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At 05:45 PM 01/29/2004 -0000, you wrote:

>To Christian,

>My son developed diabetes 1 after receiving the first anthrax shot

>and flu shot, given at the same time. He is the only one in the

>family with diabetes. Do you know the lot number? Where were you

>stationed when you received it?




This happens many times with many vaccines

See my webpages


When I was a nursing student and early days in nursing on peds floor,

everyone had a family history (nearly)

and now we see it so many without family history and they just changed the

rules, ooops......it doesn't depend on a family history.

Diabetes is known to follow a viral illness in some cases.

Flu vaccine is a viral vaccine

We have seen a huge increase in diabetes after HIB, Hep B vax and others.


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm




" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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  • 1 year later...


I know that I am somewhat atypical for a person with CFS (diagnosed 15 years

ago) because I have high blood pressure. Now I have been diagnosed with

diabetes, and I don't think I've heard of anyone else with CFS who has this.

(Although it makes sense to me, with my thyroid and adrenals and probably

other hormones messed up, why not messed up insulin?)

Has anyone here been diagnosed with diabetes?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

hi i blake thanx ,

i am one of the 20 % of diabetics as is my mom who is lean and exercise is

limited due to this illness..'

i suspect between my genetic predispostion to diabetes was worsened by my early

years of this illness when sleeping 12- 14 hours a day and going to long between

meals and eating huge meals helped exhaust my pancreatic cells...

now fighting mds to treat me early as the usually silent complications of this

illlness in their early stadges :: cardiovasucliar, retina, kidney , neuropathy

, gastric tract, uclers foot care etc tend to be silent in times of mild

elevated blood glucose levels.

...my endocringolist allaready said no but than being on growth hormone is

making the situation worse

... always no easy answers and trade offs with this illness.tealk

A New Worry

> Just what I need.


> My blood sugar, which has been tending towards borderline for the

> past couple years, is now edging up into the threshold of diabetes.



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Controlling carbs will go a long way to minimizing problems.

Not being able to exercise sucks. My numbers were great when I was working out.

One thing about exercise: aerobic is out, but anaerobic can work for

some of us. That is resistance trainig, like weight training - *few*

reps with more weight. Resistance training is particularly good for

type 2 diabetes because it decreases insulin resistance. Which I

should be doing.

- Bob Niederman

On 9/16/06, tea lk <48tealk17@...> wrote:

> now fighting mds to treat me early as the usually silent complications of this

illlness in their early stadges :: cardiovasucliar, retina, kidney , neuropathy

, gastric tract, uclers foot care etc tend to be silent in times of mild

elevated blood glucose levels.

> ..my endocringolist allaready said no but than being on growth hormone is

making the situation worse

> .. always no easy answers and trade offs with this illness.tealk

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I wonder if you could benefit from homeopathic growth hormone. (I have one in my

mouth as I type. It is a staple of my protocol.) The idea is that homeopathic

remedies can do no harm.


A New Worry

> Just what I need.


> My blood sugar, which has been tending towards borderline for the

> past couple years, is now edging up into the threshold of diabetes.



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>The idea is that homeopathic remedies can do no harm.

The point is " can they do any good? "


Re: diabetes


I wonder if you could benefit from homeopathic growth hormone. (I have one in

my mouth as I type. It is a staple of my protocol.) The idea is that homeopathic

remedies can do no harm.


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Oh absolutely, Nelly! I use homeopathic growth hormone with startlingly good

results. A mainstay of my protocol.

At this point there are plenty of " regular " scientific studies indicating

specific remedies work.

I was on slippery ground for a couple of weeks, at the edge of relapse, and one

dose of homeopathic transfer factor changed everything.


Re: diabetes


I wonder if you could benefit from homeopathic growth hormone. (I have one

in my mouth as I type. It is a staple of my protocol.) The idea is that

homeopathic remedies can do no harm.


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Hi Adrienne Just wondering where you get your transfer factor from? I might give

it a go.

Re: diabetes


I wonder if you could benefit from homeopathic growth hormone. (I have one in

my mouth as I type. It is a staple of my protocol.) The idea is that homeopathic

remedies can do no harm.


