most of the information that you

need somewhere in the Files Section, so keep this link safe.

Also check the two attached documents . One gives a list of

what problems are associated with being hypothyroid and that stop the thyroid

hormone from working. The other is a list of just some of the research/studies

done to show that should your levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3,

magnesium, folate, copper and zinc be low, again, your thyroid hormone cannot

be fully utilised at the cellular level until whatever is low. I have added

this document so you can print it off when you see your doctor and show it to

him because most doctors are not aware of this, and often tell their patients

that there is no association between such low levels and hypothyroidism.

Luv - Sheila

Thank you very much for that Sally. I am going to make an appointment to see

my GP (this can take up to 2 weeks normally). Can you direct me to where the

TPA list of signs and symptoms are as I have looked in a number of places and

can't place it at the moment. I thought it would be prudent to write to my GP

first setting out my concerns and referencing some of the information on the

TPA site which is very impressive. Hopefully he can do some homework before I

see him as time is very precious with a doctor in rural Wales,UK. xx

2 of 2 File(s)


Why thyroid hormone stops working (2).doc

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