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Re: Natural T3 - Does it exist ?

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I would also like to know this. Also is there a natural form of T4?



> Hi, is there anyway to purchase a natural T3 medication.

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T3 is not a drug, it's a hormone. It is "natural" to have it in your body. There is no plant form of T3 and the most natural form is probably in ERFA or other T4+T3 drugs derived from porcine thyroid. You should join the RT3-T3 group and find out more about T3 from people who use it. Do not let yourself be intimidated by doctors. It is not because a doctor does not prescribe it that it is bad for you. Get yourself informed about it all on www.thyroid-rt3.com. I have taken T3 for over a year without any help from a doctor and I feel much better. I was given great advice by the RT3-T3 group, people who have been through the same thing as me. I was influenced by scarey stories about what it might do to

you, but when I took the first dose, after 20 minutes I felt so much better!

I have never found a doctor that prescribes T3 (I live in France) that is near enough for me to visit. It would cost me for one trip to Paris, where there is a doctor who prescribes T3 called Dalle, the same amount of money as one year's supply of T3 from Mexico. So I just go and see my GP and get him to check my hormone levels twice a year. They're OK and he can see that my self medication has improved my health. So no arguments! Even if I did go to Paris to see Dr Dalle, my T3 treatment would not be reimbursed by the French national health system.


From: sharonantaya <slantaya@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Wed, 4 May, 2011 1:51:21Subject: Natural T3 - Does it exist ?

Hi, is there anyway to purchase a natural T3 medication. My Canadian doctor and endocrinologist REFUSE to prescribe cytomel or switch me to Thyroid (Armour) to help with lingering hypothyroid symptoms on T4 only Synthroid. Both are TSH test believers and don't think any other test is necessary. Am at my wits end and don't want to buy something over the internet that could possible make things worse. Cannot seem to find a doctor in Toronto, Ontario Canada that prescribes dessicated thyroid for the life of me.

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There is NO natural form of triiodothyronine (T3) or

thyroxine(T3) - apart from the natural desiccated pigs thyroid extract where

you get all the thyroid hormones, plus calcitonin. The synthetics are as good

as you will get to natural.

Luv - Sheila

I would also like to know this. Also is there a

natural form of T4?



> Hi, is there anyway to purchase a natural T3 medication.

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There's GTA biotics forte 2, which is reputed to contain 20mcg porcine t3 per

capsule. this is not the manufacturer claims but what is said on line, if you

google it you may find more info about it.

it's supposed to have had the t4 taken out of it but not anything else



> Hi, is there anyway to purchase a natural T3 medication.

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guess one more question would be, should I reduce my T4 medication dosage or

just start small with the GTA biotics forte 2. Luckily I am able to order it

online in Canada. But because my endo says that I am hyper according to my tsh

levels (tsh=0.17, t4 12.7 and t3 4.1 - not free values)I am a little nervous

about taking too much.

> >

> > Hi, is there anyway to purchase a natural T3 medication.


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i really wouldn't know. better to be safe than sorry as always.

http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1028048 - someone who GTA helped


> guess one more question would be, should I reduce my T4 medication dosage or

just start small with the GTA biotics forte 2. Luckily I am able to order it

online in Canada. But because my endo says that I am hyper according to my tsh

levels (tsh=0.17, t4 12.7 and t3 4.1 - not free values)I am a little nervous

about taking too much.


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(scroll down to the bit about gta forte).

maybe you could mail him and ask him about your situation



Over the Counter Glandular Thyroid Supplements

Since I no longer employ medical doctors in my practice, I have to rely on

natural supplements instead of prescription medications. I used to refer my

patients back to their medical doctor in an attempt to get them on prescription

Armour thyroid medication. I prefer that my patients take Armour thyroid.

However, most doctors are so reluctant to treat patients with normal thyroid

blood tests or to use Armour thyroid medication, that I've been forced to use

over the counter thyroid glandular replacement therapy. Fortunately I've found a

reliable manufacturer of high quality thyroid glandular and I'm getting great

results with my hypothyroid patients who are using it. The over-the-counter

thyroid glandulars come from pig glands just as the prescription drug Armour

thyroid. However, unlike Armour Thyroid, over the counter thyroid glandulars

contain no T4, only T3. By removing the T4 manufacturers can then legally sell

the glandular extract without a prescription. Since these raw thyroid tissue

concentrates contain the active thyroid hormone T3, they can be used as a first

line of treatment for low to moderate hypothyroid dysfunction.