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I bought some transfer factor from immunesupport.com and my naturopath made it

up for me.


Re: diabetes


I wonder if you could benefit from homeopathic growth hormone. (I have one

in my mouth as I type. It is a staple of my protocol.) The idea is that

homeopathic remedies can do no harm.


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Unless you have the specific symptoms, remedies like Rhus tox in people

without the symptoms can experience a 'proving', in the instance with Rhus tox,

it would/could stimulate a poison ivy-like reaction.

THis may not be considered as harm, but sure could be unpleasant and



" The Basil Book "

_http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/_ (http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/)

Posted by: " Nelly Pointis " _janel@... _

(mailto:janel@...?Subject= Re:%20diabetes) _npointis _


Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:33 pm (PST)


>The idea is that homeopathic remedies can do no harm.

The point is " can they do any good? "


----- Original

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People don't usually take remedies when they don't have symptoms, do they?


Re: diabetes

Unless you have the specific symptoms, remedies like Rhus tox in people

without the symptoms can experience a 'proving', in the instance with Rhus


it would/could stimulate a poison ivy-like reaction.

THis may not be considered as harm, but sure could be unpleasant and



" The Basil Book "

_http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/_ (http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/)

Posted by: " Nelly Pointis " _janel@... _

(mailto:janel@...?Subject= Re:%20diabetes) _npointis _


Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:33 pm (PST)


>The idea is that homeopathic remedies can do no harm.

The point is " can they do any good? "


----- Original

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 6/24/2008 7:22:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

CastleLunn@... writes:

tested for celiac and came back negative, so thank God for

that. I guess being a mom I'm going to worry about

Can I ask how ( what type of test ) and where you had him tested?

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

fuel-efficient used cars.


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In a message dated 6/24/2008 7:44:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

OhioVaxInfo@... writes:

It'd be more reassuring if the tests were

more reliable.

Have you thought about having her tested with

_https://www.enterolab.com/Home.htm_ (https://www.enterolab.com/Home.htm) from

what I understand they are

more reliable then the normal mainstream blood work for celiec. My almost 5

year old had normal/mainstream celiac testing done when she was younger, 2 of

the 4 came back positive. I wouldn't agree to a biopsy. She's been on a gluten

free diet. We just had additional testing done from Enterlab.

All analyses performed by a Ph.D. of more than 30 years, ensuring test

precision and accuracy More sensitive than blood and saliva tests, or biopsies

No need to reintroduce gluten into the diet if already gluten-free Accuracy

proven in children and adults Simple non-invasive collection methods No

needles for any tests Performed from the privacy of your home No doctors order


prescription necessary Free professional email guidance provided Paid phone

consultation for more detailed test interpretation available upon request

Results/personalized interpretation sent to you directly Costs of tests

commonly reimbursed by insurance

_https://www.enterolab.com/Home.htm_ (https://www.enterolab.com/Home.htm)

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

fuel-efficient used cars.


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<<I have a child (3 yrs old) who was diagnosed type 1 diabetes a year

ago. He has never had any vaccines and was exclusively breastfed

until only a few months ago. >>

That sucks! I'm so sorry. :-(

<<I worry now about his immune system.. will he be able to handle being

exposed to diseases? Type 1 Diabetes is autoimmune after all. I

don't think vaccinating is the answer, because I'm thinking that's not

good for his immune system as well. I just don't want to leave him

completely exposed to everything.

Anybody got any experience with unvaccinated people who are type 1

diabetic and how their immune systems handle exposure to disease?>>

My oldest has Type 1, but she was partially vaxxed. She's also been

diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis which is also autoimmune. :-(

Just try to keep him healthy through good diet, exercise, homeopathy,

limit the use of pharmaceuticals as much as possible. Other than the

Diabetes and Thyroiditis my daughter is a fairly healthy person. She

hasn't been hospitalized since she was diagnosed and is rarely sick.

She will get a cold about once a winter, but generally recovers well.

She'll get a cough that will hold on for a few weeks, but that's about



Mom to Brittany, born 08/31/93, dx'd IDDM 05/28/01; , born

06/28/97; Shayna, born 06/01/00; and Thalea, born 06/24/07.

