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Re: incomprehensibl tes results!

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- I would telephone them at Genova and ask them exactly

what '0' T4 and '0' T3 means. As you say, this simply doesn't make sense.

Your vitamin D level is way below the reference range and need

some serious supplementing. You need roughly 4/5000mgs vitamin D daily. Ask

your GP about this.

You need to start Nutri Adrenal Extra if you have not already

started this to boost your adrenals, and to do this for at least a week BEFORE

starting NDT.

If there is a problem getting your Armour, ask your GP to

instead write a prescription for Erfa Thyroid for you. Erfa is the Canadian

licensed NDT and there is no problem in getting that. Did your GP write a

letter to the pharmacist to let him know why he is prescribing NDT rather than

the licensed NHS thyroxine? All pharmacists require this (only once a year).

Let us know what Genova have to say about your thyroid function

tests tomorrow. If you can't get any sense out of whoever you speak to on the

phone, ask to be put through to Dr Nigel Abrahams.

Luv - Sheila

cant make head nor tail of the t3 or t4


24 hour urine test:

t3 0 reference range; 592-1850

t4 0 reference range; 347-1994

I do mean 0!

vit d 26 reference range 51- 163

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Hi Sheila, Genova say it was a computer error and will send results to my GP as

wont send them to me.

I guess I stop Levothyroxine for a week before starting NAE?

Dont think GP wrote letter to chemist. Chemist hasn't said they cant/won't get


Bit confused re vitD 4-5000mg seems a lot. Please confirm that this is correct.

Many thanks xxxx

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why are they sending them to your GP and not you? Did you name your gp as your


it's very poor of genova to send out these results with 0 and not quality check

them. These things happen but laboratories are supposed to be hot on this kind

of thing, i'd complain and complain loudly and insist on a copy.





> Hi Sheila, Genova say it was a computer error and will send results to my GP

as wont send them to me.


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Thanks for your comments but I am in to stress avoidance at the moment.

Perhaps when I am well I can do my share of complaining!!

For Sheila; have got my t4,t3 results: t3:513 ref range:592-1850

t4:872 ref range:347-1994

t3:t4 ratio 0.6 ref range:0.50-2.00

All the best xxx

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Hi , did you manage to phone Genova and tell them that as a

member of TPA they send the results to you and not to me - if so, what did they

say. You stop the levothyroxine one day, and start taking Nutri Adrenal Extra

the next day and take the NAE for 7 days. You take one tablet with your

breakfast. On the 8th day, add another NAE but take this tablet with your

lunch, and on that day also, start back on your thyroid hormone replacement.

Getting mixed up with mgs and mcgs again - I really have

problems with these sometimes. Vitamin D recommended daily dose is around

450/500mcgs - but this is as a 'maintenance dose'. When you are ill, especially

suffering with a low metabolism as you are with hypothyroidism, then you need

at least 4/5000mcgs vitamin D to get your whole system boosted. Go to our FILES

section and on the page that opens, scroll right down to the FOLDER entitled

'Vitamin D' and read all the information there is so you understand exactly why

you need such a large dose of vitamin D. Also, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_D.

There are a lot of our members who take such a high dose and doing well. If you

have low vitamin D levels, your body will have problems in utilising the

thyroid hormone as it should.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila, Genova say it was a computer error and will send results to my GP as

wont send them to me.

I guess I stop Levothyroxine for a week before starting NAE?

Dont think GP wrote letter to chemist. Chemist hasn't said they cant/won't get


Bit confused re vitD 4-5000mg seems a lot. Please confirm that this is correct.

Many thanks xxxx

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Then this explains

why you are feeling so rotten . free T3 is outside the bottom of the

reference range and free T4 below the middle of the reference range - it should

be in the upper third of the range.

You need to start

some form of thyroid hormone replacement, but not until you have started to

supplement your adrenals to boost them so they can cope with the sudden intake

of thyroid hormone.

Luv - Sheila

For Sheila; have got my t4,t3 results: t3:513 ref range:592-1850

t4:872 ref range:347-1994

t3:t4 ratio 0.6 ref range:0.50-2.00

All the best xxx

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