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Re: Heart, Mucin and Blood pressure

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That sudden drop and rise again , is ymptomatic of adrenal dysfunction. The adrenals have a lot to do with maintenance of BP; but we know already you have an adrenal problem....I cant remember but I'm sure you have told me; have you ever seen Peatfield?

When you have hypothyroid it impacts on the heart in a few ways.

the mucin yes is one of the ways hypo affects the heart. Mucin; a gel like substance; intermingles with the muscle fibres and disrupts the function of the heart....something like oedema (water logging) but its not water. With this gel substance the heart muscle cannot work so well and so good oxygenated blood cannot circulate as well as it should. Further you get mucin in the lung tissue, which makes the oxygen exchange in the alveoli of the lungs much less effective, causing another reason for low oxygen in the tissue.

Further hypothyroidism slows down the function of every single cell in the body. The heart muscle fibre cells have the most mitochondria within each cell. They need plenty of nutrients including oxygen, glucose and magnesium but also thyroid hormone. Without these you can see not only is the process slowed down but the right nutrients are not getting to cells making them work inefficently and even dysfunctionally.

Further hypothyroids tend to have high levels of tissue calcium, This deposits where it shouldnt in the tissues and that includes heart muscle and artery walls. Calcium as we know is used to set concrete...and that is what it does it sets hard when it is deposited where it shouldnt be, (inside cells). The balance of magnesium and calcium must be good if imbalance occurs as it does with hypothyroidism; with clcium dominant; then calcium causes chaos inside the cells, where it shouldnt be. This chaos causes the weak irregular chaotic electrical currents within the cells....if this is the heart muscle cell then a chaotic mayhem occurs and so the heart muscle cannot contract effectively, thus pushing all of the blood out of each of the chambers.

Then we have the same occuring in the artery walls. So the stiffness of calcium deposits, additional fat and cholesterol deposits, some inflammation (as this is usually around if we are hypo) and slow pathetic functioning cells due to low thyroid hormone means that getting the blood to circulate around the body and arrive at the heart and then to the cells via the lungs in the firstly place is difficult now.

With the calcium deposits in the heart and the arteries and lung tissue there is stiffness and inelastic in these vessels and organs rather than the flexibility of those who are healthy with no hypothyroidism.

With sluggish circulation there is greate risk of clotting and further with hypothyroidism we tend to have a more viscous blood anyhow making clotting even more of a risk. Sticky blood is also more difficult to push around the circulatory system and this ongoing viscous cycle is set up.

Hypothyroids have gastric problems and particularly absorption problems making getting nutrients into our body even harder. We need to increase our HCL (stomach acid) through supplementation. If we cant get nutrients and particularly magnesium and various B vitamins into our body then the calcium deposits and inflammation increaes.

If you eat meat then this is further exacerbated. The protein in animal products is broken down into amino acids one amino acid is called methionine and this furthr breaksdown forming homocysteine. In hypothyroids there tends to be increased levels of homocysteine. This little beauty in higher levels causes a 'roughing up' of the artery lining which should be silky sooth. This sets off an acute inflammatory reaction which inturn causes the blood to become even stickier with a view to forming a clot at the site of injury so as to prevent any blood loss and bring about healing.

Hypothyroids tend to have higher levels of cholesterol circulating in the serum. Further because we dont get all our nutrients due to gastric probs and our cell function is poor we tend to make more free radicals. These nasty blighters cause us harm. In a healthy body the nutrients we take in include antioxidants which neutralise free radicals and prevent them causing us harm. In the case of hypothyroidism this doesnt occur so well. So we also have a chronic inflammatory response occurring at the same time. Fatty acids and cholesterol is affected by free radicals and in effect turns them rancid; further exacerbating inflammation but also causing problems at the site where the homocysteine has roughed up the artery lining.