MC - 4/20/08

Read Thalea's birth story here: http://www.jessicas-haven.com/baby.htm

Vaccine free since 1999.

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Thanks , I'm sorry you have to live with T1DM in your family

too. It's so rough on the young ones. I'm glad to hear your daughter

has a healthy system, though. My son is generally very healthy, and

was just tested for celiac and came back negative, so thank God for

that. I guess being a mom I'm going to worry about all my kids for

different reasons.. but with my diabetic son I worry most about his

health. ~




> My oldest has Type 1, but she was partially vaxxed. She's also been

> diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis which is also autoimmune. :-(

> Just try to keep him healthy through good diet, exercise, homeopathy,

> limit the use of pharmaceuticals as much as possible. Other than the

> Diabetes and Thyroiditis my daughter is a fairly healthy person. She

> hasn't been hospitalized since she was diagnosed and is rarely sick.

> She will get a cold about once a winter, but generally recovers well.

> She'll get a cough that will hold on for a few weeks, but that's about

> it.



> )0(~~~)0(~~~)0(

> Mom to Brittany, born 08/31/93, dx'd IDDM 05/28/01; , born

> 06/28/97; Shayna, born 06/01/00; and Thalea, born 06/24/07.

> MC - 4/20/08

> Read Thalea's birth story here: http://www.jessicas-haven.com/baby.htm

> Vaccine free since 1999.



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<<Thanks , I'm sorry you have to live with T1DM in your family

too. It's so rough on the young ones. I'm glad to hear your daughter

has a healthy system, though. My son is generally very healthy, and

was just tested for celiac and came back negative, so thank God for


I just had Brittany tested for Celiac and her's came back negative as

well. I was relieved also. It'd be more reassuring if the tests were

more reliable.

<<I guess being a mom I'm going to worry about all my kids for

different reasons.. but with my diabetic son I worry most about his

health. ~>>

Yep, you will. And it sucks because there is always something else.


Mom to Brittany, born 08/31/93, dx'd IDDM 05/28/01; , born

06/28/97; Shayna, born 06/01/00; and Thalea, born 06/24/07.

MC - 4/20/08

Read Thalea's birth story here: http://www.jessicas-haven.com/baby.htm

Vaccine free since 1999.

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It was a blood test, I don't even know the name of the test yet. We go to see

his endocrinologist late July, and that's when I'll get a copy of his results.

I only got verbal results over the phone as of now. Hopefully I'll remember

when I get the paperwork and will post here when I get the name of the test that

was done.

~ & Co.



tested for celiac and came back negative, so thank God for

that. I guess being a mom I'm going to worry about

Can I ask how ( what type of test ) and where you had him tested?

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  • 2 years later...
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Just wondering if anyone has any experience with diabetes/blood sugar and

especially re-occuring yeast infections?

Its just something which i have began looking into recently as my remaining

symptoms point more to blood sugar than they do thyroid, ie Constant thirst,

frequent urination, constant hunger, unable to gain weight, re-occuring yeast


Last time i got checked for diabetes was about 2/3 years ago and it was

" normal " . I have a blood glucose meter reader at home and it sometimes shows

near the top end of the range in the evenings, but its never " high " or over the


Is it possible to have normal blood glucose readings but still have problems

with diabetes/glucose/insulin, kind of like " normal " thyroid results but still

hypothyroid ?

Lastly what are the best ways to get tested for diabetes, Fasting/Random Glucose




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Thanks lilian i will speak with my doctor about which test to get.

One thing which i wonder about is my diet and testing. As my diet consist of 0

sugar and very little carbs so the reading should always be low or normal ???

Where as if i were to eat some sugary foods then test, would that not be a

better indicator to test against ??

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to yourself - If i take higher dose than

usual of HC (stress dose) i pee ALOT more often.. blood sugar ?

I get dehydrated very easily

Hyperglocemia symptoms the day after drinking alcohol

Also sometimes if i have a very big meal i pee alot, again blood sugar maybe ?




