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Welcome to the group, Jim. It is great that you are trying to help your wife

and yourself get on a better track with food. A common problem when embarking

on a diet change, is that people assume that adding in fruits and veggies will

magically fix a health issue, when it can in fact have the opposite effect. It

is VERY likely that your wife is suffering from some undiagnosed food allergies,

food intolerance, and sensitivities. Finding out what her triggers are could be

a huge key to getting her on the road to recovery. In my own case, I was

completely crippled with several chronic ailments, and spent years going from

doctor to doctor trying to get well. It was only when I made the connection

between my symptoms and certain foods that I began to put the puzzle together.

Turns out a TON of foods, including many veggies and fruits, were the CAUSE of

my symptoms, and I healed when I eliminated them. I have an allergy group you

are welcome to join if you want to investigate this further, but I will advocate

that you make sure ALL of the fruits and veggies you use are ORGANIC-the

pesticides and herbicides, waxes, etc. on commercial produce is often the cause

of many health issues, and when you concentrate those things by blending, the

problem is compounded. Let me know if you would like a link to the allergy

group, or feel free to email me offlist for more info. Again, welcome.


> Hi Everyone,

> I just recently purchased a vitamix and am interested in a raw food diet to

improve my health.

> My wife has fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain,chronic fatigue, insomnia. I

was wondering if anybody has this condition and how they have improved this

condition by improving it with a raw food diet and smoothies.

> Are there any vitamix recepies that you recomend for this condition? Any

certain foods that we should put in our smoothies everyday to help?

> I have been making a green smoothie everyday but her coniditon does not seem

to be improving much

> Any helpful information would be appreciated


> Thanks

> Jim


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Sorry to hear about your wife's health problems. The good news is that there's

hope. I've seen many people cure themselves of fibro and other ailments by

changing their diets and supplementing properly. A raw diet is a good place to

start. Check out this link:


Another thing to consider are supplements by Orenda International. In

particular, their Orenda Immune product helps your body detox daily. I've used

the products for several months and have had good results in my own health. I

had such great results that I became a distributor to get lifetime discounts.

You can check out the products at www.thisisorenda.com. I'd recommend your wife

start with Orenda Immune and the Female All in One.

If you're interested in purchasing the products then go to

www.orendainternational.com and click on the Buy Now button in the upper right

hand corner and then just follow along from there. The shipping section asks

for a referring partner id. If you wouldn't mind using my id as your referring

partner I'd appreciate it. My id is 57729.

If you have any questions, you can email me directly.

I wish you the best.


Wellness Coach


> Hi Everyone,

> I just recently purchased a vitamix and am interested in a raw food diet to

improve my health.

> My wife has fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain,chronic fatigue, insomnia. I

was wondering if anybody has this condition and how they have improved this

condition by improving it with a raw food diet and smoothies.

> Are there any vitamix recepies that you recomend for this condition? Any

certain foods that we should put in our smoothies everyday to help?

> I have been making a green smoothie everyday but her coniditon does not seem

to be improving much

> Any helpful information would be appreciated

> �

> Thanks

> Jim


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Hello Jim,I had chronic fatigue syndrome for 7 years. Lucky for me, no pain (fibromyalgia), but the fatigue was debilitating. What worked for me initially was to get off of all forms of sugar and wheat and to drink a green smoothie every day. Has she eliminated all forms of sugar, food preservatives and dyes, wheat, and dairy? That is a good place to start, and except for the dairy (I do consume raw dairy) it is how I eat. It means that you will have to make everything from scratch. I hate cooking, so I just simplify my eating to Green Smoothies (I don't use a lot of additives - 95% of the time mine are just fruits and veggies) cooked veggies, (I've replaced all grains with cooked squashes - love them), grass fed beef, and organic dark meats (I'm a Fast Oxidizer so dark meats are better for me than white meats). So basically fruits, veggies, protein, and healthy fats. Adding Coconut Oil (consumed in the more pleasant form of coconut butter) to my diet has increased my energy tremendously. If your wife is waking up around 4 AM there is a good chance that she is experiencing hypoglycemia at that time. A protein/fat snack right before bed should help.These are just some tip of the ice burg thoughts/suggestions. To heal fibromyalgia often requires the advice of a naturopathic doctor. A good way to find one is to stop by your local compounding pharmacy and ask for referrals.

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Dec 14, 2011, at 10:49 PM, Jim Parsze wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I just recently purchased a vitamix and am interested in a raw food diet to improve my health.

My wife has fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain,chronic fatigue, insomnia. I was wondering if anybody has this condition and how they have improved this condition by improving it with a raw food diet and smoothies.

Are there any vitamix recepies that you recomend for this condition? Any certain foods that we should put in our smoothies everyday to help?