Cholesterol deposits often the rancid cholesterol deposits alongside platelets and calcium where this damage has occurred in the artery causing a narrowing of the artery lumen or 'furring up' of the artery wall in places. This further causes problems as at some point this accumulation of deposits may rupture and the now pretty awful debris spills out into the artery. The body reacts setting up another inflammatory/repair reaction and makes the blood sticky and forms clots around this ruptured debris.

The narrowed lumen of the arteries will have occurred in several sites around the circulatory system and this now loose clot which is freely circulating may well get stuck at one of these narrowings and block the artery. Some arteries are very small and supply small areas of tissue and the body may cope with this but if its a large clot blocking a large artery this is much more serious and can of course be fatal.

Dont forget the cells of all areas in your body will be swollen with mucin and this causes a resistance for the exchange of blood....so we are hit from all angles or at least our cardiovascular system is.

Sorry I could go on and on but you get the drift. The most common reason for the death of hypos is heart attack or congestive cardiac failure. It is essential you support good heart health.

how to do that.

HCL as I said.

Other digestive enxymes.

B12sublingual or injection

Folic acid


Magnesium citrate.

Essential fatty acids

Vitamin E

Vitamin C

and of course thyroid support.

Get your doc to measure your CRP and LDH

these will measure your body inflammation.

ESR will also bu this is mainly acute inflammation from bacterial infection or trauma.....

these others measure chronic infection.

It has been reported many times that measuring your homocysteine levels and your CRP levels are much better indicators of heart disease than cholesterol levles. I hope none of you consider taking Statins but if you do please please please do much research firstly...I wont expand on that for now here.

However I suggest you do have your cholesterol levels checked as this can be a lever to getting treatment or increasing your treatment. When you get your thyroid supplement you will see the levels of LDL (so called bad cholesterol) levels fall and HDL (so called good cholesterol) levels rise. Infact not all LDL is bad but again we I wont go into that here.

Take Vitamin B3 Niacin as this used to be a treatment for lowering choleserol levels before drug companies hit on the lottery win and marketed Statins aggressively.

The othe thing that causes enlargement of the heart is this backflow due to arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis and cellular resistance. Further if your heart isnt pumpin effectively due to low thyroid hormone then the heart muscle will increase its fibres to try to compensate for the poor effort your heart is making.

The rapid pulse may be due to your heart not working in unison....so the top half may be pumping at one rate and the bottom half pumping at a different rate and this chaos may cause a rise in pulse. It may also cause palpitations.

With this information you must get sorted with your thyroid. The thing that happens hear is that you get on the cardiologists treadmill.........if you get good treatment for your thyroid you would find many of these symptoms would dramatically improve.

I lost 10kgs of weight. Fantastic. This happened in about 3weeks...just like it had gone on in the first place........but it was mucin that I lost...its not fat that we are storing although there is some of that but those bloated features etc are mucin......I didnt loose 10kgs from my face although I did loose from my face but my breathlessness eased over night!!!! obviously a lot of that 10kgs was mucin around heart and lungs.

I'm sorry I have waffled on and on..I hope it makes sense I'm off to bed but just wanted to answer this one before I slipped off....

Do mail me if you want to discuss this, I will be about tomorrow during the daytime...

Much love,

Sally xx

When this situation occurs through hypothyroidism when treatment is afforded the recipient will experience an improvement in symptoms...however not all damage will be reversed.

It is essential that we get treatment sooner rather than later for these reasons not least because we feel sh & %*@.

Hi everyone....I've been struggling for ages with a pounding heart and low exercise tollerance. I gave up training with my personal trainer a couple of years ago because it was wiping me out...