> Steve,



> If you had say a couple rashers bacon and a couple of scrambled eggs with a

> tomato and two hours after it was very high then this could signify

> diabetes. However if your meal was a plateful of pasta with meat sauce, a

> couple of pieces garlic bread, and apple pie and ice cream afterwards and

> then got a high reading two hours after, that would be expected. However

> it would go high if you are not diabetic, but for a diabetic it would go

> through the roof ;)


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Hi Steve,

>>>>One thing which i wonder about is my diet and testing. As my diet consist of 0 sugar and very little carbs so the reading should always be low or normal ???<<<<<<

Yes, indeed it should definitely be normal.   Low is also a sign of pre-diabetes.     A normal person produces enough insulin to counteract whatever meal they have had.   Therefore it should also not go very low because the liver produces glycogen to counteract this.     

>>>>Where as if i were to eat some sugary foods then test, would that not be a better indicator to test against ??<<<<<

Basically that is what a glucose tolerance test is but more accurate.    If you want to test you should make sure you test before the meal first.   Then have the meal and TWO  hours afterwards test again.   The thing is the glucose tolerance test has a measured about of sugar.    You would have to have just sugar, no fibre, no fat, no alcohol as they all make a difference to the readings.

>>>>Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to yourself.<<<<<Absolutely they do.   It is not that you drink so much so you have to go to the toilet a lot, it is the diabetes makes you pee a lot and then you are so dehydrated you need to drink a lot.     Diabetes not treated can do a lot of damage which you don't see it doing until it is too late.   You can go blind (my mother, aunt, uncle and grandmother did), it can damage your kidneys (my mum died of diabetic kidney failure), and you are more at risk of strokes and heart attacks.   The circulation can get so bad that you need your toes, feet or even leg amputated.   Have I yet made you determined to see a doctor.

>>>>>- If i take higher dose than usual of HC (stress dose) i pee ALOT more often.. blood sugar ?<<<<

I dont take HC so wouldn't know.  >>>>>>Hyperglocemia symptoms the day after drinking alcohol

Also sometimes if i have a very big meal i pee alot, again blood sugar maybe ?<<<<<<

I think it depends on what kind of alcohol drink you are having. Alcohol lowers blood sugar (hypoglaecemia) but if you add sugary mixers with it then it might counteract the effects of the alcohol.  Same with beer but I don't drink beer so don't know.    The alcohol free beers I think are not good at all.   As a general rule an diabetic should not drink alcohol except with food.   

Metformin does help, even with just insulin resistance.    I would still go to your doctor to get it ruled out, or get you sorted if you do have it.     If you have ask whether there is an EXPERT course in your area and GO GO GO GO ;)



> Steve,



> If you had say a couple rashers bacon and a couple of scrambled eggs with a

> tomato and two hours after it was very high then this could signify

> diabetes.   However if your meal was a plateful of pasta with meat sauce, a

> couple of pieces garlic bread, and apple pie and ice cream afterwards and

> then got a high reading two hours after, that would be expected.    However

> it would go high if you are not diabetic, but for a diabetic it would go

> through the roof ;)



TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.

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High blood sugar can cause the vision to be blurry, and when the blood sugar is lower again you can see clearer.   It is very odd because you look and think " are my eyes going funny " and then later you can focus better and dismiss the blurriness.   It happens to me.  

Glad you are getting it sorted.What affects the eyes is not the vision as such, so wearing glasses is something else completely.   What happens to the eyes is that the blood vessels go all over the place and sometimes burst.    It is if they burst at the back of your eye where you vision is that causes the blindness.   That is what happened to my mother, she woke up one morning blind in one eye and very blurry in the other.  

I have my eyes checked regularly by the hospital and have had laser treatment on them a few times.   The  laser treatment cauterises the blood vessels that are about to burst.

Steve, can I ask you to now put this conversation on the chat forum because it is about diabetes and no longer about the thyroid.    I would like to hear how you get on  at the doctors.Thanks



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Yes no problem is there another group for the chat (i did small search and

couldnt see one) or do you mean the Chat under the applications ?



> Steve, can I ask you to now put this conversation on the chat forum because

> it is about diabetes and no longer about the thyroid. I would like to

> hear how you get on at the doctors.


> Thanks

> Lilian

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