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Hi all,

I have been cooking lots of Oliver recipes over the last week and have

gradually felt very weak as the days went on. This morning I felt so

'thyroidey' as I call it - almost unable to lift my head off the pillow with

exhaustion when I woke up. I started to investigate what I had eaten that may

have caused this problem - I normally feel like this when I have ingested

something unknowingly that is having a side effect on my system (aspartame


By deduction I realised it was garlic - 's recipes sometimes asking for 4

or 5 cloves of garlic and I had a meal that had about 7. Whilst garlic is good

for you - I could never take garlic supplements without feeling ill before I got

ill - so have been flat on my back all day exhausted and won't be having that

many in a meal again.

My husband is Italian and we only ever have one clove of garlic with our food as

not all Italians throw loads of garlic in their food and his Mother (who still

lives in Italy) doesn't even like it.

Just thought I would pass this on - whilst I appreciate not everyone may react

as badly as I have - there may be some people who often wonder why they feel so

tired after eating certain meals.





Best wishes


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