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Millions Given Wrong Treatment for the Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

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The following is a 'Letter to the Editor' which I have sent to every National and Local Newspaper. As I am not sure I have covered everybody (I sent to 381 local and 39 Nationals), to ensure your local Newspaper publishes it, please will you copy the information below and send it to your local paper. The first part is an explanation about why are needing people to register their thyroid status and giving the editors a little background as to the reason for subject heading. Please don't forget to write your own name and home address, plus telephone number, or your letter will not be published.

Dear Editor,

Please will you publish the following letter to enable sufferers of the symptoms of hypothyroidism to register their thyroid status. Please note that the subject heading must be preserved as is.

Doctors use the word 'Hypothyroidism' incorrectly as there are different causes for those suffering the same symptoms of hypothyroidism - both definitions needing different forms of thyroid hormone replacement.

By way of explanation (and I apologise for the length of this). Many patients suffering symptoms of hypothyroidism are being denied a correct diagnosis and treatment because their thyroid function tests (TFT's) are returned within the 'normal' reference range, which shows their thyroid gland is secreting a sufficient level of thyroid hormones (mostly thyroxine (T4) with a little tertroxin (T3). When their TFT's show the thyroid gland is not secreting sufficient levels of thyroid hormones (TH) needed to keep the body and brain functioning as it should, this is correctly diagnosed as 'Hypothyroidism (Type 1)' and is treated with the standard synthetic levothyroxine (T4) only replacement therapy. T4 is a mainly INACTIVE TH (a prohormone) that has to convert into the ACTIVE TH T3, mainly through the liver, kidneys, intestines, brain and other thyroid hormone receptors throughout the body. It is T3 that every cell needs to make the body and brain function normally. The majority of sufferers convert well and have no problems.

However, where this all goes wrong is that for over quarter of a million sufferers in the UK alone (millions worldwide), although their TFTs show sufficient levels of TH, they are suffering a different form of hypothyroidism, correctly called 'Hypothyroidism (Type 2)'. Type 2 hypothyroidism is peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones at the cellular level. The TH is unable to get into the cells. Peripheral resistance to TH at cellular level is usually inherited, but environmental toxins may also cause or exacerbate the problem. The pervasiveness of 'Type 2 hypothyroidism' has yet to be recognised by mainstream medicine, but already, is in epidemic proportions.

These sufferers are being denied a correct diagnosis and denied the correct TH replacement therapy, which is T3. T4-only will NOT work for them, they need the active hormone T3. However, because doctors are not taught about 'Type 2 Hypothyroidism', their patients are being denied the treatment they need, and they continue to suffer symptoms. Often doctors will prescribe instead, antidepressants or treatment for their many individual symptoms. This is costing the NHS millions and many sufferers are being forced to leave paid employment because they are too ill, having to survive on State Benefits.

As stated below in my letter "The objective of this Register is to draw to the attention of those responsible authorities throughout the UK, the dire need for an urgent re-examination of the existing protocol for the diagnosis and management of the symptoms of hypothyroidism."

Kind regards



The Charity, Thyroid Patient Advocacy www.tpa-uk.org.uk is in the process of creating a Register of Counterexamples to the standard levothyroxine-only (T4) therapy for those suffering the symptoms of hypothyroidism. This short survey is applicable only to those who continued to suffer symptoms when being prescribed T4-only therapy, and who found those symptoms were mitigated or disappeared once they were started on the active thyroid hormone (T3) (synthetic or natural thyroid extract).

The objective of this Register is to draw to the attention of those responsible authorities throughout the UK, the dire need for an urgent re-examination of the existing protocol for the diagnosis and management of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

If you fit this category, please complete the 3 very short questions here http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/register_of_counterexamples.php with either 'YES', 'NO' or N/A. All responses will be collated online, and your email address (if you provide one) will be used ONLY to contact you at a later date should this be becomes necessary.


Chair : Thyroid Patient Advocacy


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