Thyroid glandular supplements are not easy to find. I've been very pleased with

Biotics Research's thyroid (GTA Forte II) glandular supplements. I've been using

their thyroid glandular supplements for almost 2 years. My patients report they

feel better on these supplements. They often notice improved energy, better

moods, increased mental clarity, and weight loss on these thyroid glandular

replacement supplements.


Treatment with Over the Counter

Thyroid Glandular GTA Forte II

I start my low thyroid patients on one tablet, twice a day, of Biotics Research

GTA Forte II, 20mg of T3 glandular extract. I have patients monitor their basal

or oral temperatures (preferably with a mercury thermometer). If you can't find

a mercury thermometer and must use a digital one instead, then follow the oral

temperature recording described above. After two weeks, if your temperature is

not going up, increase your dose to 2 glandular supplements in the morning and

one in the afternoon and continue to monitor your temperatures. If your

temperature STILL doesn't go up, or you don't feel any better while using

thyroid glandular supplementation, try adding a Thyroid Support or boosting

formula. I use an herbal combination developed by Dr. ph , a leading

naturopath. This supplement helps increase the ability of T4 to convert into T3.

It can be ordered by calling my office, on line or through your

nutrition-oriented physician.



Can I take GTA Forte II to help me lose weight, increase energy, stop the hair

loss, etc?

I'd only recommend taking GTA Forte II if you're hypothyroid. To determine if

you're hypothyroid, follow the directions above for monitoring your temperature.

I'm taking Synthroid or other prescription thyroid medication. Should I take

the GTA Forte II as well?

If you're taking a prescription thyroid medication and your temperature is

running 97.8 or below, then yes you should consider adding GTA Forte II. I'd

recommend taking one GTA Forte II in the A.M. and one in the early afternoon.

Monitor your temperatures as outlined below and if your temperature rises above

98.2 then discontinue or reduce the GTA Forte II.

If my lab tests are normal does this mean I don't need thyroid medication?

Blood tests aren't very accurate. You may have hypothyroid (low thyroid) even if

your blood tests are normal. I would recommend you go by temperature testing.

My doctor has me on Synthroid or Levathyroid. Should I switch to Armour or

Nuthroid, or Westhroid?

If you've been taking one of the T4 only synthetic prescription drugs and

haven't noticed much difference in your symptoms, fatigue, weight gain, hair

loss, tingling in your hands or feet, etc., then yes, you should consider asking

your doctor to try you on one of these T3-T4 combination drugs. If they won't

switch you find another doctor or try adding GTA Forte II and monitor your


What if I'm taking one of these combination drugs (Armour, Westhroid, or

Nuthroid) but still have a low body temperature and symptoms of low thyroid?

I'd recommend you ask you doctor to consider increasing your dose of your

prescription medication. If this is not an option or doesn't help then I suggest

you start taking GTA Forte II along with the prescription medication.

Please note taking the GTA Forte II glandular supplement and/or the Thyroid

Support boosting formula will change your lab work. Typically those taking

these supplements will notice that their TSH level goes down. TSH goes down

when the body determines it has enough thyroid hormones. By reducing the TSH,

the body is telling the hypothalamus that it doesn't need to release any more

thyroid hormone. A change on the blood test (even though it may not be

indicative of your true thyroid status) may alarm my patients primary care

doctor, especially if the TSH drops to hyperthyroid levels. This really isn't a

concern, because TSH is only dropping due to taking the thyroid supplement(s).

Patients should discontinue or reduce their dose until their TSH levels return

to normal.


Here's wishing you good health,

Dr. Rodger Murphree - drrodgerm@...

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Thanks, Sheila.


> There is NO natural form of triiodothyronine (T3) or thyroxine(T3) - apart

from the natural desiccated pigs thyroid extract where you get all the thyroid

hormones, plus calcitonin. The synthetics are as good as you will get to


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