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between rock and hard place

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sorry to keep coming back for more but so very thankful I can!

recap. I had reduced from 50mcg thyroxine daily slowly down to 25 due to ongoing

symptoms and tsh being 0.1 with written comment on test " suggests over

medication " ! when TSH stayed same I went to 12.5 daily and the TSH went wrong

way and dropped to 0.03 instead of rising, I pointed it out to Dr and she agreed

something was wrong and arranged endo app. Took Genova urine test next, which

showed mid range T4, low T3, and low ratio between them. Saliva showed Adrenal

exhaustion stage, Morning cortisol was low but others were normal range, with

low DHEA for both samples

Just been to GP again and explained Im getting more symptomatic with hypo,

higher fasting glucose, bp, and most likely cholesterol, Thyroxine leaflet said

not to take if adrenals had problems, I knew nhs wont test til someones

collapsed and dying so took private test which shows I have a problem. (hand

genova result in).

Dr asks for copy to send to endo (already sent thyroid one in!) and I get a

9.15am app next weds, which is the earliest possible time in my village, to get

a cortisol test in the form of HbA1C serum, which she tells me is accurate.

Also doing full blood count and non fasting glucose, (couple of diabetic

relations). I asked if we could try DHEA but she " isn't an endo " so I have to

keep waiting for my routine appointment but don't have hopes there. I then

asked to increase thyroxine and Im back on to 25mcg

Will the HbA1C test be accurate enough if not can I " help " it be more accurate?

Should it be a fasting test? Im concerned the late time of 9.15am will affect

this and show a false result where I have no adrenal problem because it will

have gone up since waking up and activity to get to appointment etc, is that


I am going back to all the lovely files now, so much to take in and piece

together. It just feels good to share and get info directly as well. Makes me

feel not so on my own. Thanks for being here


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