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Hi -I am having the same trouble with exercise and it seems to be the

adrenals again { I've just seen DR P] and problems are back . I think Sally's

piece was brilliant -it certainly explained a few things . I just want to add

something -the heart is a muscle and to work needs sufficient thyroid hormone

-as do the intercostal muscles which make the lungs work . I know this because

untreated I had to sit up in bed at night to breathe and after treatment I

halved my breathing age .Why the muscles are involved I found out from the

bi-lateral hip replacement I had whilst untreated {fortunately I avoided blood

clots as I was put on warfrin afterwards] Please note I was about 12 stone at

the time and am about 10 now .I could not regain muscle tone or give up my

sticks for a number of months -until in fact I was treated hence the

relationship between muscle strength and thyroid hormones. Just one question .I

had a chest X-ray at the time -I was full of mucin at the time -any ideas about

what they could be seen on it- does the mucin show up?

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Hi ,

You did address this to and no doubt she will answer you....but I was passing through and so I will give my comment here.

Thank you for your comments...

and yes you are quite right every single cell,tissue and organ needs thyroid hormone the intercostal muscles also.

You asked the question how does mucin show on an Xray of the chest. well air is black and solids are white........so you will see not only ribs and bones as white but also areas where black should be will be white. Some times its a motled appearance rather than absolute white areas. There would also be inflammation causing some of your breathing difficulties...as hypothyroids we do get a generilsed inflammation around the body and the respiratory system we know for sure is most often affected by this.

Sally xx

Hi -I am having the same trouble with exercise and it seems to be the adrenals again { I've just seen DR P] and problems are back . I think Sally's piece was brilliant -it certainly explained a few things . I just want to add something -the heart is a muscle and to work needs sufficient thyroid hormone -as do the intercostal muscles which make the lungs work . I know this because untreated I had to sit up in bed at night to breathe and after treatment I halved my breathing age .Why the muscles are involved I found out from the bi-lateral hip replacement I had whilst untreated {fortunately I avoided blood clots as I was put on warfrin afterwards] Please note I was about 12 stone at the time and am about 10 now .I could not regain muscle tone or give up my sticks for a number of months -until in fact I was treated hence the relationship between muscle strength and thyroid hormones. Just one question .I had a chest X-ray at the time -I was full of

mucin at the time -any ideas about what they could be seen on it- does the mucin show up?

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Thanks Sally and ,

I did have my adrenals tested a couple of years ago and have been taking HC and

NAX ever since. I've dropped the HC to 5 mcg daily and I'm not so sure I need

that.... I've been checking temperatures and they are stable at 36.5

(97.7).... so maybe more thyroid meds needed...

However, have just had an episode of a really pounding heart and feeling rough,

like I've hit a wall and I had the monitor to hand.... My BP was 104/81 but

the pulse was 123. It's sounding more and more like a valve problem.

They do run in my family and sudden death is the usual way we find out :)..

, mucin wouldn't show on an xray but it makes the heart swell and the bigger

heart shows..... There are some pictures in Dr Mark Starrs book.....

Hypothyroidisn type II.



> Hi ,


> You did address this to and no doubt she will answer you....but I was

> passing through and so I will give my comment here. 

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Thank you Jot,

I missed that one earlier.... I've noticed I'm better with magnesium so am

going to have it tested and the article talks about Taurine.... I've got some

of that in the cupboard and wondered what it was for!!

Having dealt with awful endocrinologists and doctors for over 20 years with

Hashimotos, I'm going to make sure I'm up to scratch when I have to see the

heart consultant. I saw him some time ago for the first time, and the first

thing he said was that it could be thyroid related as my TSH was low... Ha Ha

Ha!!!! I just looked him in the eye and said I was happy with the meds but

would change them if I needed to... I have changed them.... (I'm now on NT).

Off to learn to be an expert.... I've got a couple of weeks :)


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This is a good product which has Taurine in it and it is also nice to take with

your magnesium.....very good for calming down the body so you can relax or

sleep.... I recommend this alot, especially for people who are stressed out from

work and family situations....




I've noticed I'm better with magnesium so am going to have it tested and the

article talks about Taurine.... I've got some of that in the cupboard and

wondered what it was for!!

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