I have been making a green smoothie everyday but her coniditon does not seem to be improving much

Any helpful information would be appreciated



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Thanks for the information. Food Allergies is somnething she will need to be tested for

From: <berrywell@...> Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 7:28 AMSubject: Re: Fibromyalgia

Welcome to the group, Jim. It is great that you are trying to help your wife and yourself get on a better track with food. A common problem when embarking on a diet change, is that people assume that adding in fruits and veggies will magically fix a health issue, when it can in fact have the opposite effect. It is VERY likely that your wife is suffering from some undiagnosed food allergies, food intolerance, and sensitivities. Finding out what her triggers are could be a huge key to getting her on the road to recovery. In my own case, I was completely crippled with several chronic ailments, and spent years going from doctor to doctor trying to get well. It was only when I made the connection between my symptoms and certain foods that I began to put the puzzle together. Turns out a TON of foods, including many veggies and fruits, were the CAUSE of my symptoms, and I healed when I eliminated them. I have an allergy group you are welcome to join if you

want to investigate this further, but I will advocate that you make sure ALL of the fruits and veggies you use are ORGANIC-the pesticides and herbicides, waxes, etc. on commercial produce is often the cause of many health issues, and when you concentrate those things by blending, the problem is compounded. Let me know if you would like a link to the allergy group, or feel free to email me offlist for more info. Again, welcome.>> Hi Everyone,> I just recently purchased a vitamix and am interested in a raw food diet to improve my health.> My wife has fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain,chronic fatigue, insomnia. I was wondering if anybody has this condition and how they have improved this

condition by improving it with a raw food diet and smoothies. > Are there any vitamix recepies that you recomend for this condition? Any certain foods that we should put in our smoothies everyday to help?> I have been making a green smoothie everyday but her coniditon does not seem to be improving much> Any helpful information would be appreciated> > Thanks> Jim>

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Thanks Verria for the information

From: verriakelly <verria.kelly@...> Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 9:13 AMSubject: Re: Fibromyalgia

Sorry to hear about your wife's health problems. The good news is that there's hope. I've seen many people cure themselves of fibro and other ailments by changing their diets and supplementing properly. A raw diet is a good place to start. Check out this link: http://www.rawfor30days.com/RawFor30/12-2011-half-off-tv.html. Another thing to consider are supplements by Orenda International. In particular, their Orenda Immune product helps your body detox daily. I've used the products for several months and have had good results in my own health. I had such great results that I became a distributor to get lifetime discounts. You can check out the products at www.thisisorenda.com. I'd recommend your wife start with Orenda Immune and the Female All in One.If you're interested in purchasing the products then go to www.orendainternational.com and click on the Buy Now button in the upper right hand corner and then just follow along from there. The shipping section asks for a referring partner id. If you wouldn't mind using my id as your referring partner I'd appreciate it. My id is 57729.If you have any questions, you can email me directly.I wish you the best.Verria Wellness Coach>> Hi Everyone,> I just recently purchased a vitamix and am interested in a raw food diet to improve my health.> My wife has fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain,chronic fatigue, insomnia. I was wondering if anybody has this condition and how they have improved this condition by improving

it with a raw food diet and smoothies. > Are there any vitamix recepies that you recomend for this condition? Any certain foods that we should put in our smoothies everyday to help?> I have been making a green smoothie everyday but her coniditon does not seem to be improving much> Any helpful information would be appreciated> �> Thanks> Jim>

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Thanks Lee Ann for the information, I appreciate that

From: Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 9:14 AMSubject: Re: Fibromyalgia

Hello Jim,

I had chronic fatigue syndrome for 7 years. Lucky for me, no pain (fibromyalgia), but the fatigue was debilitating. What worked for me initially was to get off of all forms of sugar and wheat and to drink a green smoothie every day.

Has she eliminated all forms of sugar, food preservatives and dyes, wheat, and dairy? That is a good place to start, and except for the dairy (I do consume raw dairy) it is how I eat. It means that you will have to make everything from scratch. I hate cooking, so I just simplify my eating to Green Smoothies (I don't use a lot of additives - 95% of the time mine are just fruits and veggies) cooked veggies, (I've replaced all grains with cooked squashes - love them), grass fed beef, and organic dark meats (I'm a Fast Oxidizer so dark meats are better for me than white meats). So basically fruits, veggies, protein, and healthy fats. Adding Coconut Oil (consumed in the more pleasant form of coconut butter) to my diet has increased my energy tremendously.

If your wife is waking up around 4 AM there is a good chance that she is experiencing hypoglycemia at that time. A protein/fat snack right before bed should help.

These are just some tip of the ice burg thoughts/suggestions. To heal fibromyalgia often requires the advice of a naturopathic doctor. A good way to find one is to stop by your local compounding pharmacy and ask for referrals.

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Dec 14, 2011, at 10:49 PM, Jim Parsze wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I just recently purchased a vitamix and am interested in a raw food diet to improve my health.

My wife has fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain,chronic fatigue, insomnia. I was wondering if anybody has this condition and how they have improved this condition by improving it with a raw food diet and smoothies.

Are there any vitamix recepies that you recomend for this condition? Any certain foods that we should put in our smoothies everyday to help?

I have been making a green smoothie everyday but her coniditon does not seem to be improving much

Any helpful information would be appreciated



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